Einstein and the Epiphanal Moment

Albert Einstein famously said, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”
Now I can’t claim to ken the mind of Einstein (as my eight-grade Earth Science teacher, Mrs. Wright, used to tell me, “You ain’t no Einstein!”), but I think Mr. E. has hit on the exact formula for the Epiphanal Moment.
In the All Is Lost Moment, the mind must upshift. It must ascend from a lower dimension to a higher. That’s the only way it can “solve” the All Is Lost Moment.

This can mean (sometimes) simple acceptance. Isn’t that, in the end, what Elisabeth Kubler-Ross described as the final (and most highly-evolved) stage of grief? In other words, the last beat of wisdom before dying?
But back to Einstein.
Let’s consider the 2004 movie Hidalgo. Have you seen it? It stars Viggo Mortensen, Omar Sharif, and several American Paint horses as the real-life mustang, Hidalgo. The film (screenplay by John Fusco) is the more-or-less true story of Frank Hopkins, the famous long-distance endurance racer, and his participation in the 3000-mile “Ocean of Fire” race across the Najd desert in 1891 against purebred Arabian and other beyond-price equine champions.
Bear with me as I go into this. It takes a few paragraphs to tell the story.
Frank is half-white, half-Native American. When we first meet him, he’s drinking heavily; we see he’s troubled. In an early flashback, we learn that Frank, as a horseback courier for the US Army, was the one who delivered the orders to the Seventh Cavalry, authorizing the massacre of Lakota Sioux at Wounded Knee. Frank didn’t know what was in the pouch, he was just delivering the orders. But the catastrophe (his mother, we learn later, was Lakota Sioux) has haunted him ever since.
In another early scene, Frank’s friend and mentor, Chief Eagle Horn (Floyd Red Crow Westerman), addresses him by the name “Far Rider.” But he, Eagle Horn, immediately qualifies this.
I call you Far Rider, not for your long-distance racing, but because you ride ‘far from yourself.’
Frank signs up for the race across Arabia. His horse, as I said, is the unbeaten mustang Hidalgo, whom Frank loves more than life itself. The All is Lost Moment comes after three thousand miles and untold hazards and horrors across the Iraq and Arabian deserts. Hidalgo, exhausted from wounds and dehydration, collapses on the sand. He can’t go any farther. Frank Hopkins is near the end himself. With obvious agony, Frank unholsters his six-shooter, cocks it, and aims it point-blank at Hidalgo’s head, ready to put the suffering beast out of its misery.
This is the All Is Lost Moment.

Now comes the Epiphanal Moment.
Frank, apparently hallucinating from the heat and the ordeal of the race, hears an eerie sound—like the ceremonial beating of drums. He hears voices. Are they singing? Frank peers out into the desert mirage, seeking the source of this mysterious phenomenon. There, shimmering above the sand about fifty feet away, stand three figures. The figures are clearly Native American. They say nothing to Frank. They come no closer. Are they Ancestors? Spirit guides?
We see from Frank’s expression that he interprets their appearance at this moment as a blessing. The figures have come from who-knows-where to tell him by their presence that he is not alone, that other Forces are witnessing his ordeal and are supporting him. They seem to tell him that his essence is Native American. This is his tribe. He is one of them. He is theirs and they are his.
The figures fade into the shimmering mirage. Frank still holds his cocked .45. But suddenly Hidalgo stirs. The great mustang gets to his feet. He’s alive! He can still race! Frank mounts Hidalgo and they gallop off, chasing their rivals toward the finish line.
My interpretation of this Epiphanal Moment is that, following Einstein’s idea above, the problem (Hidalgo’s near-death, Frank’s deep estrangement from himself) cannot be solved by any action or concept on the material plane. The answer must come from someplace higher—the plane of the spirit.
Did Frank hallucinate the three figures? Maybe. Probably. But they arose, nonetheless, from the core of his being, from his spirit or soul. They forgave him for his unwitting role in the massacre at Wounded Knee and they set him blameless for his drinking. They re-unite—or unite for the first time—Frank’s lost self and his true place of belonging.
I won’t spoil the movie for you by revealing the ultimate ending. Suffice it to say it is in perfect alignment with Frank’s new-found sense of himself.
The Epiphanal Moment has solved the All Is Lost Moment by addressing it from a higher plane of consciousness.
More examples (and a deeper examination of this) in the coming weeks.
Each week you nourish me with your insight, unique voice and generous sharing. Thank you so much Steven.
Grateful to you and your help and support
Wonderful, thank you!
I’m just about to teach a course to psychotherapists on Spiritual Intelligence. I’m going to include this movie and your comments in the curriculum.
Gee, thanks! Now I have to learn how spiritual intelligence is different than moral intelligence. At first glance, it would seem SI relies on tripping one’s brain out, which is generally frowned upon by the MI crowd.
Yes!!!! This post has me weeping for joy. I never realized that about this moment before. Thank you for the insight. ♥
Another inspirational article. Every one of these causes me to rethink my approach to plot structure and character development. Keep them coming.
Thank you Mr. Pressfield! This came to me in my e-mail at the right time in my life. I’ve been experiencing a profoundly painful but rewarding transformation, and this came to me at JUST the right moment. Today, after days of deep introspection and creative confusion, I’ve finally recovered from a monumental turmoil in my life, and my love for writing has reawakened. Right before heading to bed, I found this in my newsletter, and now, I see this post as the pivotal words that will guide me through my next trial. Synchronicity works in mysterious ways!
Thank you again. Your work is deeply appreciated.
By the way, I loved Virtues of War! Haha!
1. Epiphany: “a manifestation of the divine.”
2. Viggo and John both took horses home. Doesn’t that say something?
3. On the love of horses… I’ve always loved this passage from Steve’s novel The Afghan Campaign. The foot soldier Matthias, now become a cavalryman, says this:
I love my horse. She’s a Nisaean mare – milk-colored, with a brand on her right
quarter in the shape of a panther. Her name is Chione, “Snow.” She cost three silver
talents when her original rider acquired her in Media. I got her for half. A steal. She’s
nine years old and boasts more wounds than Alexander. Her conformation is only
ordinary, though she has a strong neck, long legs, and a deep, powerful chest. She
has quirks. She likes to be fed from a manger; she won’t touch hay, even oats, spread
on the earth. She is spooked by anything white. She nips. She butts. She will not be
hobbled. She is terrified of bees. She loves pears and will eat mulberries till she
makes herself sick.
She is also a first-rate cavalry mount. Hare-quick from a standing start, she will hold
a line like a carpenter’s rule and not balk at any trench, wall, or obstacle. She can
gallop boot to boot without skippering – seeking to outpace her wing mounts – and
in the wedge she turns like a swallow in a flock. I do not train her; she trains me. She
is the finest horse I have ever owned and I love her as dearly as my own mother.
Audio version (narrated by John Lee): https://www.dropbox.com/s/7qclozzua8ar0oy/Snow.m4a?dl=0
How did you find an audio clip? Did you make it yourself from the audio version? Super clever.
While I’ve never owned a horse, I have always been fascinated by their beauty/power/grace. Absolutely one of the most beautiful creatures on earth.
Hey Brian… when I was listening to books on CD (usually in the car), I’d use my microcassette recorder to grab clips that I thought were particularly good. This was one.
Yes, it’s interesting to ask why, of all the wild animals on this earth, we’ve evolved domestic relationships with dog and horses most closely.
And again on horses (and again, loving how the world can seem to talk back to you): I was in the car just now on Indianapolis’s near-southside, driving from one campus to another. I passed a sculpture that had never drawn my attention before:
Last year rode a horse to the top of Seneca rocks in West, VA. Gosh it was great.
I’m wondering how much the order matters. Can a story begin with the main character in the all is lost moment and work backward from there? I haven’t yet figured out how she will get out and the writing is the figuring it out. Perhaps it will re order itself as the writing progresses. I don’t really know as this is my first real attempt at writing. But maybe I will just keep going and see what happens. I had not realized before reading this that this was in fact where I was in the arc of my story so it’s really helpful just to be able to identify it. It helps me better understand the story I am telling and where it is likely leading me. It all felt like chaos before. I guess it is to some degree and considering it is the abyss- the chaos makes sense. Thank you.
You could start with the All is Lost Moment and work backwards, I’ve seen it done before, but it probably won’t have the same impact as if you establish a relationship between the character and the reader before hand. If this is your first real attempt at writing, then– as you say– just trust the story and use the writing of it as an exercise in understanding. This blog is full of great examples of analyzing story structure. It’s an invaluable resource to any writer. Good luck with your work.
Thank you! I appreciate the comments!
Kathryn, in fact a story can begin with the All Is Lost Moment having already happened. And it doesn’t even have to be fiction! For instance, in “The War of Art,” the protagonist is the reader, and the All Is Lost Moment came before she ever picked up the book. It was the moment when she said to herself, “I’m not worthy of pursuing my dreams as an artist/entrepreneur/Mom/whatever. I give up.”
Bitter sweet surrender. Nothing, nothing is harder.
Talking about stories that begin with an all-is-lost moment (not necessarily the all-is-lost moment), I’d point to “The Outlaw Josey Wales.” The film opens with Josey (Clint Eastwood) losing his whole family in a Civil War raid, then sitting next to the graves he’s just filled with the bodies of his murdered wife and children, a Union saber slash still fresh across his face.
Thank you for the feedback and encouragement. I’ll keep on keeping on. 🙂
This post is profound because many of us ride far from ourselves. And what helps us come home is to know that we are not alone, that we are supported and we belong.
Thank you Steve!
How does he do this? Today’s post is so exactly what I needed — it’s some kind of magic!
Thank you, Thank you!
I’ve often thought that I unknowingly and unwittingly gave Steve a skeleton key to my inner thoughts/way of being. It is spooky.
What a thought provoking essay. Now I have to see the movie! But more than that I love your clear analysis of the Devine epiphany and acceptance being the last human act. Profound writing.
Yes, me too. Just added it to my watch list in IMDB. 🙂
I have read this post at the exact moment in my time of need. For that and for your amazing writings, I am very grateful for you. I have been struggling to “clear my name” against the subtle machinations of a manipulative mother-in-law with the sad outcome of most of that side of the family believing her lies. I had resolved to clear my name with all of them sometime today. After reading your post, it was as if your words were meant to guide me through somewhat of a distressing time. Yes, it’s not Ukraine or Syria or Afghanistan or any of the other infinitely more painful or life-threatening situations – but it’s something that causes me distress. So after over a decade of subtle abuse, something that happened yesterday had triggered this morning to be sort of an Epiphanal Moment for me. I realized (and a million thanks for that) that this issue “cannot be solved by any action or concept on the material plane. The answer must come from someplace higher—the plane of the spirit.” Thank you for this post. I am truly grateful.
Good insight Hopeful, and best wishes.
The level of higher consciousness requires a surrender and acceptance or an acceptance and surrender. Once experienced, you never forget it nor will you be able to live as you were.
Thanks Steve, I love this movie and the magnificent horses.
Another inspirational article. You continually cause me to reevaluate my writing, helping me to home my craft. Thank you and keep them coming.
Another inspirational article. You continually cause me to reevaluate my writing, helping me to hone my craft. Thank you and keep them coming.
The exact same words came to mind as I read this blog this morning. Islam means ‘surrender’. Israel means ‘wrestles with God’. I love both of those meanings–both recognize the inherent human condition.
All is Lost Moment is synonymous with what I grew up hearing ‘come to Jesus moment’. This leads me to think that the insight, the peace, the understanding from an Epiphanal Moment (does everyone else’s computer underline that in red?) is when the alcoholic accepts the first three steps, the ‘coming to Jesus person’ repents and begs for forgiveness, when the widow processes the grief enough to understand her passed lover wants her to remarry?
Surrender and acceptance maybe different sides to the same coin. Cannot have one without the other.
Well written, as usual.
Sometimes one must come before the other and vise versa.
Thank you.
Maybe he didn’t even realize that he had a ‘problem’. He was suffering from shame rising, and, never contemplating any pain killer powerful enough to bring him relief. You don’t know what you don’t know, until it comes to you, somehow.
I very much appreciate your work.
I am in agreement about how acceptance provides peace. I don’t however agree with your interpretation of what the symbolic support of his vision was (which is ridiculous in itself because this “is” a movie we’re talking about and only the real Frank can tell us, IF that even happened–which it could have). I think it’s never a compartmentalized answer. When awareness is noticed, the mind is still. In acceptance we are at peace, thoughts are stilled. Symbolic visions are only a representation of the nature we are apart of. Intuitive awareness is a survival skill (amongst other things) and it’s core is compassion. Expanded awareness like that always serves the immediate problem first. In this case to forestall the death of “the love of his life”. Done. Then to learn that the love he “gave” is the love he is. Done. To confirm that regardless of his material life, he is released from all distorted thinking and released into his “right” mind. Done. That the vision was of symbolic “Indians” showed his true belief about how he saw himself. Three is a Holy combination: awareness, the organism and consciousness. Wholeness. You write from this place Steve. It was most evident in the Art of War. How lovely it was to recognize parts of myself in you. Isn’t that what we’re all meant to do?
‘I call you Far Rider, not for your long-distance racing, but because you ride ‘far from yourself.’ Wow! Personal! Insightful! Powerful! Inspiring! Thank you!
Brilliant! Thanks so much!!
Must we travel to the brink to have a spiritual experience, to have the experience we need, to experience the higher plane?? Maybe we don’t have to travel to the brink but I do think some desperation is often needed. Desperation can be that place where we have used all of our own resources, internal and external, we are empty and truly need help. If we don’t make it to desperation then I think we probably keep relying on ourselves to get through, this often keeps us in the material plane…we are not reaching or needing something bigger than we are, yet. Maybe we can make this a practice so that in time we don’t need to be desperate, we can reach for that place anytime.
My thoughts are aligned with you on this. Is there a ‘practice’ of discomfort without despair that can open our eyes?
Reminds me of the end of “Brave New World” when the ‘Savage’ goes off to live on an island alone and is whipping his own back.
From my own experience, I know that the most grounded, alive, and peaceful I have ever been are after such trials–not drinking a cup of coffee with half & half in front of my computer.
It is both depressing and enlightening at the same time.
“Must we travel to the brink to have a spiritual experience, to have the experience we need, to experience the higher plane??” Excellent question. I would say yes, but some people do have an innate wisdom about them (children do, at the strangest times), so maybe those lucky few don’t have to earn it the slow, painful way. No, on second thought, I think we can all have bursts of insight, but the real mind-shattering epiphany requires repeated kicks in the butt.
I don’t know if Sensei mentions this in the War of Art — he might have, but I mislaid my copy, and either way he certainly should have. I came across it last week, and it rang in my ears:
Everything is very simple in war, but even the simplest thing is difficult. – Clausewitz
And as we are in a war, each of us, battling in life against Resistance, that is why everything is so difficult!
“Must we travel to the brink to have a spiritual experience, to have the experience we need, to experience the higher plane?”
to reference the old adage: “life is suffering”
to me, part of the human condition that can’t be avoided is the suffering, AKA “the all-is-lost moment”. take for instance if you or a loved one finds out they have a week or two to live due to cancer, It’s not by anyone’s doing and can’t be avoided but it is sure as hell an “all is lost moment” and I feel it is the guy/gal that reaches that spiritual enlightenment that’s able to make peace with their ordeal.
Thank you for this. I didn’t know that I needed this guidance, until I read this post. I am realizing that I am in the “all is lost” moment and your words and guidance were EXACTLY what I needed to hear. What you share with the world comes from the “higher plane of the spirit.” Thank you, now I understand where I am at and how to keep moving forward. Katie
So interesting…..as an artist I am always searching for the ‘higher moment/plane’ for the act of creation is all about letting go.
Today I raise my cup of hot black coffee to each and every one of you out there fighting Resistance day in and day out to get your voice out of your head and into the world–whether that is via paper, melody, canvas, or athletic endeavors. Bravo. This is a fight. Today’s post reminds me of John Coltrane’s quote:
“You can improve as a player by improving as a person. It’s a duty we owe to ourselves.”
Anyone else read Steve’s “estrangement from ourselves” comment and feel convicted? Damn, I wish I was more courageous in going after what is in my heart. I worry way too much about everything and everyone else. I haven’t figured out how I can be a present mom, the type I never had, and pursue my dream. YET. I am praying for that YET…
Thank you STEVE!!!
Kate, many women before us have been good moms and pursued dreams. I know you can do it too. The first thing is to quit wasting precious time on worry. When you let go of perfection, you may see your way.
Great advice Jackie!! I’ve read your comment a few times now to sink in ;0)
Anyone else read Steve’s “estrangement from ourselves” comment and feel convicted?
Guilty as charged.
I can tell that my relatively new habit of reading the Bible impacts my thinking because I also thought of the ‘buried talents’ parable in Matthew. Again, guilty as charged.
Never forget that being a Mom is probably the most significant act of love/generosity/power you can demonstrate. I’d much prefer a good mother Kate who drops songs on YouTube for little acclaim to a rockstar Kate who neglects her kids…just my thought.
That said–Jackie gives you much better advice below than me.
Thank you so much Brian!!
Your reference has given me some forgiveness for times that I have strayed. I believe I saw the three mysterious Natives, too, because there was such a clear picture in my mind. Steven, you are magical because your pen can stir people’s minds. I also feel inspired. As a writer of 45 years, I am retired from business but never retired from writing. (How can one retire as a writer? Even if one isn’t writing, the brain doesn’t stop writing. Ever.) I loved this movie and now I want to see it again right away. I will before next week. Thanks for making my day!
Great stuff..
And Joe– I also loved Steve’s passage on Chione, Matthias’ cavalry mount. It’s masterly on multiple levels–including serving the dual function of characterizing Matthias, as well.
We know a LOT about what’s important to him, just listening to what he says about Chione. True dat.
appreciating the insight and the example given. thank you
Chuck Beisch from B&B days
Thought of movie Jule and Jim ending
Thanks for your posts
You continue to amaze me with your writing and communication skills. Thank you.
Was a fan of Sam Harris until COVID and Trump destroyed his brain. He frequently says, in a very persuasive manner, that the end/mitigation of suffering should be the aim of everyone, all policies, laws, behaviors.
My journey for the first 45+ years here could probably be titled, “Avoid Pain”. Seeking the path of least resistance, living on phony ‘talent’ instead of honing the few gifts I do have.
Steve wrote in either “Turning Pro” or “War of Art” that he lived like ‘Rocky’ when he finally finished his first book. I loved the detail about this ‘Rocky’ lifestyle in “GOVT CHEESE”. Up at 0500. Liver & eggs for breakfast. No distractions. Study of the Classics. Work, work, work.
Back to Harris. I now believe he’s completely wrong about mitigating suffering. I think it is much healthier and productive to help people find the meaning to their suffering than to arbitrarily remove it. Trying to escape suffering/pain is both counter-productive and a fruitless/empty path.
When did we in the West discard the nobility of struggle/suffering for the emptiness and unenlightened life (or without any Epiphinal Moments) of the hedonic treadmill?
As I read this article, I find myself pondering about something: is it possible for our hero to go through a few “all is lost moments” followed by a few “epiphany moments” before he finally gets it?
As in, can you be too deep in a situation that you repeatedly miss the spiritual moment that carries in it the breakthrough you need? That only after a few of these, only then do you finally get it, only then do you get the monkey off your back?
Nonetheless: I can’t shake off the feeling that’s how my hero’s journey has been.
They weren’t hallucinations.
Your posts, books, and writings inspire me to keep going.
Thank you.
Loved this, thank you
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