42 The Warrior Archetype

Episode Forty-Two: A Servant of Strife

Some protest war.

Others, like Telamon, embrace it even as they hate it.

“All things are born in strife, and all end in strife.”

But is that an answer?

Telamon himself rejects it at the same time he espouses it.

What lies beyond the Warrior Archetype?

Can we get there?


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Subscribe here for the full series, or watch previous episodes here


  1. Andrew+Lubin on January 7, 2021 at 7:23 am

    It’s no surprise that Telamon has a dark view of the world; after 20+ years in the Legion fighting throughout the Roman Empire he’s spent his life seeing the worst of what humanity had to offer. And worse – every tribe / region seemed to have it’s own gods and goddesses, and what’s life like without needless religious bloody wars? Strife is the only constant in his life.

    Maybe Telamon is dark because he has yet to find something substantial in which to believe?

    • Brian Nelson on January 7, 2021 at 1:04 pm

      I think you’re onto something there…

  2. Joe on January 7, 2021 at 8:38 am

    In previous lives, he’s been a soldier, an assassin, a mentor, a spiritual seeker. I was jotting down “the extraneous elements have been burned away: glory and conquest and all that.” And then you said, “boiled down.” I put my pencil down, with, “There it is…”

    Whoever you have scouting your locations, you should give them a raise.

    • Brian Nelson on January 7, 2021 at 1:23 pm

      You really have an artist’s eye. I always return to the video after you mention the location/setting, and think, “Joe’s right again…and I didn’t even notice…”

      Thank you for reminding me to pay attention to detail.

  3. Scott Mitchell on January 7, 2021 at 10:44 am

    Telamon — is he really that alone? No friends, no comrades-in-arms? Surely there are women in Telamon’s life (lives), the great counterpoint to men’s fixations. Or has his ethic reached the point of an ascetic warrior-monk, cut off from everything except his own war-fighting craft? This character cut off from the normal bonds of life is both irresistible and terrifying.

    This series has become quite an odyssey!

    • Brian Nelson on January 7, 2021 at 1:24 pm

      My initial thought was, “OF COURSE HE’S had women in his life…his philosophy is strife!!!”

      Some lousy married humor…

      Agree 100% about the series.

    • Joe on January 8, 2021 at 10:27 am

      I think there’s room in the world for some “Telamon fan fiction.” Howzabout somebody do a Harlequin-romance-type novel? Tentative title:

      “In the Arms of a Man-at-Arms”

      Something like:

      We open with our hero, an ascetic warrior-monk with washboard abs, hair full like a lion’s mane, and teeth gleaming like gleaming white Chiclets. Telamon hoisted his kit to his shoulder and moved for the door. Apollonia, the milkmaid daughter of the village’s most prosperous falafel vendor, dangled a sandal from her scrupulously manicured big toe, and tossed back her artfully tousled bedhead with coquettish abandon.

      “Look at me, Telamon,” she purred. “Look at my hair. Think of me as a Medusa that turns only PART of you to stone.” She let the bedsheets (500-thread count Egyptian cotton) slide down, revealing the swell and promise of glistening and suntanned flesh.

      “Can’t I persuade you to stay another night? What must you do that is more pleasing than this,” as she ran a finger along her muscular thigh and pouted with her Angelina-Jolie-like pouty lips.

      Telamon turned in profile, his chiseled face silhouetted by the rising desert sun. “I’ve got places to be. Things to do, baby. Plus, I told you never to ask me about my business.”

      Y’all take it from here.

      • Brian Nelson on January 8, 2021 at 11:05 am

        This had me howling. Best post of year (including 2020), hands down!

        • Joe on January 8, 2021 at 11:27 am

          I heard some howling and was wondering what that was all about. I thought coyotes got into the neighborhood again.

  4. Brian Nelson on January 7, 2021 at 1:35 pm

    Telamon makes a very cogent point about strife. My thought is there is no there there. There is no happily ever after. I guess the question becomes, in my mind, what are the battles/strife worth fighting, and which are the ones left alone?

    I decided to take a ‘media fast’ starting Tuesday night. No news websites, no current events podcasts, no radio or tv (basically dropped all those 10 years back)—and it is really difficult. Mixed emotions. Questions about civic responsibility vs personal sense of efficacy and happiness…

    I had a thought last summer running the stairs. Why? Why run stairs? Why try to be strong? Why sharpen sword.

    What came to me was, “We get powerful to protect the vulnerable.” 100s if not 1000s of hours doing PT were dedicated to ‘big arms’…or some other ego-fed desire.

    When I said that to myself, about 3/4 up a flight, the climb became easier. Not easy, but easier. I like Arbinger Institutes Outward Mindset (Martin Buber for those studious types…ahem Joe Jansen) about are people things or people.

    I rarely maintain an outward mindset longer than a few hours to days before falling back into self-oriented thinking—but I do think this might be the point. When we fight or commit to a life of strife for others…it doesn’t hurt..as much.

    • Brian Nelson on January 7, 2021 at 3:04 pm

      Doing some mindless chores around the house and got to thinking…
      I remember thinking that we were fighting to send little girls to school during OEF. 2 generations of educated women was what I figured it would take to pull Pashtunwalli out of the 7th Century.

      Now, 15 years later, I also question that motive. Revenge was also part of it—and when we lost one of our guys, I was fully on board the revenge train. We knew who did it, and rolled them up.

      Now I wonder if the young girl wanting an education in Wazeristan must decide if that is her strife to fight.

      Considering Telamon also, somehow (weird how mind works and makes connections) a video I saw in high school. Is it always right to be right (https://youtu.be/LbWCjQ5L0ZY).

      I saw this in 1984/5 as a freshman or sophomore in HS.

      Pretty interesting to template this against 2020/2021. Person wells was ahead of his time, he mentions confirmation bias before we knew what that was.

  5. Bill D. on January 7, 2021 at 1:40 pm

    Powerful, compelling, recurring image of life experience and the trials of war. The more the world changes, the more that strife finds new forms which must be battled. Fascinating series, Steven….


  6. Matthew Rigdon on January 7, 2021 at 10:53 pm

    In light of what happened in our nation’s capital yesterday, I’m going to stop my RSS feed. I know that you’re not inciting violence, but at this moment I feel like I need to find some other way to connect with creativity that doesn’t have to do with soldiers and fighting.

    This is your journey and that’s fine, but I’d rather find a way that doesn’t rely on any warrior archetypes going forward.

    • Steven Pressfield on January 8, 2021 at 2:30 pm

      Matthew, I understand completely. See you when you feel the time is right.

  7. amog us 2 on January 16, 2021 at 12:57 am

    I really love reading your blog. It is very well composed and easy to understand. Thanks very much!

  8. Jennifer gram on June 2, 2021 at 1:03 am

    Such a piece of important information. Keep it up.

  9. howar dellis on August 25, 2021 at 3:38 am

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