I’m curious about something. Can you guys help me out?

I’ve been doing a bunch of podcasts lately, promoting the publication of The Daily Pressfield. A question I’m getting asked over and over is, “Who is this book for?”

Which in my mind equates to, “Who subscribes to Writing Wednesdays?”

The way I’ve answered the question is something like this:

I wrote the book for writers and artists (and entrepreneurs and other creative adventurers) who are attempting long-form works, i.e. something like a novel or a startup that will take at least a year and maybe significantly more) and who are essentially ALONE in this enterprise.

What I mean by “alone” is that the venturer is not supported psychologically, emotionally, or financially by any external structure like a company, a school, the military, whatever. In other words, he or she is in their room alone, facing their own Resistance alone, confronting without external support the same issues that I myself confront every day—self-motivation, self-discipline, self-belief, self-reinforcement, self-validation.

That’s the long version of my answer… and also, clearly, my conception of Who Reads Writing Wednesday Each Week?

My question to you, dear readers, is this:

Am I close? Wildly off? Would the description above apply to you? In part? Whole? 

And if not, what description would apply to you?

Thanks in advance for taking the time and thought. I’m really curious to see what responses come back. Please use the Comments section below so we can all see what’s what!


Steve shows you the predictable Resistance points that every writer hits in a work-in-progress and then shows you how to deal with each one of these sticking points. This book shows you how to keep going with your work.

do the work book banner 1


A short book about the writing of a first novel: for Steve, The Legend of Bagger Vance. Having failed with three earlier attempts at novels, here's how Steve finally succeeded.



Steve shares his "lessons learned" from the trenches of the five different writing careers—advertising, screenwriting, fiction, nonfiction, and self-help. This is tradecraft. An MFA in Writing in 197 pages.



Amateurs have amateur habits. Pros have pro habits. When we turn pro, we give up the comfortable life but we find our power. Steve answers the question, "How do we overcome Resistance?"



  1. Mark on February 14, 2024 at 1:44 am

    Hi Steve,

    In one sense that’s spot on. But only nearly in my case. As in I think I have just begun dipping my toe into the “attempt”. As in, I have finally began to write. Not much by any means but it’s beginning and I have a whole lot ahead I wan tot write it I can just find the time and stay in the chair.

    So then who have I been (for you)? Well I’m the guy who for years knows somewhere deep down that I can (and want to) do this some day. And your writing keeps me reminded of this. I love it when I dip in and may I say, as a psychotherapist, all what I’ve read is psychologically sound and true (so never doubt).

    So thanks for giving all that you have given so far. It really means a lot. And do you know what? It totally takes away the “alone”-ness of the experience. Which I am finding actually very exciting at present.

    • Stephen M. White on February 14, 2024 at 8:12 am

      What you said! 🙂
      Thanks to you and so very much to Steve P.

    • E. Kaylena on February 14, 2024 at 10:43 am

      Oh my gosh Mark, you said exactly what immediately began percolating in my mind as soon as I read Steve’s question. Every Wednesday I have a rebirth of my “Yes” to the latent seed of writing quietly germinating deep inside and my “hell no” to the resistance that stalks me, demanding I starve it of all nourishment. That seed keeps getting watered in a way that wildly increases the chances that it will eventually bear real live fruit. When it does, it will in no small part have been due to these writing Wednesdays that keep the dream alive, quietly breathing breath back into the vision, awakening the longing, giving fuel to the low burn, oxygen to the remaining embers of that “knowing” that there is a something that must be birthed from me in writing. So thank you Steve! I am indeed alone. That part is spot on. I hardly ever dare whisper the slightest hint of how writhingly real the dream is to a living soul. But you keep seeing me and affirming me and knowing along with me that it is there and that it is imperative for me to stare down the resistance until there is a lot more black on my white pages. Trust me, because of you a lot more black has come. And as a fellow therapist, I concur that the psychological truths are on-point. So keep it up Steve! Thank you thank you! You are one of very few fans on my flame. And Mark, may you write on till all that is yours to say has been said!

    • Molly on February 15, 2024 at 12:44 pm

      What you said!

    • Tracy Olsen on February 22, 2024 at 5:33 am

      I’m your community! I’m your reader. You encapsulated the struggles so accurately. My first novel arrived in the usual way, but this one is heavily influenced by mediumship. It’s the long forgotten gift I can no longer ignore. Your Writing Wednesdays help me keep focused as I share stories from those who have passed. Thank you for including me!

  2. SLB on February 14, 2024 at 1:45 am

    “What I mean by “alone” is that the venturer is not supported psychologically, emotionally, or financially by any external structure like a company, a school, the military, whatever. In other words, he or she is in their room alone, facing their own Resistance alone, confronting without external support the same issues that I myself confront every day—self-motivation, self-discipline, self-belief, self-reinforcement, self-validation.”

    Precisely. In the wilderness, wanderings trying to come alive word by word in the solitudes of a desert practice.

    • Karen D Taylor on February 14, 2024 at 4:40 am

      I fit into the description of your targeted audience you have described, but I found myself wondering about that question of who the book is for. I feel that question has
      deeper implications than I am able to uncover right now, but I will say that anyone who has read your work will love the book. I know I do.

    • Portia Pennington on February 14, 2024 at 7:42 am

      You pegged it…at least in my case. I’m a writer who doesn’t write. A writer who makes lists and pays bills, manages things, buys things, cooks and cleans things, cares for things (and people) and who rarely ever writes. Only when she literally can’t stand it a single second longer so she finally scribbles something….then quick, back to all the things. Thanks for your work! Thanks for naming the Resistance.

      • Brian Nelson on February 14, 2024 at 9:16 am

        I kinda wish we had ‘like’ buttons on this page. Well written Portia. I know how that feels.

        • E. Kaylena on February 14, 2024 at 10:46 am

          Yes, ditto

        • Anaheeta on February 15, 2024 at 11:39 am

          What you have said in your article is me to a tee. Long writing, taken over a year, perhaps a series, daily job/career writer of mostly fiction (even though I’m a full time Healthcare Regulatoion and Bioethics-Neuroethics attorney)( have co-written and published my husband’s Indian Cuisine cookbook, third print run). I am exactly the demo that you write and podcast for. MANY THANKS!

          • Karen on February 22, 2024 at 1:02 pm

            I’m behind. What’s new. I just read this Wednesday where you thanked the souls for responding to your “poll” and it reminded me that I need to do better about making time and self discipline. Occasionally, I can legitimately say “I don’t have time” or “I’m too tired to function” but just as occasionally, I procrastinate, make excuses, or lose the battle with self doubt that repeatedly screams “why bother”.

            It’s asking a lot of you, but if it helps, I would very much appreciate your continuing of your Writing Wednesdays. Know that you have souls out there that respond in our own ways to your words and well articulated thoughts. We appreciate being a part of your journey as you struggle with similar demons, angels, etc. The universe is smaller than we imagine. Thank you for sharing yours.

      • Michael Cameron on February 14, 2024 at 10:41 am

        Ditto 🙏

      • Anaheeta on February 15, 2024 at 11:41 am

        Much respect for you Portia. You are the true writer. All heart and soul.

      • Thea O'Brien on February 15, 2024 at 5:07 pm

        I am with you in thst girlfriend!

    • Violet on February 21, 2024 at 7:10 am

      Thankyou for your words . I am a songwriter so maybe I don’t quite belong here but i love listening to and reading Mr Pressfield’s work.. which I am new to
      I have most likely written over 300 songs .I am not successful it is away of being that gives life to my Soul

  3. Rob Alden. on February 14, 2024 at 1:48 am

    It’s me100%.

    • Dr Diane Dreher on February 14, 2024 at 9:05 am

      It’s me 100% as well. I’m a writer with a daily practice and I love Steve’s Wednesday posts which remind me that I’m not alone. There are many of us on this challenging creative path.

  4. Rolleica on February 14, 2024 at 1:48 am

    I’m a repairman of vintage Leica & Rollei cameras.
    I know exactly what Steven means.
    Resistance takes all sorts of forms, all aimed to drag you away from my repairing work.
    It’s exceptionally cunning and apt.
    I need to be highly alert on it.
    Key to a good camera & lens is
    1. in focus at all range
    2. accurate at all speeds

    The same stands true for any man doing his job.

    • Andrew H on February 14, 2024 at 8:24 am

      Yes! My wife was a luthier, repairing and sometimes making stringed instruments. She didn’t like me in the shop, but when I could, I loved to watch her work. The degree of focus and attention to detail was amazing. I am sure you are like that, too. She retired when her hands got to where she was not satisfied with her work.

    • Carl Austin Hyatt on February 21, 2024 at 4:18 am

      And here’s to dedicated and resourceful repair men & women‼️ And to you Steven who somehow in this magical medium send life force and Soul Fire like an invisible perfume river right into our blood stream.
      I’m a large format black & white photographer – life long journaler and have started having some writing published but my real point is – you are doing such a tremendous service Steven – even to see here these responses lifts me and shows me we mostly cannot see the impact we have… but it actually IS there…
      Just got back from a repair man a copal # 3 shutter I dropped in the ocean and everyone told me was lost – for get it – very few of those repair men out there anymore! Grateful for His work!

  5. Ally on February 14, 2024 at 1:49 am

    I am an entrepreneur though I wouldn’t have called myself that even a year ago. I am also creative (quilt maker, designer, pattern writer). I have the daily Pressfield and it’s my encouragement go to. WWSS? See, someone else finds this shit hard too. A reassurance of sorts that I’m not the only one. Thanks!

  6. Leti B on February 14, 2024 at 1:50 am

    Well, artist, painter, illustrator here. Started reading you as I’m also interested in writing….so there you go.
    I find your musings are helpful during my ‘alone-ness’ and daily attempts to push past my own resistance. Thank you!

  7. Suzy Malseed on February 14, 2024 at 1:53 am

    I feel Steven Pressfield is writing for all of us who have no choice but to dance to their own music. We are each alone, as we bring our dreams to life, but we are also all part of something bigger. Your honesty and encouragement reaches out from your book everyday…somedays providing a high 5, some times a hug, sometimes a hand up…always delivering. Day in, day out the Daily Pressfield is consistently relevant and supportive. Do yourself a favour and read the Daily Pressfield (or gift to someone you care about).

    • Dave on February 14, 2024 at 2:15 am

      “all of us who have no choice but to dance to their own music.” Have you ever thought about a career in psychoanalysing people you’ve never met? That’s me, right there.

      Serial creative, perennial underachiever. I’ve lost an awful lot of battles to resistance over the years but thanks to you Steven, I know what it is now and I’m still in the fight.

  8. Magdalina A. on February 14, 2024 at 1:54 am

    YES! Very accurate description for me too.

  9. Ron Watkins on February 14, 2024 at 1:58 am

    Greetings from Melbourne, Australia.
    Don’t worry you nailed the issue years ago.
    Your global exposure of RESISTANCE, must of liberated a tsunami of creativity globally. Thanks mate!
    Now the solitude,bizarre arrogance and wonder in what happens in my studio is fucking great!

  10. sue poggioli on February 14, 2024 at 2:01 am

    I’m a visual artist working in my home studio, under my house. I make work for an exhibition that could be a year or two away. I have to be focused, self disciplined, use my time well.
    Nobody tells me what to do when.
    Your books have been a game changer for me, completely transformed my work. I have them on my phone, always with me, I can read bits every day if I’m feeling stuck, there’s always something that speaks to me.
    By the way, I am in Brisbane Australia.
    Thanks for writing those books!!

  11. Mia Sherwood Landau on February 14, 2024 at 2:01 am

    Yup, you got it right, Steven. We are battling fierce Resistance completely on our own. Your voice matters to us. Thanks for that!

  12. Don Jones on February 14, 2024 at 2:01 am

    Yes, that’s me, 36 years of battling resistance, with the scars and trophies to show for it. Appreciate you and your direct attack on this persistent internal challenger, Steve.

  13. Janine on February 14, 2024 at 2:02 am

    Absolutely, and thank you!! Yes,I am alone, and your words are hugely encouraging. Thank you for keeping on putting into words what I, and many others, face daily.

  14. Bridget on February 14, 2024 at 2:13 am

    You are Spot On Steve. As I see a lot before me have also written.
    Thanks for all you do and write to help support our personal battles.

  15. Andrew Budgen on February 14, 2024 at 2:17 am

    Hey Steve

    Greetings from London, Im an Architect, developer, entrepreneur, but still face these battles daily.

    The resistance is real, especially when your striving to put something out there which is more creative, innovative and different.

    The fight is real and resistance for me is not just personally, but also dealing with planners and other groups who wish to maintain the status quo and are against progress , especially progress and aesthetics which isn’t recognisable by there own view or understanding.

    Love all your work

    shame your still not shipping you limited editions to the uk – maybe someday!

  16. Alison Isabel on February 14, 2024 at 2:19 am

    Halle f***ing lujah

    Spot on. And yes it is a lonely journey. And this makes us feel less alone.

    Thank you x

  17. Txema on February 14, 2024 at 2:21 am

    Hi from Spain Steven!
    Right on target. Your letters help me out so much! I feel not so alone in this adventure.
    Keep on rocking!

  18. Wade on February 14, 2024 at 2:29 am

    Hi Steve,
    First, thank you for all the work you put in for us on this blog and in all of your books. I know how emotional and hard all of it is. Thank you!
    I am a wannabe writer, writing every morning and weekend putting blogs together and books with the hope that someday I’ll have something that takes off. I write mostly tech stuff today. I took a stab at fiction (romance) just because I wanted to. I plan to do more side projects like that because I enjoy it so much.
    Maybe someday I will make some money off of it, but to be honest, for now it’s my hobby. I want to keep doing it and even though my books don’t sell very well and the editing is awful, (I am very cheap but love to write), I hope someday to be more committed to this art.

  19. Phil on February 14, 2024 at 2:31 am

    To answer your question; yes, I am what you describe.

    Now here is why I read The Daily Pressfield and everything else you write (analogies below);

    1. Drills by soldiers. They do drills to keep sharp and ready for war. I read Pressfield to keep my creativity sharp and be ready for resistance
    2. Reciting religious text every day. Again, recitals keeps me sharp and on message when I have to face resistance
    3. Mastery. The drills and recitals will aggregate and compound the effects over time and the ability to confront the blank page is enhanced. It’s the equivalent of myelination in biology – nerve impulses traveling faster

  20. Lucy Mebarki on February 14, 2024 at 2:33 am

    I’m an artist, creator, entrepreneur, writer… sort of a mix of all of them really. I find your mails very supportive and encouraging with a lot of notions that line up with my own. Thank you for everything! I’m going to check out your podcast.

  21. Lauren on February 14, 2024 at 2:35 am

    Very accurate! I’m a writer publishing my debut this year.

    • Karolyn on February 19, 2024 at 4:02 pm

      Had to say congratulations Lauren! May you experience success and give yourself a “well done!”

  22. Tiny on February 14, 2024 at 2:36 am

    Not a writer. Actually a martial artist who encountered War of Art when it was mis shelved as Art of War. But the point of your messages (Resistance, Do the Work etc.) resonates with many of the challenges I face pursuing my goals. You draw from warriors, musicians, dancers etc but its all the same challenge – you want to do something worthy, something your higher self aspires to – and daily have to gird your loins to prevent the inner demons waylaying you. I find the books and the blog essential reading (and re-reading)

  23. Malaika on February 14, 2024 at 2:41 am

    Spot on!!!

  24. David on February 14, 2024 at 2:43 am

    Your description mostly fits me, but I am very lucky in having a wife who works in a far more lucrative field, which allows me to continue to work in the chronically underpaid world of the freelance writer. So I face my Resistance alone and I sit alone in my room writing history books, magazine articles and novels, but I would not have the luxury of being a struggling writer if it wasn’t for the support I receive.

  25. Terfa Gemana on February 14, 2024 at 2:43 am

    Hi Steven,
    I read Writing Wednesday as soon as it drops in my mail to face my resistance when it’s strongest at the end of the week. The Daily Pressfield has become my daily companion to battle this resistance in my wilderness.
    I can’t thank you enough.

  26. Travis C. on February 14, 2024 at 2:45 am

    Close enough. I was initially drawn in for the writer-entrepreneur aspect, but appreciate the messaging of doing anything hard in an environment that is hostile (or at least ambivalent) toward you. How to endure when you are self-supporting in all those senses. I have a network around me (military, family, professional, community) but still feel this way, and know the practices are value-added to push through the resistance (aptly named!!)

  27. Beth Wolny on February 14, 2024 at 2:47 am

    It’s me, 100%. I’m writing a book on women in the military, but I am retired and completely on my own each day to fight my Resistance. I love Writing Wednesdays. I love The War of Art.

    • Julie on February 16, 2024 at 11:02 am

      A book about women in the military sounds awesome!!

  28. John Robson on February 14, 2024 at 2:50 am

    Me as well. Work all day and try to think of story any chance I get. Then drag my butt home to eat, and put in a few hours of pushing the story along – hoping I have enough creativity left to get a few hundred words down – only to do it all over again tomorrow.

  29. Paul on February 14, 2024 at 2:50 am

    Nail on head I would say mate.

  30. Mary on February 14, 2024 at 2:51 am

    Yes this description fits me. Left teaching at 57 because it had become so unhealthy for everyone involved. Got my Ed. D. Because I didn’t think I knew enough to write. At home alone now trying to write living on minimal teacher retirement. So what you do is very important to me. Will buy your book as soon as I can.

  31. Eno on February 14, 2024 at 2:52 am

    Hi Stephen

    I’m a writer from Lagos, Nigeria. I say you’re spot on.

  32. Debra Bokur on February 14, 2024 at 2:54 am

    Your description absolutely resonates with me. I’ve been a working journalist and magazine editor for more than 40 years and know how to meet deadlines, but when it comes to working on my book series — the work that means the most to me— a twelve-headed, blade-wielding monster crawls out from under my bookcase and stands waiting next to my keyboard. Every day. Every paragraph. Every chapter. Every single book. So I reach for my worn copy of The War of Art, or my new Daily Pressfield, and engage in battle. I’m grateful that your latest is a nice, heavy hardcover, by the way— it makes an especially effective weapon against the keyboard monster.

  33. Yvonne on February 14, 2024 at 2:55 am

    without missing a beat, the description fits me perfectly, except that I’m ‘God-reliance’ instead of self-reliance.

  34. Rex Williams on February 14, 2024 at 2:55 am

    I’m a corporate guy who considers myself an intrapreneur ever since I read a Seth Godin book years ago. I hang out with the entrepreneur types online and try to apply the principles I learn to corporate life. The War of Art was pivotal for me. I did some things I never would have thought of. But the Resistance battled back and stopped me from finishing a book on curiosity, releasing an online course that was mostly done, and continuing a video podcast that was very popular within my company. It’s time to fight back! You are my secret agent, my mission impossible to bring down the evil force that threatens to destroy everything!

  35. Marie-Eve on February 14, 2024 at 2:57 am

    Yes you are! Looking forward to reading your book!

  36. Alex on February 14, 2024 at 3:01 am

    I’d rather say “independent and facing the consequences of it” than alone. But yeah, it feels lonely sometimes.

    Resistance is also the word, that can only be cured with consistency. I decided to change things in my life 5 years ago and never looked back: cut the bad habits and the bad friends, and improved physically and mentally by being consistent everyday. The showing up and the repetition has brought me to a better present moment, and being more present in the moment. I got over the Resistance there.

    The long form work is what is missing in my life, though. But this newsletter has been helping to be more aware of the Resistance, and to be more kind to myself when I yeld to it. Especially in the last couple of years but I’ve been following it for some time now and it has always been helpful and clarifying.

    So, more than answering your survey, I’d like to thank you for sharing your views and advice, I’m looking forward for next week’s edition.

    • Maria on February 14, 2024 at 3:40 am

      Hi Steve, yes, your description apply to me. I’m a 40 years old italian mum and company employee and I’m writing my first novel (target young adult). I’m studying creative writing, I attended writing classes in the past but basically I’m alone. Thanks to your work I understood what Resistence is and the way Resistence worked (amd still works) in my life. Thank you for let me think I could be a writer with hard work and committment. Your weekly newsletter is precious for me.

    • CurtissAnn on February 14, 2024 at 8:09 am

      “independent and facing the consequences of it.” Thank you! I like that angle.

  37. Linda on February 14, 2024 at 3:02 am

    You’ve articulated the alone-ness and procrastinating so well that I thought it was just me! You opened up a new understanding of resistance. I’m a newbie trying to launch her business

  38. kevin on February 14, 2024 at 3:03 am


  39. MICHAEL R LOMBARDI on February 14, 2024 at 3:23 am

    Your writings are for anyone who wants to improve their life ever so slightly each day. Your words nudge, they inspire, they send hope and bring perseverance because the each sentence comes from a “lived” experience, from the arena of life, not from the penthouse on the 50th floor. Al Davis once said to me, “Kid at some point you have to play in the game.” Each day, the Daily Pressfield offers advice to from the game. And as they said in the television show, The Wire, “the game is the game.”

  40. Jill on February 14, 2024 at 3:24 am

    You are super close ~ I for one am alone the way you described. //casts my poll vote

  41. Max on February 14, 2024 at 3:26 am

    I Steven,
    I’m a software developer, desperately trying to find and follow a path to piano mastery. I’m very far from fulfilling my desire, but I’m still trying.
    So, I’m not an artist, maybe just a wanna-be one, but, nevertheless, I’m struggling agaist Resistancfe, and I’m totally alone.
    Thanks for the great work. I red “The War of Art” more then 20 years ago, and I’m still re-reading it, as if it were a lighthouse in the nighi.

    • Tara C Heaton on February 18, 2024 at 4:05 am

      You are most certainly an artist my friend. It’s here in your words, and also in your elusive, unattainable interpretation of mastery.

  42. Mark Solomon on February 14, 2024 at 3:27 am

    Dear Steve,I just published my first nonfiction book after a long battle with Resistance. Your Writing Wednesdays and all your books poured into me strength and self-belief like water to a man in the desert, precisely because I felt less alone. Thanks, on to the next one!

  43. Jet Tucker on February 14, 2024 at 3:29 am

    Anybody who breathes?

    Honestly, I believe everyone is an artist and has an obligation to find his or her medium. Write, paint, sing, play, drive, plow snow, bake, cook, listen to people, clean house, do dishes, shovel sh*t, as you put it. (I know a gal who could clean a horse’s stall like nobody’s business, within an inch of its life, in no time flat, without breaking a sweat. And she loved it.)

    Life is an art, and therefore meets resistance. I read your stuff because it helps me live, or at least strive to live, my best life.

    That’s why I read what you write. That’s why I think everyone should.

    • MLM on February 14, 2024 at 9:36 am

      Extremely well articulated Jet. Thanks 🙏!

    • Thea O'Brien on February 15, 2024 at 5:14 pm

      I so agree Jet, that anyone doing what they love with excellence is artistry!

  44. Felipe Braga on February 14, 2024 at 3:32 am

    Nailed it Steve.

  45. Niko P on February 14, 2024 at 3:39 am

    Very true for me. The War of Art not only motivates me as an artist but also makes me take a closer look at things that really make a difference in my life, in and outside my creative endeavors. I’m conscious of what might build up into full-blown Resistance in things I do every day. I find real people’s company more invigorating after I’ve spent days giving my creativity all I got.

  46. Wendy Aridela on February 14, 2024 at 3:53 am

    Yes, that description broadly fits me. I’m writing a book, creating a Udemy course and designing some workbooks, games and cards for a start-up business I’m just beginning to get off the ground. I’m basically doing it alone. I’ve joined a couple of Facebook groups for some support, but this is my practice. I’ve re-read Going Pro several times, and always find it motivating and I enjoy your Writing Wednesday posts.

  47. Aurélien on February 14, 2024 at 3:56 am

    I’ve been a corporate trainer and coach for over 20 years. I’ve been a journalist, financial analyst and actor. And during all these years, I’ve never stopped taking on challenges while avoiding getting down to the real work: writing. As I overcame all the visible resistances, I kept getting stuck on the strongest, invisible one, the one that prevented me from doing the only work that really interests me: telling stories.
    Thanks to your books, Steven, I’ve become aware of the real resistance, and this year I think I’m finally on the right path to overcoming it.

  48. Aaron on February 14, 2024 at 3:59 am

    Writing Wednesdays is about going from overcoming resistance to recollecting who you are. Overcoming resistance happens automatically with every beat of the heart and breath of the lungs. Recollecting truth is work and its own reward.

  49. Peter C on February 14, 2024 at 3:59 am

    I certainly appreciate this post. I feel I am who Steven describes and always battling resistance especially my friends Doubt and Comfort who always try to pull me away. For a good time. However, Steven’s post and the many posts of the others today makes me realize that in a way I am not alone; I am part of a huge club of lone resistance fighters.

    Happy Valentines Day

  50. Rohan Arnold on February 14, 2024 at 4:03 am

    I’m a songwriter, whilst writing songs isn’t long form, it is a regular practice that spans time. Sometimes songs have to develop complexity in the minds “stock pot” to distill down those flavours, waiting for the muse to strike. When it’s ready it comes together, the chord.

    The Daily Pressfield is for those dedicate themselves to the art of creation, toiling for the practice itself, despite the drag of resistance to produce something new. In this act of creation is both a defiance and a yearning to bring something into the world, to change it in some way.

  51. Frank Jurgens on February 14, 2024 at 4:03 am

    Hey Steven,

    I’m a singer/songwriter and your words not only speak to me, they hit me right between the eyes. I work daily on my craft, writing new songs and continuing to develop my skills in playing piano and singing. I know it requires a daily disclipline of focused work and I am continuously bombarded with resistance in the form of my stuff isn’t any good, I’m not good enough, I’m kidding myself if I think I can carve out any sort of existence doing this work. Yet, I am compelled to keep going and continuously push myself to get better and produce more output.

    Thank you for continuing to put out material focused at us who live a labor of love. I’ve listened repeatedly to all your non fiction work.


  52. seth godin on February 14, 2024 at 4:04 am

    Steve, the comments here are a testament to your vision and your commitment. Anyone who is doing work that feels real is ultimately alone, because the work isn’t here yet. So only one of us can see it and dance with it.

    Thank you for always showing up and turning on the lights.

  53. Arnold on February 14, 2024 at 4:06 am

    Dear Steven,
    your description applies to me.
    And your books have saved me.
    You showed me the enemy
    and taught me how to fight.
    And you continue to do so.
    I can’t thank you enough for that!
    (Vienna, Austria)

  54. Jeff on February 14, 2024 at 4:08 am

    Makes sense to me.

  55. Sarah on February 14, 2024 at 4:09 am

    To a tee! Your work has been a great encouragement to me. Thank you!

  56. Mark on February 14, 2024 at 4:09 am

    You got me bang on. Alone in the wilderness fighting Resistance every day in an effort to find, reach, and live my authentic life as a capital-w Writer (and lower case human being).

    You don’t know how strongly your words resonate every Wednesday, nor how much they help with my constant struggles with self-motivation, self-doubt, and a crushing sense of isolation.

    Please keep on keeping on.

  57. Lucy Weir on February 14, 2024 at 4:09 am

    I now have a daily practice. It consists of going down to the sea, spending a few moments in appreciation, going for a swim, practising yoga asanas, pranayama, and meditation (briefly) and then writing in a journal, by hand. Sometimes I make notes for blog posts. Sometimes I free associate. Sometimes I write about a meditation, or a bit of insight into a book I’m writing. I see this as my practice. I also see the writing I do at my desk as my practice. I think in fact I am more and more of the mind of Jack B Yeats who said, when you live as an artist, your life becomes your art. Thank you so much for your inspiration. I can now call myself a writer, and have three published books to show for it, and another on the way…

  58. Robert W. Enzenauer, MD, MPH on February 14, 2024 at 4:09 am

    Hey marine. I consider myself in the adventurer category. I am a physiain, (an eye surgeon by training). I trained in pediatrics in Hawaii, and Ophthalmology at old Fitzsimons Army Medical Center – in between I was a flight surgeon at Fort Campbell. I served in the Army National Guard as the Battalion Surgeon for 5/19th SFG(A). t surgeon at Fort Campbell. I don’t play golf. I spent my 49th birthday in Afghanistan, and my 50th birthday in Iraq. I spend “Free time” doing mission eye trips in Kampala, Uganda. Before COVID, and before things got so dangerous I did two eye mission trips to Haiti..

  59. Susan on February 14, 2024 at 4:11 am

    Steven, you’re spot on. It’s me. in my room alone, facing my own Resistance alone, confronting without external support the same issues you confront every day—self-motivation, self-discipline, self-belief, self-reinforcement, self-validation. I’m very thankful for your inspiration and insight and grace as you face your resistance. It inspires and while I may truly feel alone in my journey, in a much more worldly and spiritual sense, I’m not truly alone as others face the same aloneness. Thank you Steven!

  60. Lucy Turner on February 14, 2024 at 4:13 am

    Nice one Steve. Yes. It’s for every single one of us who is FIGHTING to create something worthwhile.

  61. Qurban on February 14, 2024 at 4:16 am

    It is spot on … I like to learn about the “practice” of being a creative though I am not always even getting to the start line – I am hopeful that I will one day get there and fully immerse myself in waging battle with the resistance!

  62. Tolis on February 14, 2024 at 4:17 am

    Thank you so much dear Steve.

    Your Road applies to me 100%. I am as alone as one can be, lucky though that I have a family, on the creation of the epic. If I sense it well, your question behind the question is if the loneliness of the long distance runner, that you struggle about it’s intricacies, is also appropriate for the team-oriented long distant runner who is quite a ruler today. It is so natural to wonder about the other side of the coin of wholeness.

    Achilles and the others, meaning the strong or the weaker creators, have a desperate need for you in your role as the advisor, and perhaps you are more crucial than them because actually the very deaths of the Trojan war would be so much less, and Ajax and all those great heroes would still be with us today and not dead in our collective memory, had he and the King listened to Nestor the wise. And Nestor, by the way, wasn’t as much social as he was logical and wise and standing his own ground against all forces of attraction.

    On the other side, you now know so much through your struggle to pass through all those decades. So you may be Achilles in his secondary fate (that of no quick death after Hector’s defeat) or Leonidas after a few years. And all you need, in terms of this world, is to go -only you can- beyond our creative mountains of struggle and see beyond the cave’s light the past and the future, and let the things that shine bright out there wash you and then bring the news back to those who struggle in Plato’s cave. I feel you have much more road to dare to pass through for us and for the beautiful Elysian Fields of Hysterophemia and I can guess that you can be what was written in the book of the five circles (or some similar): living now like a child with the wisdom of a wise man.

    That sir whose audio I listened to, “A History of Ancient Sparta: Valor, Virtue, and Devotion in the Greek Golden Age”, said that you said that even one Spartan between two equal armies may actually turn around the results of the war between them. I’m not Spartan, although I struggle to be something of a Spartan blended with other mysterious colors of life (I fail so much! But I’m unstoppable ’till today). Yet I can tell that, like you said before, we are alone even in a group. No one will do our assignment, and if they help or co-operate, only we will be doing what we will be doing. So I dare to say that loneliness is the order of all things in terms that there are only two things under our control: action and the one who acts. Even the environment is a bit out of that. Maybe the greatest organizations are not great groups, but loners whose acts and emotional states are interconnected to the innumerable possibilities that would lead to great outcomes, but always loners in all that.

    The spartan remains the spartan.

    The most important thought I can create as an answer for your question is this: One of the visions of you in the future, since I know that you admired all the classical writers and directors and all the greats that resonated your very soul, would be to create an anthology project that bridges the eternal with the contemporary. This anthology would not only feature selections from the works of Homer, passages from the Bible, poems from great poets and excerpts from seminal authors like Hemingway, but also include contemporary stories, essays and reflections that explore the eternal themes of the human condition, struggle, and triumph. An anthology divided into thematic sections, each introduced by you, and you’d share your personal insights and reflections on the theme and its relevance to the modern creative struggles. You would be the most appropriate to do such a work because these giants were in the center of your soul. What a great work of life could it be.

    Ah, I don’t even know if I answered the question. The usual me.

    • Tolis on February 14, 2024 at 4:24 am

      *adding to the 3rd line before the last: “and you’d share your personal insights and reflections on the theme and its relevance to the modern creative and life struggles.

  63. NM Gardner on February 14, 2024 at 4:19 am

    The ALONE category fits me perfectly, Steven.

  64. J J Hicks on February 14, 2024 at 4:20 am

    It’s clear to me who it’s for.

  65. Jack F. on February 14, 2024 at 4:21 am

    Steven, your writings are encouraging and spot on. As an independent System Developer, I am in the wilderness of my own motivation and accountability. It is very helpful to know others experience the same challenges of constantly overcoming internal resistance to achieve their goals. Although the focus of our actions are different, the struggles we all face are the same; negative internal voices, unhelpful habits, constant distractions, etc. Your writings help me to recognize these gremlins in myself and help me to overcome them by applying the strategies that you advocate to overcome your writing blocks and resistance.

  66. Gika Rector on February 14, 2024 at 4:23 am

    Pretty close for me. I like what you have to say about writing and resistance. I don’t have a big writing project in mind currently. I do a weekly newsletter. And I have plenty of resistance.

    Thanks for what you do!

  67. It’s Becky on February 14, 2024 at 4:30 am

    100% bang on and applies to me completely!

  68. Tom on February 14, 2024 at 4:31 am

    Yes, your description applies to me. I have a day job, which pays the bills, and at which I excel, but from my childhood writing has always been my dream. Writing has been my passion there in the background even when I let myself be distracted or fell off the path. Of any writer or mentor, your writing has been the most inspirational as far as getting me to battle Resistance and do the work on a daily basis. A million thanks!

  69. Alex on February 14, 2024 at 4:32 am

    Yes. Nailed it.

    More specifically. I’m an entrepreneur and a writer with aspirations be much better at both. The habit and practice and discipline that you write about, the Resistance you describe and explore, are the things you say that resonate with me the most. You help me tremendously.

    Thank you!

    (And great question!)

  70. Gail on February 14, 2024 at 4:35 am

    Steve, spot on! I gifted myself a signed copy of “The Daily Pressfield”, and since then- a game changer in my resistance. It’s the first thing I read after a cup of coffee. Once read, my motivation goes up and I sit to work on book before my “day” job. Between you and Marie Forleo’s advice – “Create before you consume”, 2024 is the year I make my dreams come true.
    Thank you for sharing your wisdom!

  71. Joel Belcher on February 14, 2024 at 4:35 am

    I think your summation is accurate, at least for me. I feel that Writing Wednesdays gives me a tribe, a place to belong, a place where I don’t feel so much like an imposter for calling myself a photographer and filmmaker. Because of you have been true to your calling and have put yourself out there I feel empowered to follow my calling, even though I am only beginning my journey after years of starting. Thank you, Steven for being you and in doing so empowering the rest of us to be ourselves.

  72. Freebie Bean on February 14, 2024 at 4:36 am

    That’s precisely me—seeking becoming a fiction writer and making this year significant. I have the box set and your signed book btw.

  73. Jackie on February 14, 2024 at 4:37 am

    Yep, that’s me, a painter and writer facing resistance with crap excuses, alone. Just like everyone else. But here, we’re not so alone. Your books and this space are for anyone who has some lame-ass excuse for not giving life their best self. Thanks for the tools you share with us to be true to ourselves and to the world.

  74. Bing West on February 14, 2024 at 4:37 am

    Feb 14

    Steve – You encourage us all to persevere. That is a gift to all writers. Semper Fidelis, Bing

  75. susanna plotnick on February 14, 2024 at 4:37 am

    Yes, that’s me, 100%. I periodically show my work in progress (I’m a writer/illustrator who self-publishes) to colleagues and friends, and I am lucky enough to belong to a meetup group where we show each other works in progress and get very intelligent and knowleageable feedback, here in New York city. But essentially I am along with my work.

    • Burt B. on February 14, 2024 at 4:58 am

      A long time reader and fan here. I’m again leaving my job to try and write a novel, as I did about five or six years ago. This time I’m better prepared, I hope – resistance kicked me to paste before.

      I’ve got a signed copy of the Daily Pressfield that I’ve been reading daily. It’s a great recap but also is introducing me to material I’d never seen before, such as from the jabs. It reminds me most of Do the Work, which is your most practical book in my opinion, and probably my favorite.

      Thanks Steve!

  76. kris on February 14, 2024 at 4:38 am

    I subscribe to Writing Wednesdays because it is my weekly nagging reminder to write…. a prompt, a self-reflection, a nudge to not forget what I wanted (want) to do and to vet my excuses for not writing more than I do…

  77. susanna plotnick on February 14, 2024 at 4:38 am

    I meant alone with my work.

  78. Kim on February 14, 2024 at 4:41 am

    I’ve been in a shadow career of corporate communications for two decades. I carve out time to write creatively for myself and battle all forms of resistance. No one else frames this struggle as well you do. Thank you!

  79. DeWayne on February 14, 2024 at 4:48 am

    You nailed it for me. I am a retired teacher, 75, and I’m writing a memoir in three fitful parts—three books about a small college baseball team that upset a perennial powerhouse with baseball’s greatest miracle. Polishing and polishing again! Daily grind for eight years and have read many of your books. Keep up the great work.

  80. Fred Fleisher on February 14, 2024 at 4:48 am

    Working outside of a structure, even if there is support in any kind. If I report on progress and deadlines that’s okay too – there might be a publishing due date, or gallery checking progress on work for an exhibit. But I have to get up and be responsible for the work – and if I can let that slide then it all falls apart.
    I could wrap up my thoughts this way: anything that is to be created, that I am responsible for and that has an end goal (potentially) beyond me. I could be working out of a studio, or going to an organization. I am responsible for the endeavor.
    The daily advice/points all add up and as tactics and motivators can be applicable across a spectrum.

  81. C.M. O'Slatara on February 14, 2024 at 4:50 am

    I am lucky enough to have a good (online) writing community that has proven very helpful, so I wouldn’t say I am completely alone or unsupported. I have trusted writers who can look at my work, along with complete strangers, and give me honest opinions about sharpening the story. But the community is very craft driven.
    What draws me to ‘Writing Wednesdays’ is how you tackle the more philosophical part of the creative process. I don’t see a lot of that out in the world. It is all well and good to discus mechanics in a writing group or to practice different techniques under the guidance of a group leader or to learn how to properly use a semicolon, but it is has limits. That setting does not discuss how the creative process is an almost sacred practice. It does not strategize ways to make the act of creating easier.
    In short, I would say that Writing Wednesdays, for me, is a place where I am welcomed not just as a wordsmith, but as an agent of creativity, a vessel for the muse. It is a place where acceptance is not won by awards or publishing credits, but is granted by the struggle we all face.

    • Karolyn on February 19, 2024 at 4:41 pm

      C.M, your post touched me on so many levels, your comment “I would say that Writing Wednesdays, for me, is a place where I am welcomed not just as a wordsmith, but as an agent of creativity, a vessel for the muse. It is a place where acceptance is not won by awards or publishing credits, but is granted by the struggle we all face.” put to words the other face of all, or most of those who struggle to use our various talents/gifts. As a “wanna be” published writer, and an oil painter; resistance has stolen so many of my days. Praying that Steve’s copious materials and wisdom will be the tool of breakthrough to productivity. I would say “blocked” but after reading “The Writer’s Compass” [Nancy Dodd] where states “I don’t believe in writer’s block. I believe in procrastination” I’m owning that reality, and now onward to beat down the Evil Resistance gremlin” to be the agent of creativity you mention. Best to you…

      • C.M. O'Slatara on February 21, 2024 at 4:06 am

        Thank you so much for your kind words. Let me just say you ARE a writer and a painter. You create, therefore you are. Best of luck to you.

  82. Marvin Ginsberg on February 14, 2024 at 4:52 am

    Yes, this definitely applies to me, in every way.

  83. Robert Helgens on February 14, 2024 at 4:53 am

    “Who subscribes to Writing Wednesdays?”
    Some who “discovered” your writings at a crucible in time.
    Some who find encouragement when bottom of a hill to climb.
    Some who better see truth when coming upon a clearing.
    Some who recognize a mentor along the path of yearning.
    Some who need to give a vote of gratitude. Today, not in the morrow.
    Some who hear a brother’s whisper connect within their soul…

    Eternal thanks for helping us all, Steven. hlgy

  84. Brian Crean on February 14, 2024 at 4:54 am

    Appreciate your Wednesday emails. As a photographer who works for myself, I’ve found that I can use all the help I can get to stay on task and overcome my tendency toward procrastination and perfectionism. Hope this helps answer your question about who is reading.

  85. david Levy on February 14, 2024 at 4:54 am

    A big yes for Wednesdays. Aged composer who just mentors younger ones now to pass it on.

  86. Urban T. Bear Don't Walk on February 14, 2024 at 4:57 am

    I have read your blog weekly for at least a decade. And I panic when there is an occasional glitch on a Wednesday morning and it doesn’t show up in my email box. This makes me emotional to write, but I have been on a lonely, 30 year journey. And you have been my companion/guide/mentor. The art that I bring to the world has no precedent and it’s meant to change indigenous lives for the better. But I have fought Resistance every step of the way. And most days Resistance absolutely kicks the shit out of me, but I keep fighting. I wish this was hyperbole that I was speaking in metaphor, but the shame I face when I stare in the mirror. I know that there is someone else out there, that understands. I want you to be successful in every genre possible. If you wanted to expand into other reaches, that would be awesome but I have come to need every word that you write on Wednesdays just to get me a little further down the road. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you , in many ways the arc of my life very much has matched yours (success at 56 after so long years) and I’ve used you as my Northstar, and even though we are on different career paths, the journey, though very much feels the same. Thank you, Mr. Pressfield, more often than not I feel like you are directly speaking to me with every word you write.

  87. Gregory on February 14, 2024 at 4:57 am

    Yes, Steven, totally alone. I left corporate almost 7 years ago to the day as a result of a “career limiting decision”. The patients safe. My coworkers are safe. My company is safe. But I took the fall. My best friends (don’t let your coworkers become your best friends) have all but deserted me as I’ve tried to write about, talk about, and hopefully prevent what happened to me from happening to others. Writing Wednesdays and all your war of art-related publications give me the inspiration to keep going. I will somehow find my way home.

  88. Debra on February 14, 2024 at 5:01 am

    I’m a college professor on a long-term contract at a private university in a city. Without tenure, I write for personal and professional growth, and to make a contribution to my profession. The university provides small summer stipends, but contract faculty do not receive the considerable support for their writing that tenure-track faculty receive. The practice of writing, and my place in the hierarchy, means I am alone, and therefore must rely on myself. I have written 6 academic articles and I have a book coming out this summer. And your work has meant the world to me – Writing Wednesdays and all your books – as a way to feel less alone, but also as a way to spark my imagination and ponder the possible. Thank you for helping all of us grow!

  89. Bindu on February 14, 2024 at 5:02 am

    In my opinion and lived experience, this book best resonates with those who have been beaten down at some point – by life – those who did not succumb to resistance, but got beaten down anyway – and subsequently learns to give in to resistance, because it’s “safer” to do so.

    Your writing is incredible; it cuts clear through the noise and goes for the inner voice and gives it acceptance, hope, and courage.

    Thank you.

  90. Harold Shaw on February 14, 2024 at 5:04 am

    I started receiving your newsletter for many of the reasons you described and being retired military and a former teacher, I had dreams of writing professionally. Plus, I enjoy reading your books, you are a fantastic writer. However, the year’s passed and while I’ve started a couple of books, getting past resistance to do the works never seems to happen and if I’m honest with myself probably will never happen. My inability to focus on something more than a few days is a me problem, and one that I’m not willing to take drugs to correct. Though I write little things here and there, they are not professional level or quality. I’m a wanna be that isn’t willing to do the work. However, I continue to enjoy reading your newsletters, and dreaming that some day I’ll get my thumb out of my arse and get to it. Until then, I know that resistance is strong in this one. 🙂

  91. Chad on February 14, 2024 at 5:06 am

    100 % This is me. I didn’t event describe myself as accurately as you just have.

  92. Rick on February 14, 2024 at 5:06 am

    The Daily Pressfield, along with Writting Wednesdays, are for me – often so close to the mark that I think someone has been watching me (try to) learn to write. By the demographics; a retired firefighter/paramedic, semi-retired but still working nurse, a health coach trying to grow my own practice, and struggling entry-level writer. The Daily Pressfield speaks to me on each level for different reasons (I’ll keep those to myself).

    Thanks for this thread, too.

  93. Justin Patrick Moore on February 14, 2024 at 5:10 am

    Yes. Even when you turn pro, you are still alone. The publisher is only there some of the time. The editor is there only some of the time. These, are of course, valuable and wonderful relationships, as are our more personal & intimate relationships. But when you sit down to work, it’s just you and the notebook, you and the keyboard. I do have some collaborative radio work I also engage in, but even then, when it is time to make my segment, I am doing that essentially by myself. Your work has always helped me start the next thing and keep going since I first encountered it. Thank you!

  94. Kenneth N Proudfoot on February 14, 2024 at 5:13 am

    You are hitting the right writing demographic with this weekly inspiration and of course with the THE WAR OF ART. Me, and others like me reading your work, are alone in our caves, writing one word at a time, one minute and hour and more each day, reaching for completion and fulfillment of the story in our heads. Thanks for taking the mystery out of why we struggle toward that goal. Thanks for not giving up on your dreams and for not giving up on us. Andiamo, Steven!!

  95. Kian on February 14, 2024 at 5:18 am

    You’ve had my number since I first read the war of art as a know it all high schooler. It helped me battle resistance when I started my own business and for the 13 years I ran it.

    Now TDP is helping me move forward in my next business.

    Long and the short, yes. Your description is accurate.

  96. Dave on February 14, 2024 at 5:22 am

    Your response is great, but I think your message is far more reaching. As a songwriter, father, teacher, husband, etc., I find resistance in all of life’s facets. While you have sparked a creative outburst in my writing that had laid dormant due to my inablity to recognize resistance, it’s the continued reminders in this blog and The Daily Pressfield that are just as applicable in life’s mundaneness. Your daily or weekly message reminds me to keep open to the Muses whom spawn my creativity, and avoid resistance that keeps me from doing so.

  97. Stephen Park on February 14, 2024 at 5:23 am

    Hi Steve,
    Your description is 100% accurate for me. I am an artist, an actor and a writer. Your writing is like a lighthouse in a storm for me. Grazie Mille.

  98. Kate Stanton on February 14, 2024 at 5:29 am

    Thank you, Steve!!
    Lonely singer-songwriter here that battles Resistance daily. To me, your book and community is for fellow writers (Maureen), artists, musicians, dreamers, schemers, entrepreneurs, fitness gurus (Brian!!), and everyone else that is wrestling an idea into fruition. Creation is destruction. We need a support group in this war…war of Art!! <3

  99. Hiram Foster on February 14, 2024 at 5:30 am

    I feel this describes me. I’m a father of 8, have a full-time “day job”, and write during my evenings and weekends. I don’t know that I feel alone though, (with 8 kids you’re never alone), but also because of your reminders. There is resistance for all of us, and knowing everyone else is struggling the same makes the loneliness disappear. This has helped me finish and self-publish one novel, and I’m working through my next. I take what you’ve written and try to remember to apply it in real life, and just do the work. I can’t see progress in what I did on a specific day, but over months and years it somehow comes together.

  100. CB on February 14, 2024 at 5:32 am

    An entrepreneur, creative and writing a book, so yep, feels very accurate for me. Thank you for ALL the amazing works you have created to inspire and moves us through resistance.

  101. Katharine on February 14, 2024 at 5:36 am

    I am a scientist who often has to write up long and detailed lab notebook entries. While I’m excellent at the actual bench work, I struggle the moment I get in front of a computer. I hate it. It’s a different kind of writers block.

    You don’t need to be alone or unsupported to encounter resistance. It’s a sneaky MF that can be anywhere.

  102. MLL,II on February 14, 2024 at 5:39 am

    I buy your books, am a subscriber, and a prospector for anything that I can find to assist me as a maker. Like most of my ilk whom are making art for love, I don’y need to mine a mother load. I need only to keep at it. Keeping at it though, means all of the things no one but Steven Pressfield has ever provided me. You are like a Picasso assistant who does the actual work on the making of a sculpture, and then after it’s done, you allow me to sign it. You understand it was after all, my idea, my design. I chose the materials,I made the maquette, I saw it in my mind’s eyes completed. My assistant (you) happily took the pay for his work (your books), and just as happily agreed my work deserved my name on it.
    You sold me when you transformed resistance into a proper noun, a somebody.
    By this time today so, many years later, I owe that one simple act about 80% of what I’ve made. For without the knowledge of Resistance, I would likely have complete 20% of what I now own. Keep writing. I’ll keep buying.

  103. Sionnach Wintergreen on February 14, 2024 at 5:40 am

    I’m an indie author, totally alone, with a lot of Resistance. That description definitely describes me. I’ve read The War of Art, but my budget is tiny, so I haven’t had a chance to read your latest book yet. I’m looking forward to it.

  104. Jodie Milton on February 14, 2024 at 5:41 am

    This absolutely applies to me. I’m an entrepreneur (I run a relationship coaching blog and business with my husband) and I’m also writing a non-fiction book on relationships. Even though it’s me and my husband in the business, the writing process is still something that must be faced alone, so your words of creative wisdom are always so helpful.

  105. Frank Sole on February 14, 2024 at 5:41 am

    Bingo! We have a winner!
    Printed this out, and it now sits on my desk to see, review and to stimulate me into action each morning.

  106. Jim Sapara on February 14, 2024 at 5:47 am

    Yes. We’ll said.
    Thank you Steve.

  107. Pierre Gauthier on February 14, 2024 at 5:53 am

    Describes me to a T.

  108. Kristy on February 14, 2024 at 5:58 am

    Two key words here: ALONE and LONG
    I think you speak to people who have signed up for the ultimate battle, one that doesn’t have quick fixes or top ten solutions. Almost no one speaks to people who are in a war rather than a mini battle. I need WW because I’m almost 10 years in and if I knew it would take this long, I wouldn’t have started! If I didn’t have WW I would think it was going to end and I would feel disappointed I never made it anywhere. The two elements that make it feel like torture are the ALONE and LONG part and those are the two elements WW solves. I am not alone and not afraid of process.

  109. Andrew J. Miller on February 14, 2024 at 6:05 am

    Nailed it. Video game creation in my case.

  110. Christopher Johnson on February 14, 2024 at 6:06 am

    Hi Steve,
    For me the book fills a gap somewhere between Robert Greene’s “The Daily Law” and Ryan Holidays “The Daily Stoic”. Both of those are great books, I own and read them daily. But not everyone is open to the intellectual nature of Robert Greene’s book and not everyone is as Stoic as Ryan Holiday. The Daily Pressfield is more light, gives more inspiration, and, to me, is over all more entertaining. I read the other two for guidance alone, I read “The Daily Pressfield” for guidance and a smile. To me, that’s what gets me going against my own personal resistance, the desire to get out there and just hit it. I’m a Navy Diver, it feels very, “fuck it, this will suck, you have to do it anyway, you might as well smile and give it hell”. My two cents. Thanks again and I love your work.

    Chris Johnson

  111. Ellen Marie McCurdy on February 14, 2024 at 6:06 am

    Hi Steve, your assessment of the target audience is spot on for me. I value your wisdom and strive to apply it in my life. Indirectly you are a mentor for my work. Thank you and keep it coming.

  112. Maryse Lepage on February 14, 2024 at 6:07 am

    Hi Steve,
    Your description (and your books) strongly resonate with me. I have been following the call of my “vocation” (leadership coach) for several years now. This has first asked that I learn a new craft, dealing with a lot of self-doubt and lack of discipline. Stepping off the path I had foreseen for myself (management) and exploring new territories as a solo entrepreneur was a creative act in itself.
    Then – took a decision to fully immerse myself in the craft and join a team of coaches at least as passionate as I am. Really letting the passion take over. Becoming focused on pursuing excellence so I can help people live their highest values through their best potential.
    And – a recent move takes me back to the entrepreneur path.

    All through these years Resistance was at play every day even though I called it other names – such as the internal critic. More recently, Part X (from The Tools).

    Thank you Steve. I am deeply grateful to you for the inspiration, clarity and meaning you bring to my understanding of the craft of coaching and the passion I feel for it.

  113. Robbie Kaye on February 14, 2024 at 6:07 am

    Nailed it Steven!

  114. Robbie Kaye on February 14, 2024 at 6:08 am

    Nailed it!

  115. Brandon Cook on February 14, 2024 at 6:09 am

    I am drawn to your works like War of Art and Daily Pressfield because I am writing a novel, and your philosophy helps me keep my ass in gear. I will say, however, that I’ve started applying your wisdom to other areas of my life, such as exercise, relationships, diet, etc. I agree that the target audience for daily Pressfield is what you described in the post – someone on a long and lonesome journey, especially a creative one. But I also believe that everyone, in some way, can benefit from your advice.

  116. Vivienne on February 14, 2024 at 6:12 am

    I would say you’re scarily accurate. Lone writer, punching out the words and wondering whether they are any good. Being a self published author I think makes it sometimes harder, as you always wonder if it’s just your money publishing houses are after rather than producing a quality product (side note, I love the publisher I work with and trust them implicitly to be honest about my work)and the fear is always there. But so many times when I’ve been having a resistance moment (or day, or week) your words seem to see right through the fear and hit at my heart in a way I can’t seem to do myself.
    I don’t think your latest book is available in the UK yet, or did I miss the announcement? But I fully expect it to speak directly to my resistance like all your others.

  117. Barry Mascarenhas on February 14, 2024 at 6:13 am

    Yes, Steve, I guess that now describes me, but with a difference. I’m a retired computer programmer and financial advisor who is trying to turn a writing hobby into something more significant.
    Do you think the Daily Pressfield will benefit me?
    I already own most of your non-fiction books.

  118. Scott Oden on February 14, 2024 at 6:13 am

    100% spot-on, Steve. I’m a writer and I’ve followed your wisdom (and your lead) since Gates of Fire. Each of us struggles differently, alone, but your philosophy acts as a bridge. We are all alone in this together.

  119. Bob Gilbreath on February 14, 2024 at 6:16 am

    I’ve got great support from friends and family, but no one close to the creative process like you, Steven. That’s why I read nearly every post in my inbox. Thank you!

  120. Kelly C. on February 14, 2024 at 6:19 am

    I am more of a reader than a writer. Having read your memoir, your instructional work on writing, and more than one of your novels, I simply enjoy your work. With the small amount of writing I do, it is evident that Resistance is real.

  121. Ed Van Hooydonk on February 14, 2024 at 6:20 am


    You’re spot on. I’m a creative struggling to write a short book I’ve had in my mind for a couple years now. Your Wednesday posts bring the struggle to life for me. Thank you, sir.

  122. Tamara on February 14, 2024 at 6:23 am

    Researcher here. I am part of a university, but for the new and creative ideas, and the courage to pursue them, I am on my own. Thank you for all your works, including The Daily Pressfield! By the way, I am beginning to integrate your ideas into my mentoring role. Understanding resistance helps me make sense of puzzling, self-defeating behavior in my trainees, and increases their self-awareness of how all of this works. Thanks again.

  123. Harris Frankou on February 14, 2024 at 6:24 am

    Yes it’s me..to a tee, and I have ptsd…and have lost my way, I have about 120 songs and am a published songwriter, your writing helps a lot…I’m slowly returning back to my creative flow.
    I have four tracks half done and mixed in as many years. Since “the resistance” began.

  124. Chuck DeBettignies on February 14, 2024 at 6:25 am

    This is me, spot on.
    And this blog helps me, for a couple moments each week, see we’re not alone.

  125. Dagmar on February 14, 2024 at 6:32 am

    Hello friends,
    It applies to me as a writer with one self published book and working on a big writing project now.
    To me your postings is a spiritual support and reminder of the spiritual side of writing.
    Thank you for all the work you do dear Steve Pressfield.

  126. L. Gray on February 14, 2024 at 6:33 am

    I am both a writer and composer, so for me, this is spot on.

  127. Stephen S. Power on February 14, 2024 at 6:39 am

    Editor and writer.

  128. Gigi on February 14, 2024 at 6:39 am

    You’re 💯 right, I fit the profile. Thanks for your generous work💕

  129. David Moe on February 14, 2024 at 6:43 am

    Hi Steve,

    I’m on the verge of publishing my first book, and being a big fan or your writing and your journey, I wanted to stay connected with you as a motivation and inspiration. I appreciate you, your work ethic and your insights. Writing is a solitary endeavor and this newsletter provides me a brief respite and encouragement to stay on point.

    Thanks for doing all that you do. I hope this helps.



  130. Sarah on February 14, 2024 at 6:45 am

    Yes!! That’s very much

  131. Mike Hegedus on February 14, 2024 at 6:46 am

    Solo Sanctorum.

  132. andrew kosow on February 14, 2024 at 6:49 am

    I’ve written 250 pages of my first novel based on my experiences as a drug counselor in the most corrupt drug treatment ecosystem in the US. Its great fun but can depress my writers group to see so much venality.

    I use these emails to keep me focused, a reminder to not give up. I read the Muse prayer before every writing session.

    I always need to be reminded that you should have given up a million times but it is the writing itself that is the sustenance not the outcome. The muse will not tolerate cutting corners i always remind myself. thanks for the inspirtation.

  133. Cheyl on February 14, 2024 at 6:54 am

    You are 100% right this is a lonely thing to do and you have to listen to that i enter voice be quiet and trust it, and that’s not of the head. Lotta people wanna figure it out through the mind and writing is not that way the structure might be, but the guts aren’t, so true artist understand what you’re doing and I thank you to the bottom of my heart and happy Valentine’s Day

  134. Andrew Meyer on February 14, 2024 at 6:55 am

    I am a software engineer in a series B startup. I work from home and have done since COVID. I do write, but it’s strictly for working out my own thoughts. I found “Writing Wednesdays” as a result of following your video series during COVID. It was awesome and added to my understanding of “Gates of Fire”.

  135. Chad Allen on February 14, 2024 at 6:57 am

    Yes, that description applies to me. Thanks!

  136. Vinicius on February 14, 2024 at 7:00 am

    Entrepreneur, profile is 100% accurate .

  137. Craig Lueck on February 14, 2024 at 7:00 am

    Steven, you nailed it – again. This time as an invitation, to participate. You just fixed Resistance to a blank, white wall so I could observe its cunning ways. My aimless groping around today might mean that my feelings of creative loneliness are simply part of the creative process. I won’t sweat that part any longer. At least not Wednesdays. I like how you remind me that creating is often a team sport. That I can chose to spectate or participate. Both roles have a unique place in my practice and are respectable. However, you do seem to favor effort, momentum, traction, and celebrating small battles won on the field of play. I’m putting on my cleats now… thanks. Go team!

  138. Carla Arena on February 14, 2024 at 7:01 am

    Hey, Steven.

    I started reading you for inspiration. I don’t feel I’m alone. On the contrary, I have a supporting business partner, we’re developing new projects and keeping our other educational services, but reading you brings hope, energy for me to keep moving forward and helping elevate educators in Brazil.

    I listen to a lot of podcasts in which you were a guest, so reading you just became a natural follow-up step.

    Thanks for the weekly words and provocations!

  139. Scott Cohen on February 14, 2024 at 7:02 am

    Thank you, Steven! The described audience for your book applies directly to me, as well as so many of your wonderful readers. I am an unpublished writer of creative nonfiction, a pediatrician, and am embarking on a health care startup. I swim in resistance everyday. I stare at the cold, blue YMCA pool with Vermont snowbanks piled against the outside window, coaxing myself to dive in. And I am immersed in a cacophony of naysayer voices urging caution that my startup idea won’t have traction – but I believe it will and with minimal capital up front. Please keep on sharing your raw, open heart with your community who benefits from your prose. Gracias!

  140. Scott Mitchell on February 14, 2024 at 7:05 am

    Steven – I think your target audience profile is spot on. One more attribute might be added: the expectation that the creative work will be tested in the crucible of the public evaluation. People do creative work for their own enjoyment all the time. But I think the kind of creativity your observations apply to comes with the foreknowledge that the outside world will cast a discerning eye over it, and judge the work for its own merits. In short, you got to put your stuff “out there”.

  141. Bill Frase on February 14, 2024 at 7:06 am

    Yep! That’s me! Thank you, Steven!

  142. Richard Ritenbaugh on February 14, 2024 at 7:11 am

    Hi, Steve!
    Years ago, you hooked me with “Gates of Fire,” and I’ve followed your writing/creating advice ever since. By trade, I write and edit, but when it comes to my own creative writing, I always feel resistance. I am not alone–I have a wonderfully supportive family and many good friends–but once a person sits in front of the keyboard, he is alone. The product depends on him, and that can be a scary thought. I have only truly finished one novel. In all the others, I get to a point where resistance overcomes all forward momentum. And I just stop. I usually start something new, and I vow to myself, “I will finish this one!” And then I don’t. So, you advice encourages and helps me to keep pounding toward the finish.

  143. Sidney Ogodo on February 14, 2024 at 7:11 am

    Hello Steve,

    You couldn’t have said it any better with the description of the persons whom you wrote the book for. It’s for those who have committed to a journey to freedom and are not sure about what they would encounter on the way. But they are not afraid to embark on the journey. They are prepared for the challenges they might encounter as they journey along the way. But they are consoled by their belief that the freedom is worth more than the struggles, disappointments, that may accompany them on the journey .

  144. Hector R Cruz on February 14, 2024 at 7:11 am


    I am an aspiring science fiction author seeking representation.
    So yes, you did describe me.

  145. Joel Cherrico on February 14, 2024 at 7:14 am

    Potter, alone at the wheel. People often tell me, “Making pottery looks so relaxing! Is it relaxing for you?”

    Hell no. It’s the exact fucking opposite!

    It’s not relaxing, but it is therapeutic. It’s a solo act, squeezing mud with every muscle of your body, transforming it through fire, creating a pottery mug.

    Pottery is magic. You can go into nearly any art museum in the world and see someone’s fingerprint from 5000 BC, forever enshrined in the clay pot they made; their solo creation of mud, water and fire.

    Pottery is a solo act of strife. Add that to being a the breadwinner, and a man, you’ve got a recipe for work!

    The Daily Pressfield ramps me up everyday, Steve.

    “For us, there is no spring. Just the wind that smells fresh before the storm.” – Conan The Barbarian

    Back to the wheel…

    • Brad Graft on February 14, 2024 at 12:45 pm

      Joel– Great words. So many parallels in the variety of artforms practiced by the readers here.

      I have one of your “Kothon” Spartan mugs within inches of my writing screen. I love it. I look at it every day.. From now on, I’ll grin and nod, reminded of your words above (which I copied and saved). A fellow kinsmen toiling at his craft. Making magic. SF

  146. Elizabeth on February 14, 2024 at 7:17 am

    100% correct, no notes.

    • Melissa on February 14, 2024 at 8:02 am

      Yesterday, I managed to distance myself even further from my teenager by suggesting he check in with me more than a couple times a week and my boyfriend also told me he was moving out in 2 weeks – I initiated it as it wasn’t working anymore but still scary. I woke up feeling scared, alone and wondering how I’m going to get that momentum back when I just want to stay in bed and feel sorry for myself. These are the “I really need some Stephen Pressfield today” kind of days. 🙏🙏🙏 Thank you! ❤️

      • Maureen Anderson on February 14, 2024 at 8:30 am

        Hugs, Melissa! And I hope you’ll forgive me offering two things I’ve found comforting in transitions like yours. The first was printed on stationery by Flavia, an artist: “We are unaware of what sweet miracles may come.” The second’s from Louis L’Amour: “There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.”

  147. Gary Mintchell on February 14, 2024 at 7:26 am

    I’m in a room alone with a laptop and reMarkable tablet. Although I do interview people from time to time, my output is from me.

  148. Mike Henderson on February 14, 2024 at 7:31 am

    M1..I think I have told you I read WWP for your insights as much as the comments from those I refer to as the “Pressfield Platoon” , certainly a larger group than you and I are familiar with normally. I seem to be commenting late in the day compared to those in front of me because I pondered your questions for a long time. I believe that the issues you face, self-motivation, self-belief, self-reinforcement, and self-validation are faced by all of us daily.
    My experience and world have been different from many in some ways and in other ways the same. I have studied leadership and been trained to be a leader from a very young age. I have been active in what I call the ‘Team sports’ of life. I have always worked with others as a team member and most of the time as a team leader.
    I believe strongly that your work applies to those people as well as the lone entrepreneur. As a leader, I think at the end or beginning of the day you are alone ..to make the best decisions possible for the benefit of others.
    I read your work because I always learn something We are all lifelong learners. Whatever we know now can be improved on, and improved on until it becomes a sense of artistry itself. That is what we tried to do in our investment banking firm…turning investment banking into a form of artistry. We were highly successful and carved a path to be the country’s leader in financing affordable housing and health care with tax-exempt bonds. Quite frankly in the spirit of transparency, I am very unhappy with these comments. I dont , however, want to fall back on one of my most significant forms of Resistance by letting perfection get in the way of progress, so I will submit it so you know from my perspective your writing has Universal applications and not only to the monks in Malibu but to all those who get up each day to try to create something new and worthwhile for others . Love ya brother. Best to YOUR teammate, Daina, and hope to see you soon..LT

  149. Jing Wu on February 14, 2024 at 7:33 am

    I just started my business this year, and so far it’s one-person team.

    Your articles shed a ray of sunshine on me every week. Thanks a lot ❤️

  150. George Tingo on February 14, 2024 at 7:37 am

    Spot on Steve. You are light for us all!

  151. ChrisCav on February 14, 2024 at 7:39 am

    I purchased a bunch of copies for family and friends in hopes that the daily msg. would somehow be a quick jab to Resistance that would start their day with motivational momentum and info./tools to accelerate their progress.

  152. Penn Moody on February 14, 2024 at 7:39 am

    Hi, Steve…
    This is very accurate for my situation. I have two “rough drafts” of books that I’ve never finished. I am in the process of clearing some commitments to create time to finish them. Your thoughts / perspective are very encouraging.

  153. Mike Swearingen on February 14, 2024 at 7:42 am

    Hi Steve,

    To be honest with you. I just like hearing from you. I read (listen) to several of your books on a weekly basis. I muse and the work that is required to succeed is without a doubt a life changer in my two jobs. Turning pro kicked it all off for me. My go to now is Government Cheese. Love it. Never stop man. You are reaching more then you even know. Thank you for taking risk and putting yourself out there for us to suck up all the good and bad that you have been through. Let’s never stop, Lets keep our nose to the grindstone an know in the end of whatever this life is, that we put the work in. Thank you for staying relevant in my life and the others that you have touched.
    Best Regards, I will keep going to the River 🙂
    Mike Swearingen

  154. Amy on February 14, 2024 at 7:43 am

    I am a creative at heart who has found ways to weave that into my life knowing that writing is a calling I have only allowed myself to dabble in. I started a blog in 2020 when I was forced to slow down and reflect – exactly what I imagine many of us needed. I have since allowed myself to stray from consistent writing – I have several pieces I’ve started yet the resistance creeps in and the busyness of life that I’ve allowed to overshadow the creative side. Your blog is a constant reminder and connection to the writing world. I know there is a community here and you are proof of the work it takes to overcome resistance. Thank you for what you do and for being that tether.

  155. Lucia on February 14, 2024 at 7:44 am

    100% describes my current situation Steve – I’m an aspiring artist/ woodworker looking to turn ‘creating with my hands’ into a full time endeavor while getting up daily at 5am to sit my a$# where my heart wants to be, before continuing the day working my j.o.b. as an architect.

    Thanks for everything you do to inspire and create space to understand this process – appreciate you!

  156. Kenya Barber on February 14, 2024 at 7:45 am

    You nailed it. I left my corporate gig and started my service biz out of passion, but also to have more time for my own personal creative adventures. That was the theory … the reality is that keeping my biz successful thus far has utilized most of my creative fuel.

    And it’s very rewarding … but the loneliness of the solo venture is something I didn’t anticipate (even tho I’m serving and around other people all day, they are clients, not confidantes).

    So thank you for recognizing this and chiming in just the way and when I need ya.

  157. Tom Vandel on February 14, 2024 at 7:50 am

    I am exactly what you mention in your post. I’m now working on a sequel to a novel which includes short stories and poems and it is not easy. In fact, it seems as hard or harder than the first thing I wrote five years ago. It doesn’t get easier which is amazing to me. Thank you for the help, Steven. Seriously.

  158. jon b. on February 14, 2024 at 7:50 am

    Yes. 1000%

    Dear Hamlet,
    It’s a great day to be.

  159. Peter Darcy on February 14, 2024 at 7:51 am

    You nailed it, Steve.

  160. Milan on February 14, 2024 at 7:51 am

    Hello to all. Yup, it is for me too. I’m not planning to write a book (yet) or start a business.. But, my long term project is pretty much for life, much more than a year.
    Namely, I climb and that’s my Practice. A thing I’m into with my whole self but in my country, you cannot live from it or earn in any way. (At least without selling out the whole idea, but this is not a place for complaining 😁)
    So, I read the posts and try to take in as much as I can and learn,
    And maybe one day I can stop “fighting” life (being in the Wilderness) and do only my thing.

  161. Patty Giffin on February 14, 2024 at 7:56 am

    Feeling resistance even to commenting! But I’m so grateful for your blog and books I had to respond. Your words infiltrate the thick walls and moats of the castle where my princess is held captive by the witch of criticism and shame. The princess is slowly figuring out the magic of her inner powers so she can escape. It’s helpful to have the prince sending clues about this mysterious process. Thank you!

  162. Paullette MacDougal on February 14, 2024 at 7:57 am

    I notice that most of the above writers respond to you, Steve, in the early a.m. hours. Do writers (and aspiring writers) not need to sleep?

  163. Joanne Whitlock on February 14, 2024 at 7:58 am

    Yes that’s me. And can I stress the part about being alone relating to self validation. No one to say yes it’s possible for someone like you, just me being called to something and not being able to let it go.

  164. Marie Esposito on February 14, 2024 at 8:02 am

    Hi Steve – I’ve read this blog for a long time and have most of your books. I think your description is accurate, but doesn’t define Resistance for the person not familiar with your work. That’s what pulled me in. Maybe just a brief description, maybe not written in a “clinical” way, but a little more emotionally? E.G., voices and feelings that put up a wall between you and what you want to accomplish. That keep you down and make you feel like you aren’t good enough to take it on.

    Your worked defined what was going on for me, seemingly
    forever, and gave me so much hope, and then so much information and insight. I felt like you and I were talking with each other and then Opera interviewed you and I realized you were famous! Other people were connected to you, not just me! It speaks to how you write these blog posts, and how you write your books. You speak to the reader like they are the only one you are helping – I am in your world when you write and it’s a good world indeed.

    Keep on doing what you love.
    Marie Esposito

  165. Danny Verbov on February 14, 2024 at 8:02 am

    Yes… and no.

    Think I first signed up after reading and enjoying (and even actually sporadically applying the advice in) your books.

    I don’t currently have a specific practice or project, but I realize that my constant practice and project is… Life.

    And for that, I need to keep showing up, day in, day out.

    Fighting whatever Resistance comes my way…

  166. Lindsay on February 14, 2024 at 8:07 am

    Firstly, I haven’t acquired the new book, and don’t plan to. I’ve devoured War of Art and your other books, given some away, and am all-too-familiar with Resistance.
    Of course, the question of whom you intended this book for is yours to answer, but as for who might benefit — I’d say you’re spot on. In my view we’re all involved in long-term projects — that’s kinda what Life is about, right? — so I’d suggest any eager readers would find value.

  167. Kathy on February 14, 2024 at 8:07 am

    To me, your book was written to anyone who needs to take the gift of their own life seriously. That’s all of us.

  168. John Gray on February 14, 2024 at 8:07 am

    Your description is very accurate for me.

  169. Robert D vanderMark on February 14, 2024 at 8:08 am

    Yes. Nail on the head. ALONE! That is what we all share in common and why this email every week draws me (us?) like the proverbial moth to the flame. Love your shit, man!

  170. Janus Adams on February 14, 2024 at 8:08 am

    Thanks for asking, Steve. Even your question has helped me answer a question of my own! That’s what’s special about Writing Wednesdays. You never know what you don’t know until you do. Thanks for making a path for us to know.

  171. Lisa K. on February 14, 2024 at 8:10 am

    Yep, that’s me. My partner gave me a copy of War of Art a few years ago, and I’ve followed you here ever since.

    I didn’t even realize I was a Creative struggling with Resistance until reading your work and this blog.

    I have an unpublished novel that I’ve been working on for 10 years. I joined the local writers associations, submitted parts of my manuscript several times, and hired an editor. It was exhilarating and I loved the challenge, but life (Resistance) got in the way. Once my editor got involved, I started feeling stuck because she wanted to change things–my baby, my Soul’s work. How dare she (She was great at her job, that’s why)! I Doubted and felt overwhelmed trying to revise the entire novel and change the plot to raise the stakes. So it sits. I take a look at it from time to time, but don’t dwell too long on it.

    During COVID, I found myself writing poetry and wrote probably 100 poems over 2 years. I did submit some of them, but they’ve gone unublished for now.

    I started watercolor painting a year ago and have an opportunity to submit my work for some local craft fairs. I really enjoy sharing my work with my friends and family, and want to explore this further. Resistance again is rising up when I think about the overwhelming task of starting a card business, but I do have supportive people in my life. But of course, it’s up to me to make it all happen.

    Meanwhile, I’m a substitute teacher, and part of the Sandwich Generation. I am the caregiver for my father, and my adult son lives with me in a 1-bedroom apartment while his own creative mind is working on a startup company involving Virtual Reality. His creative genius is way beyond my understanding, but I’ve seen Resistance rise up in him as well as he struggles with the long-form goal and daily struggles to be independent without sacrificing creativity.

    It’s good to know that we’re all Alone in this Together! You are an inspiration, Steven. Thank you for your words.

  172. Christine on February 14, 2024 at 8:16 am

    You are spot on with that answer of yours for me. I read Writing Wednesdays to nudge myself to keep in the writing practice! Never easy; but always well worth it once I do. Thank you for doing what you do — it’s so very appreciated!

  173. Maureen Anderson on February 14, 2024 at 8:18 am

    Your version is it, Steve! I wrote a different version of it in my journal last spring after I watched Dear Edward, a drama series about a 12-year-old who survives a plane crash…


    I woke up from my nap and tried to fall back asleep with varying degrees of success. I thought about the Edward in Dear Edward discovering the stash of letters people have written him. There would be a shot of the letter and then a shot of the person reading it, and soon the room he was in was filled with people screaming at him.

    I’m in a room like that, except everyone’s screaming at me with warnings I’ll never amount to anything because I don’t have a platform.

    Paralyzing. It’s all so paralyzing, and life just keeps whooshing by.

  174. EB on February 14, 2024 at 8:29 am

    Description applies to me. I imagine for some people they may well be even more alone than just alone in terms of switching course and people around them nit just nit encouraging them but actively discouraging them, even more grateful for any morsel of support

  175. Diane Young on February 14, 2024 at 8:30 am

    Hi Steve, I write nonfiction articles about anything that interests me. I began writing when the features editor of a Gannett daily asked me to write for him. Two years later I wrote a commissioned book and moved on to magazine articles. The two years of COVID left me in deep doldrums since a number of my fave magazines didn’t resume publishing. Also, I have ADD, which has greatly hindered my picking up where I left off. I feel like I’m back in the ’70s, essentially starting over from Square One, even though during COVID, I continued researching, taking notes, and even doing some rough drafts. But I feel like an insecure stranger in a strange land. That’s why I read your book and look forward to your motivating Wednesday suggestions to do what I need to do to keep writing and selling my articles.

  176. Andrew H on February 14, 2024 at 8:33 am

    Retired church organist and choir master. I had a paycheck and the support of the congregation, so it was more stable than most artistic work, but Resistance was there every morning trying to keep me away from the organ bench. Your books helped me get through. My artistic challenge now is to keep playing piano, mostly improvisations late at night. I feel that I am still playing for God, and the Resistance is what you described as a compass, telling me that this remains my calling, alongside being a companion to my wife as we get older.

  177. Jack Henke on February 14, 2024 at 8:34 am

    Steve – as far as I’m concerned, your description of your target audience is write on.

    Please keep them coming.


  178. Colleen Cornish on February 14, 2024 at 8:35 am

    Do you remember the opening credits of the old TV show “Branded”? When the protagonist is stripped of his rank and membership in the cavalry? When the commanding officer tears the buttons off his shirt?
    That is how alone this work feels sometimes.
    I am grateful for your naming what this is. This dragon of resistance. Thank you.
    More than trying to fulfill a lifelong dream of writing, I am trying to find the breath that has always filled my lungs.

    I did not really understand until now that there are others swimming in this water! Hey! Over here! I can’t see you but I hear your voice!


  179. Jason Vian on February 14, 2024 at 8:38 am


    You are a major supplier to the quiver of tools that I use to beat back resistance in a number of areas in my life! Some days I am victorious and some I am less so, but the steady stream of posts and videos that you produce have helped me greatly over the years! The War of Art is a regular book/ audiobook in my life as it is for many here!

    Thank you for all you do!


  180. Ryan Fightmaster on February 14, 2024 at 8:38 am

    Steve – You nailed it. That’s me. Alone and working on projects of meaning for the first time after leaving a career last year. It’s scary and I learn on your writing (including these Writer’s Wednesday emails) regularly.


  181. Erin on February 14, 2024 at 8:38 am

    I am very much struggling with my own resistance and feelings of futility. Am I on the right path? Is this worth doing? Just reading this and seeing the word, ALONE made me feel seen and understood and, ironically, not so alone. So yes, I’d say spot on. Thank you for what you do.

  182. Dan Rodriguez on February 14, 2024 at 8:39 am

    Hi Steve,

    I think you’re right; a big project that only materializes after years requires a lot of solo work in the dark – where nobody understands or gets what you’re up to today, or can give you the “atta-boy’s” that we all like so much. It feels like a fairly hopeless endeavor, because there are no short-term success markers, and if you don’t actually FINISH the work, then the whole process is for shit.

    Even so, I’ve come to believe that “to fight, and to fight when hope’s out of sight,” really is “the best game of them all.”.

  183. Nick Klett on February 14, 2024 at 8:42 am

    This is dead on. In fact, that’s exactly why I bought my copy of the Daily Pressfield in the pre-order. It is a voice on the page telling us the one thing every writer needs to hear: We aren’t alone.

  184. Micke DuBil on February 14, 2024 at 8:47 am

    A Guitar Repair Guy in Canada sends a weekly YouTube installment to a million subscribers —most of whom do not build or repair guitars; they don’t even play the guitar.
    Everybody looks to the Net as a Siren’s call to distraction. (Half of the name YouTube alludes to TV. TV=distraction)
    It is submission to the very Resistance you scorn. After that comes the real reason, what you and Canadian Guitar Repair Guy have in common:
    You tell a good story. Every Wednesday: story begins; story resolves. “I wonder what Steve’s gonna write about this week.”
    Everybody -including the blind and the dying– is a sucker for a good story. About this we dream. To this we aspire.
    You deliver. We envy.

  185. Laura Lee Pritt on February 14, 2024 at 8:49 am

    Spot on. And thank you for writing Wednesdays! It makes the journey feel less alone.

  186. THOMAS KELSO on February 14, 2024 at 8:52 am

    The description fits me perfectly, alone, writing a novel, fighting resistance every day. You are an inspiration to me.

  187. Steve on February 14, 2024 at 8:55 am

    Steven – Your work probably resonates a little more with artists and creative types (I am neither) but I honestly think it applies to everyone – corporate types, retirees, laborers – really anyone who struggles, and realizes they struggle, with resistance.

    Thank you for all of your great work and insight !!!

  188. Chet Nickerson on February 14, 2024 at 8:58 am

    Your description fits me exactly.
    –Oh, a note re the web page structure: This “Leave a Comment” form appeared at the bottom of the page, rather than just after your post as is standard practice. In this case it’s after a very long list of comments. Consequently, I thought the form missing entirely. It was only in looking to see if I needed to be logged in that I scrolled all the way to the bottom & found it. I see that you’re using wordpress, perhaps a tech/webmaster could help adapt your theme, or perhaps a different theme might work better. (I used to do this sort of work as my shadow career, you see. Happily, now devoting myself to photography & writing.)

  189. Nancy on February 14, 2024 at 8:59 am

    Yes! Your description alone is healing and informative giving perspective as to what our predicament really is. The War of Art is ever by my side. Thank you so very much!

  190. Dave on February 14, 2024 at 9:05 am

    Yes, in my case this is true. I’ve been reading your books for over a decade. I have written 4 unpublished novels and still struggle to find my voice in my rewrites.
    Thanks for all your support and for offering your advice to us writers working hard to achieve better writing skills.

  191. Hudson on February 14, 2024 at 9:10 am

    Hi Steve:
    Your description fits me perfectly.

    I am a writer who is trying to escape the world of nursing. I started a business to do freelance writing, but I am struggling to find clients and make a go of it. I also have a book about my experiences in nursing that I want to publish, but I need more funding to put it out into the world.

    Every day, I face my Resistance alone.

  192. Amy Martinsen on February 14, 2024 at 9:13 am

    Yep. Me to a T. I’m a writer who wakes up with Resistance every single day. In fact, He’s sitting right here next to me. I think I’ll elbow Him in the face and get some writing done.

  193. Casper on February 14, 2024 at 9:15 am

    I’m a great fan of yours and I’m sort of an entrepreneur and a musician, bandleader and songwriter. I’m fascinated by your honesty in using your own life as examples in your teachings. I love that there’s a community around these ideas as evidenced in the comments. I plan to read them all. I’m getting the book but first I had to get Nobody Wants to read your Shit because that title is just too good. Much love and please keep writing many more books and everything else you do. Casper

    • Dick Kellogg on February 14, 2024 at 9:56 am

      I read your answer and then scanned most of the comments. The commonality seems to be the word lonely. That’s not the issue for me as I have a loving and supportive wife and a community I interact with who supports me as a child of God and an individual.
      The reason I read you every Wednesday is that you help me push self-doubt aside. You enable me to remember that I am essentially writing for myself.
      I’m in the process of re-reading and editing my first book. It’s not about who reads it or if anyone reads it. It’s about me making it the best work that I can and being proud of what I did.

  194. Doug Setter on February 14, 2024 at 9:34 am

    Steve, I enjoy your books and writer insights. It reminds me of when I was about to step off in a marathon, go to university, step into a kickboxing ring or launch myself out the door of an aircraft and pray that my parachute would open. Whenever, I sit down to write I constantly wrestle with that bastardly self-doubt. It never goes away. Like the neighborhood thugs in a bad part of town. You can beat the thug to a pulp, but another one comes along or you are always looking over your shoulder.
    Procrastination, distraction, web-surfing, etc. it is all of these distractions that pull the common mortal away from the real work.
    Sometimes, someone says or writes something profound enough for me to put my head down and keep writing, training and striving. Thank you for your constant insights.

  195. Gentry on February 14, 2024 at 9:35 am

    Wow. This is super interesting! I am an actor and my entire career has been one of being a part of someone else’s venture. Now I’m in the voice over business which can be very solitary and quite scary as I’m now a beginner again! So I’m using the book for nudges to get myself going every day. I also have many friends who are writers and I gain access to the writers’ mind and process which in turn helps me in my acting!

  196. Bing on February 14, 2024 at 9:42 am

    Dear Steve, I am an artist more than a writer. Over the years you have taught me how to practice my art. I do my craft every single day for at least 1.5 hrs, six days per week. I try to never talk about it. What I am experiencing is being unstoppable which is more of a blessing than my actual art work.
    Here is something by Ilia Delio, her writing is similar to R, M, Rilke. “God’s fire is destructive too because it can swiftly eliminate all self-illusions, grandiose ideas, ego-inflation and self-centeredness. Throw yourself into the spiritual fire of Divine love and everything you grasp for yourself will be destroyed until there is nothing left but the pure truth of yourself.”
    Thanks, Bing Wilson

  197. ALex T on February 14, 2024 at 9:43 am

    Yup, that description is me.

  198. DEBRA HANDLER on February 14, 2024 at 9:49 am

    Yes that describes me too, a solitary writer.

  199. Paul M on February 14, 2024 at 9:50 am

    I would only add to the description that there is no personal support structure, either. Family and friends see writing as a hobby, and not a legit profession when trying to pay a mortgage, fund college tuitions and pay bills. I am writing more now, but for me. The book is for me, if someone else enjoy it, that is great. If someone else thinks it is garbage, that is great.

  200. Maggie Barla on February 14, 2024 at 9:51 am

    Hi Steven,

    Your description is right for me. I am an as of yet unpublished author and I sit and write every day. I do this day after day for and will continue to do so until I have exhausted the body of work I need to create. I started two years ago after reading your book “the WAR of ART”. I keep your books stacked in my eye line and grab one when resistance rears its ugly head. Each Wednesday I check out your emails and feel less alone in my pursuit. I will buy your latest book because it is for me. Can’t wait to read it.

    Yours in the Lonely but Entrancing Land of Writing,
    Maggie Barla

  201. Peter Rogan on February 14, 2024 at 9:54 am

    I am a musician who is currently recording my third cd of original music. I work on it for 2,3, if I’m lucky four hours in the morning before I go to work at my steel mill job. I signed up for this blog in 2014 when I was just starting to write and actually finish a handful of songs.
    I am very grateful to Steve and to all of you here for bonding together to support each other in following our bliss or calling. Keep it going, Steve!

  202. Francisco Franklin on February 14, 2024 at 9:55 am

    Yes, that’s me

  203. Lori on February 14, 2024 at 9:58 am

    Hi Steven. First and foremost, thank you SO much for your books and newsletter. I have no words, but know I am indebted to you.
    My life was one of extreme trauma, so existing in survival mode was the norm, which stifled most of my creativity other than writing poetry. At a certain point, I said, “ENOUGH!!!”, stamping my foot and taking the first step. I began later in life, but it’s been over 20 years and every day is about joy and creating. I am an artist that shows in galleries, have a website to sell my art as well, write a monthly blog, as well as do needlework, much of which is donated to trauma survivors.
    What your work has given me is the companionship I needed on this journey, with the Truth. Creativity doesn’t arrive in sunbeams and fairy kisses…it’s a warrior’s battle, fighting demons that arrive to pummel you just as you’re feeling a triumph. My teeth-bared determination doesn’t really correlate with my pastoral paintings, but it makes for interesting conversations when people come over to chat when I’m plein air painting!
    For me, you are a Kindred Spirit and I’m grateful that I don’t have to navigate the creative world on my own. You cheer me on when I’m in the midst of brutal battles, ensuring that demons never win.

  204. Tony Crook on February 14, 2024 at 9:59 am

    Steve, as one of your loyal readers, I would say you described your audience well. As you put it, I am definitely ALONE battling “..self-motivation, self-discipline, self-belief, self-reinforcement..” which has been nonstop for the last 3 years. My calling is an entrepreneurial journey as a solo creator at this point. As others have more eloquently stated, I am grateful for your blog.

  205. Greg Mueller on February 14, 2024 at 10:00 am

    Thanks..I recently left the comforts of the island to swim alone in the sea. I walked away from the safe space of a Tenure -Track Professorship at University teaching art, to practice sculpture full time. I loved my students and colleagues for 15 years …I gave them 110%. Now I give my creative work 110 %…some days unfold with fear, anxiety, and moments of depression…but some days reveal a glimpse of the “muse” as you say.. pure joy, creative flow and the authentic journey “alone” on a road less traveled .

  206. Shawn on February 14, 2024 at 10:00 am

    You’re one hundred percent right!

  207. Tom Bentley on February 14, 2024 at 10:01 am

    Steve, yeah, I’m one of those folks, in my room, making sour faces at the Resistance demon, sometimes roping him to the desk, other times him roping me. I’ve self-published several novels and a couple of nonfiction books (my latest a memoir of my teenage shoplifting business), and Resistance has sunk its thorns in all, but I made it out without full blood loss. Working on a memoir about my 30+ years of truly crazed correspondence with the Jack Daniels’ Distillery—I worked on it for two months and dropped it for two, and am now back. Resistance be damned! Thanks for all you do for writers.

  208. Michael Werner Esser on February 14, 2024 at 10:02 am

    I wrote the book for creatives who are attempting something significant, for example a novel or a startup, that will take at least a year and who are alone in this enterprise.

    “Alone” means the creative lacks support, psychologically, emotionally, or financially. They are facing their own Resistance and deal with the same issues that I confront every day: self-motivation, self-discipline, self-belief, self-reinforcement, self-validation

  209. David Dulany on February 14, 2024 at 10:02 am

    You absolutely nailed it.

  210. Sergio Almecija on February 14, 2024 at 10:04 am

    Yes! And the log-line could be: “This book is for those fighting the inner war”

  211. Carol Holland March on February 14, 2024 at 10:13 am

    HI, Steve,

    Yes,that’s me. I struggled all my life with resistance, finally started publishing about 15 years ago, a trilogy of fantasy novels and numerous short stories, but still deal with it daily. I also teach creativity and journaling to folks who are opening to their creative selves, and use your books in all lmy classes. So helpful. I have written a book about how I’ve dealt with resistance and am about to publish it. One of the harder projects to complete, as my inner critic was never satisfied. Looking forward to a new novel that is calling me. Love your work and your blog, you have been one of my strongest inspirations.

  212. Richard Heard on February 14, 2024 at 10:14 am

    Hi Steve,

    Thank you for your help. I wouldn’t be where I’m at without it. The magical place where I exit is a mashup of many topics you address. I’m a sixty year old man who built and sold a business. That was fun until it wasn’t it. I’m doing what I’ve wanted to do my entire life, learning to write stories. I’m working on a novel, I’ve written several short stories, and am currently writing song lyrics. It’s not as un-focused as it sounds. Each provides fuel for the other.

    Life smashed me in the knee caps as a child. I didn’t learn to read until I was seventeen. Once I learned how I’ve not stopped or slowed down. At fifty five I read the War of Art, The Artists Way, etc and decided I wanted to learn how to write. For the last five years I’ve hired tutors, coach’s etc to teach me what I sadly didn’t learn as a child.

    Believing I’m too old or it’s too late is a form of RESISTANCE who’s ass I beat into the ground.

    Be well and all the best,

    Richard Heard

  213. CeeMac on February 14, 2024 at 10:14 am

    Yes, and yes. Not only is writing solitary and unsupported (which hasn’t changed probably since people began writing), but I have to carve out time each day to do it. If there’s too much to do in our other six businesses, I may only be able to read what I wrote the previous day. Same for travel days – I can’t access my creative space if my brain is filled with travel details. But every day, I sit down and say hello to my book. Some days are 20 word days, some 2000. I try to appreciate both.

    This sort of busyness is relatively new in the writing sphere – meaning, I’m sure Hemingway or Hurston had fewer distractions (but perhaps no fewer worries). I’ve spent the last two years dropping the activities/mindsets that suck time away. Hello, social media. Hello Resistance.

    Thank you for your musings each week, and thank you for all your great books! They are encouraging to read and abide by.

  214. Sean Palmer on February 14, 2024 at 10:17 am

    Agree with the consensus here, though with a caveat. It’s not the stated “support” that is the issue.

    First, we chose this life. The writer, the artist, the entrepreneur–the best we have any right to hope for is indifference. Hostility–slaps to the face, kicks to the stomach–is often the first form of “recognition” that comes when you separate yourself from the herd. To expect otherwise is form of delusion that can only invite more punishment.

    Caustic, yes, but I would strongly suggest that if you need the constant dopamine-drip of encouragement or support, then THIS IS NOT THE LIFE FOR YOU. Go work somewhere with an HR department that hands-out the gold stars you’ve been expecting since the third grade.

    What I appreciate about Mr Pressfield, and the reason I keep reading here, is that a standard is being set. Steve has spoken his commitment, using clear and precise words, over the course of numerous books. And yet, at an age when many would have already fled to Florida and some easy-chair with a view of the golf course, the man does not relent, he does not waver. His ass–as all of ours should be–is still firmly planted where his soul demands it should be.

    So, when such a display of commitment, tenacity, and discipline has been set–Steve has left no confusion or delusion about ‘what it takes’–how much further clarification do you need? Is further encouragement the problem, or are you hoping that inspiration without perspiration will grant you the results you say you desire?

    I read not for the encouragement, or the support. Sure, these are nice and fine things, but have nothing to do with actually getting the work done. Instead, I come to see the most powerful a human can do: doing exactly what it is he said he would. No excuses, no complaints, just the purity of commitment in action.

    Steve kept writing, kept working, when every voice–even his own– told him not to.

    Will you do the same?

  215. George Hopkins on February 14, 2024 at 10:25 am

    That is me …. Writing, kind of … no one reads … or few … I merge all of my stuff onto a single post. A mess … I loce ur stuff. I pledge to get after it tonight

  216. Jalana on February 14, 2024 at 10:39 am

    Hello Steven,
    I’m a 62 year old retiree of banking. I have always had a creative bent, and pursed art, painting and writing off and on all my life with varying degrees of intensity. I was writing poetry as young as nine or ten years old. Some forty plus years ago I completed correspondence course in writing for children, and pursed that half-heartedly for a couple of years. The last three or four years I’ve been writing fairly regularly,essays and short stories based on my own childhood experiences. Since my retirement have I had more time to give to my writing. I find it cathartic, satisfying and a joyful experience. I write because I enjoy it. I have loved your books and several of my writer friends recommended your book,The War of Art, after I shared my essays with them. I would say I don’t really fit the image of your target audience, never the less, I have found your newsletters helpful, encouraging and insightful and your books illuminating.

  217. Jeff Korhan on February 14, 2024 at 10:46 am

    Yes, that’s it, but with more emphasis on creative than writer, if only to differentiate our work from artificial sources.

  218. Mikel Cirkus on February 14, 2024 at 11:01 am

    There are A LOT of comments already, so not sure you’ll even scroll this far down Steven. Just in case, I’m all in – as BOTH, an artist and a writer. Alone? It’s par for the course. Anytime I’m creating something I consider myself ‘alone’ – even if it is just in my head.

  219. Yvonne on February 14, 2024 at 11:08 am

    Hi Steve! What you’ve said is pretty much me. When I’m sitting alone to write, I don’t have any encouragement and am loaded with self-doubt… I procrastinate sometimes, get frustrated and stuck, and I don’t really have a place to turn.The Daily Pressfield is a way for us to feel that you’re “checking in” on us. That’s so helpful, and it gives the artist a sense of not being alone, but more than that, it’s provided by someone who’s been in the trenches and understands. And to have someone even care that you’re making art, to support the work and the process, is so appreciated.

  220. Roger Wyatt on February 14, 2024 at 11:19 am

    Hello Steve,

    I’m a filmmaker and writer who has been struggling on and off with cancer since 2005. Currently I’m in a tough situation. Death, mine, could be on the table.

    Chemo fatigue makes it nearly impossible to be active as either in film or prose but I can keep my dreams alive.

    I need every ounce of positive reinforcement against resistance that I can muster. Your columns and the thoughtful comments of many are important to me.

    I took basic at Ft Bragg in 1969. I learned a life lesson – I can push harder physically, mentally, and spiritually than I ever thought possible. I’m still in the game.

    Best Regards to all

    • Carol B on February 14, 2024 at 11:30 am

      Sending healing thoughts!

    • Anne Marie on February 14, 2024 at 11:41 am

      Prayers for healing and strength, Roger! You rock. Keep fightin’!

      God bless, Anne Marie 🙂

      • Roger Wyatt on February 14, 2024 at 11:50 am

        Thank you Anne Marie and the two Carols. I appreciate your support.

        Best, Roger

  221. Carol Baxter on February 14, 2024 at 11:30 am

    Spot on.

  222. Anne Marie on February 14, 2024 at 11:39 am

    Yep, that’s me. This pantser is deep in the weeds with my ever growing fantasy series whacking away as I work to find the path to the truth of the story that I know is there. Love you, Steven! God bless you and thank you for being in the trenches with us. *hugs*

  223. Cathy obrien on February 14, 2024 at 12:01 pm

    I have been a fan from the moment I read War of Art. I have lived the life of an entrepreneur , artist ,inventor and now am on the verge of launching a new business involving writing. My previous businesses had a common thread , mostly doing things for money , successfull but unfulfilling. I have been inspired by you and idea of really being inspired and loving what I do this time around. I have been in battle with myself for 6 months since I began earnest trying to understand what’s life’s distractions really are ? Real or resistance ? You sharing your daily practice has helped get me back on track as well as reading the shares of other people in this community. This has been exciting and lonely so hearing that I’m not alone is comforting . I have also been comforted by knowing that other people out there understand why I don’t participate in life like a “normal” person . I don’t want to waste my time on mindless events that distract me from what I love to do , most people don’t get it.
    They like escape , I don’t.
    Cathy obrien

  224. Rachel Walsh on February 14, 2024 at 12:24 pm

    “…he or she is in their room alone, facing their own Resistance alone, confronting without external support the same issues that I myself confront every day—self-motivation, self-discipline, self-belief, self-reinforcement, self-validation.” Steve, you nailed it. This is my exact experience, and I cannot even begin to tell you how much your book, The War of Art, and your concept of Resistance has helped me battle through all these challenges with my writing, and in many other areas of life, too. Thank you so much for all that you do for us solo-creatives!

  225. f on February 14, 2024 at 12:25 pm

    describes me to a T….

  226. Fer on February 14, 2024 at 12:49 pm

    Yes, you are wildly close 🙂

  227. Melissa AC Sheperd on February 14, 2024 at 1:01 pm

    My God! There are a whole lot of people who are not alone in being alone.
    I read myself in your description.
    I look forward to Writing Wednesdays, and forward it on to other writing friends.
    I see myself in it and your description for The Daily Pressfield only every damn day.
    Here’s a big fat slap of resistance for you: I’m a mil spouse stationed in extreme hardship postings. Back in the US, a trainer for a course training mil spouses in resilience told me, “Well, you’re just not worth it.”

    Maybe The Daily Pressfield is for those who are overwhelmed.
    Maybe it’s for those who are everyday, fighting to stay the course and not completely give up.
    Maybe it’s for the ones whose not so passive resistance sleeps in the bed or room next to them every night.
    Maybe it’s for those who are simply afraid or don’t know how to ask for help…
    …or if they do ask, they’ll be told they are just not worth it.

    Off topic — Steven,
    If you ever wonder if you are making a difference, you are.
    The audio version War of Art is the only book I’ve ‘read’ at least a dozen times
    and each time, I get something out of it. (I drive a lot.)
    The War of Art is one single book I recommend to everyone, from teens/YAs,
    to college students I interact with, especially the ones who are sitting on the needle of crisis,
    and every adult who wonders if what they’ve done all their lives ever meant anything anyway.

    Two weeks ago, I watched The Legend of Baggar Vance for the first time.
    The next day, I sat my daughter down next to me and I watched it a second time.
    I never read the book.
    The same year the movie LoBV came out, I loaned my paperback copy of Gates of Fire to the Marine Security Guards at our embassy. I had to buy myself a new copy. At any one time I have 2-3 extra copies to give out.
    Baggar Vance is the next novel on my audio list.
    I guess I’ll have to pick up a couple of copies of that, now.
    It will be interesting to see if the book is about the same thing as the movie.

    What you write is for those of us who are not alone in being alone.

  228. Anjala on February 14, 2024 at 1:11 pm

    Hi Steven !

    I’m a french non professional songwriter whom inspiration left during the covid period.
    Your writings help me a lot to understand the “war of art” who is playing his tragedy on the stage of my being.
    So, what you imagine is close to my case.
    Congratulations ! And big big thanks for offering all that…

  229. Amelie on February 14, 2024 at 1:34 pm

    That’s spot on! Throughout the years, sometimes you were the only one encouraging me and making me feel understood through the screen/pages. Thank you!

  230. Mark Williard on February 14, 2024 at 1:40 pm

    I am an Architect, in practice since 1978. I have struggled with Resistance for every minute of those 46 years. Although your target audience is the community of your fellow writers, the personal experience you’ve shared through your non-fiction books and the Writing Wednesday posts have helped me to recognize the dynamics of how self-defeating thoughts and behaviors unconsciously, but deliberately, work to undermine what I could otherwise achieve . Yours is the only voice I have heard speaking to this particular challenge faced by artists in all fields.

    I was originally introduced to the War of Art by another non-writer, a custom-guitar-builder (and proprietor of Guru Guitar in Raleigh, NC). I followed reading the War of Art with Nobody Wants to Read Your Sh*t, a book especially relevant to young wanna-be architects. I recommend both the War of Art and Nobody Wants to Read Your Sh*t to beginning architects and students whenever I have the opportunity.

    The deeper and more interesting story to tell might be how your lessons on the secrets of the writer’s art could have currency for architect. I could riff on that for a long while, but doing that would probably just be Resistance’s way of keeping me from the studio work I need to be doing right now.

    It’s all good stuff. You’re doing God’s work here.
    Thank you.

  231. Peter F. Burns, Jr on February 14, 2024 at 1:52 pm

    Yes Steve, that’s me. I am a college professor who is writing scripts and a novel. Everything you write is relevant to me. You have been an vital part of my recent journey. Whatever you say is applicable in some way to me. Your teachings have been invaluable. You have inspired me in ways you can never imagine.

  232. Tiffany Tuley on February 14, 2024 at 1:55 pm

    Yes, it describes me and I am a fine art painter. I preordered the signed copy of The Daily Pressfield and read it every morning – I love how each week’s themes progress. It is relevant to my journey and I can now say I have a practice. Keep on saying what you are saying in the podcasts!

  233. John Heisman on February 14, 2024 at 2:08 pm

    Indeed Steven, my struggle with resistance is a daily war. Writing Wednesdays often carries me. My slate consists of a screen play in it’s umpteenth revision, a parallel documentary, and a separate work of fiction that comes over me at the most inopportune times. Thank you for the ongoing validation. It has righted my canoe on numerous occasions.

  234. Ron B on February 14, 2024 at 2:08 pm


  235. Steve on February 14, 2024 at 2:17 pm

    “ confront every day—self-motivation, self-discipline, self-belief, self-reinforcement, self-validation.”
    I am UK Military. Why do I read Weds? To para phrase Stephen King, I’m digging the fossil of my book out the ground little by little. But it is mostly with my life that I use your encouragement to resist resistance most. Getting up for Phys, finishing that piece of work, writing that difficult email, having that conversation; doing the right thing. It has become part of my world.
    Like many here, I have a busy life. Many days I consciously give in to resistance when I should flip open the laptop and just do it. But it knows I know. Some days we size each other up across the room, and I just beat it to piss it off and I laugh inside.

  236. Adam Schwartz on February 14, 2024 at 2:20 pm

    Describes me to a T. I write without any external motivation, remuneration, or guarantee that it will ever be produced.

  237. sl on February 14, 2024 at 2:26 pm

    Steve, I’m a business consultant/advisor/etc. and a business coach — so I have a fair amount of experience in getting people to accept and act on difficult realities. Let me suggest a bit of marketing tweak.

    Nobody ever wants to believe that their project will take a year or more. Nobody.

    You and I may know that it’s not realistic. But there’s a reason that weight loss programs all promise to drop 60 lbs in a week, despite the fact that we all know that’s not possible.

    The minute you put a time horizon on your work — for people working on a project that will take a year or more — you drive away an enormous proportion of the market for your product. No one wants to sign on to that. It’s the same reason that medical device companies that sell things like alarms for when you fall, or medic alert bracelets, all get the response, “That would be great for my mother.” Nobody wants to think that they themselves need it. It’s a huge marketing problem for them — how do they get people to buy a product on the basis of being in a situation nobody wants to admit they’re in?

    Just like nobody wants to admit they’re at the beginning of a project that will take a year or more. Even though we all know it will.

    If you were my client, I’d strongly suggest that you take the time horizon off the way you talk about this.

    Exactly how I’d suggest phrasing this would take more thought than I have at the moment in a quick comment (and it’s not an advisable professional move to give away that much advice for free online). But I would encourage you to broaden how you’re talking about this. I think that in the wise desire to target your market effectively — which is smart and important — you’ve gone too far and targeted too narrowly. This book has broader appeal.

    And I also wouldn’t talk about working alone — lots of people don’t think of themselves as alone, they think of themselves as part of a family, or a group of friends, etc. “Alone” is another thing people don’t want to think about themselves. I’d phrase it “working on a personal project” rather than working alone.

    And not just a project. A goal. Project is too narrow — this is not just for creative writers, or other people with a specific “project” in mind. It’s for anyone battling Resistance. And you know how broadly Resistance fights us.

    The target person is someone working on a personal goal or project.

    That phrase still needs some work, but it’s a good move towards identifying people would want a day-to-day guide to help them overcome Resistance, without narrowing it down so much you lose your market.

    You do great work. It deserves to find its audience. They’ll want it.

    Good luck!

  238. Judith Lavezzi on February 14, 2024 at 2:27 pm

    Nice way to get engagement, Mark – ask them to talk about themselves!!! And it just so happens that we love to do that. I wrote three historic novels and spent the better part of the last ten years getting to workshops, learning some craft, and improving what I’d written. I am now old enough that I am not going to get an agent and spend 6-10 additional years getting something into print form, then have that vanish overnight. So, I’ve decided to publish myself, for myself, so that my children and grandchildren will have that little bit of history, that little piece of my soul. Myself is invested in those characters and their troubles, their adventures, their losses and so I wish to do the next thing. Once I made that decision, I froze, because I did not know how to do the next phase. I’ve twice tried to hire someone to walk through this with me, but it hasn’t worked out. Soo, long pause here, I need to do it myself, but I don’t know how. thanks for asking.

  239. P Spur on February 14, 2024 at 2:43 pm

    I find it strange how accurate you have managed to describe me, one of your readers haha
    I will say there have been times in my life where i am really going through it and then i read one of the emails from you and they describe exactly what i am going through. Your emails are great perspectives and good for thought, i’d reckon. Even reading this one makes me want to check out your book, so thank you.
    You are much appreciated!

  240. Judith B on February 14, 2024 at 2:50 pm

    You pretty much describe me. I “received” a book title in the mid-’90s and held on to it until I took a writing class in 2018-19 and mentioned it in some “wild pages” we handed in weekly. My instructor noted “there’s some juice there” when handing them back and when he gave an assignment one week and said “this one has to be fiction” I went back there, looked at my title, and started just knowing things about what to write. Got the biggest class response when it was read aloud (author not identified), kept “knowing” about the story over the next summer and realized it’s a novel and started exploring from there. Organized a plot, took an online writing course during Covid, now nearly 75% done with first full draft and meet every morning with other writers on Zoom where we Sprint together without sharing our work but brief talk in last 10 minutes. I have company, a schedule (practice) but am primarily alone as I work, plan, dig, and still feel that it’s a story that’s mine to tell since it wants to be told.

  241. Scott on February 14, 2024 at 2:59 pm

    You are right. I work alone – no company or external structure to support me. A solopreneur. Me and my work – creating and writing for my clients and the market.

  242. Rick on February 14, 2024 at 3:05 pm

    I’m still in a support structure (out of the Navy last year and now enrolled in art school on the GI Bill), but I am an online student and have complete control over my schedule and what I work on outside of the limited scope of my assignments. Lots of room for Resistance if one isn’t careful : ) I look forward to these everyday and am currently reading The Daily Pressfield as it was meant to be read- one day at a time. I’m on Day 70 or so and it’s a good habit!

  243. Steve Koehler on February 14, 2024 at 3:18 pm

    Hi Steve—-Yes your profile of your average user absolutely applies to me. I am self employed, and am “in the trenches” by myself. It is indeed very challenging. Your books, Black Irish Jabs and The Story Grid have absolutely helped me on my journey. I have to write my own scripts, and write my own biz copy. I have found all of your materials very useful & practical, and some down right life changing.

  244. Julie on February 14, 2024 at 3:20 pm

    I’m a filmmaker who’s making a new feature film this year so yeah; your book is perfect timing for me. Your description is perfect! The Daily Fire is great!!!

  245. Rinah on February 14, 2024 at 3:37 pm

    Yep you’re right Steve. Alone.

  246. Theresa on February 14, 2024 at 3:53 pm

    I cannot recall how I first found you, and then your Writing Wednesdays newsletter. But I do recall your name kept bubbling up from my “surroundings”, along with references to your book, “The War of Art”.
    I’m a watercolour artist, who submerged herself during COVID, and I feel that art saved me.
    Knowing that others struggle with the Daily Resistance, procrastination, distractions, scrolling……being human…..
    Even the successful, seemingly prolific artists, continue to grapple with this struggle, I find weirdly comforting.
    And then it is time to stop the waffling – and put water to pigment & invite it to dance across the blank white rectangle to become……
    Connection. That is what you’ve offered. And I’m happy to have your most recent book of human encouragement, to go along with Marcus Aurelius.
    So – Thank You.

  247. Jason on February 14, 2024 at 3:54 pm

    Yes, you’re right

    • Niko on February 17, 2024 at 8:12 am

      I think the description isn’t off at all. Maybe it’s not only for long form, but any form!

  248. Phoenix Moonstar on February 14, 2024 at 4:38 pm

    This describes my situation 100% accurately. It was only through reading your book ‘Nobody Wants to Read Your Shit’ that I even contemplated writing something. The resistance and doubt never leaves me.

  249. Wendi on February 14, 2024 at 5:05 pm

    Spot On!

  250. Naomi on February 14, 2024 at 5:06 pm

    Yes, your description is accurate. Also, thanks for writing your books on overcoming resistance!

  251. Igor Chirashnya on February 14, 2024 at 6:16 pm

    When I decided to write my first novel, I was surrounded by doubters, including my own family. They all said it was a crazy, impossible dream. So, I ended up burying that dream deep down, unable to muster the courage to face my fears and doubts. But then, along came Steve and his book, “The War of Art.” Whenever I hit a rough patch, I’d crack open that book to a random page and find the motivation I needed to keep going.

    Fast forward, and now my novel is out there in the world, all thanks to Steve’s words pushing me forward. And to top it off, Steve himself gave my book a shout-out, knowing just how much his advice meant to me. This blog is my way of reminding myself every week to keep pushing past the obstacles and chasing after my dream of being a writer. Steve, you’re like my personal cheerleader, always giving me that extra boost I need to keep my creative engine running.

  252. Bradley on February 14, 2024 at 6:16 pm

    Spot on. Keep up the great work. Appreciate you.

  253. Sharpcastle on February 14, 2024 at 7:20 pm

    The short answer is definitely yes.

  254. Pete Miller on February 14, 2024 at 8:17 pm

    thats me a T

    • Pete Miller on February 14, 2024 at 8:18 pm

      err typo; meant 2 read “that’s me 2a T”

  255. Karen D on February 14, 2024 at 9:58 pm

    Yes this is me.
    I have some support as I’m a member of a group with a book coach, plus other writers some of whom have published and some (like me) who are on their first round.
    Some of us in the group will reference The War of Art (great book!) and I am conscious of Resistance and when it pops up, though not always successful in managing it.
    I like these Wednesday newsletters as it’s a weekly reminder to keep at it.

  256. Mandana on February 15, 2024 at 2:07 am


    Yes, this is so me 😃🙏🏻. Looking forward to the book!

    Have a nice day!

  257. York on February 15, 2024 at 2:41 am


    1000%. Spot on.

    Even this morning, I am awake at 4am trying to get better at staring my demons down in the face. Looking at fear really and truly for what it is. And I know, I can only really and truly do it alone.

    Long form.
    I’m glad you mentioned that. This probably can apply to short form as well, but ultimately this is for those on that epic trek. Those on that arduous journey.

    This blog (though I’m not on here as often as I used to be) has been a guidepost from the day I discovered The War of Art. It has helped me through thick and thin, and even quite literally saved my life.

    You are 10,000% spot on
    Thank you.

    Carry on!

  258. Tricia Cooper on February 15, 2024 at 5:20 am

    Dearest Mr. Pressfield,

    You have pierced me through my heart! You have peeked through the deepest depths of despair in my thoughts.

    Every Day I wake up filled with the restoration of joy to Sit, to bleed the tears of my heart onto paper.

    Every Day the enemy of my truth, subtly steals the chapters from my closed fisted mind.

    You. Mr. Pressfield, you get me, you understand the battle of Resistance that goes on within my mind. Then there’s you!

    Every Wednesday I can’t wait to open up your words of Hope that keep me on the this long lonely journey to freedom.

    I hang on Every word you write-somedays it’s the only thread of joy, and clarity I have to Sit and develop the writing muscles of wisdom you share Every Wednesday.

  259. Kathy Holmes on February 15, 2024 at 6:02 am

    Not necessarily long form. I used to write novels but now I’m writing songs. Most encouraging books, such as this, are written by writers (of course), and are only vaguely inclusive of music and other art forms. Still, I get a lot out of it, knowing that it also applies to me.

  260. Joe on February 15, 2024 at 6:25 am

    What a response! I’m a day behind. Be back later to read people’s thoughts and add one of my own.

  261. Troy on February 15, 2024 at 7:06 am

    Your description as a email subscriber was spot on for me. Not a “professional” writer, it’s something I do in my spare time. I have been working on my current book almost two years (almost done!) and there’s no publishing company behind it, it’s going to be self-published and hopefully put in the hands of those who need it.

    Thanks for the weekly encouragement, I appreciate it.

  262. Jillian on February 15, 2024 at 7:16 am

    Trying to finish my dissertation…and then develop a daily writing practice (I have a daily stretching and prayer practice, and I typically exercise 3-4 times a week, so I KNOW it is possible.) But I always let writing fall off the To Do.

  263. Judith F Ridgley on February 15, 2024 at 8:01 am

    Well I for one love Writing Wednesdays. I love your common sense approach. No pie in the sky stuff. I love your work because it has inspired me especially WAR OF ART . Most motivational book on writing+ out there. I give it away as a gift. So Yes I love your thoughts
    Who am I …an Independent author who is very independent. and usually a pain in the ass

  264. Paul J Triller on February 15, 2024 at 8:13 am

    Your description is soooooooo close to where I see myself.

    This is a new thing for me. From your emails and books, I am absorbing wisdom and inspiration.

  265. Ryan on February 15, 2024 at 8:58 am

    Your emails/book/blog speak to me the writer and entrepreneur. When you create, you face Resistance.

    But, I also see them as useful for anyone doing something hard over a long period. Looking for a new job? Recently divorced and clueless over what’s next? Struggling over what to do as a parent, when it feels like the little things aren’t having the impact that are needed?

    These all are great use cases for potential readers. They all are closely connected to our soul and Resistance loves to rear its head.

    • Anon on February 21, 2024 at 11:59 am

      Indeed. I am going through a divorce in which my ex-partner is unwell and/or intent upon making each issue as miserable and attention-diverting as possible, as punishment to me for my ex-partner being the leavee as opposed to the leavor. We are at 15 months and counting. As a result, I have had to do a lot of lonely work –and that is an understatement. This includes the nitty gritty of the legal process, preserving myself and my children, unwinding false narratives, and so much more. Resistance constantly looms. Steve’s thoughts are apt in this space and welcomed.

  266. Mike Wagner on February 15, 2024 at 9:24 am

    I might be the outlier among your readers. My work is focused on the space between leaders and their direct reports. And, in part, I read for insights to pass on to leaders who are committed to helping their colleagues overcome resistance. Yes, “alone” makes sense as the identity of your readers. But what you are doing for your readers is what I teach leaders to do for their colleagues; overcome resistance while understanding how their story is playing out. Make sense.

    In the broken workplaces I frequent resistance is everywhere and many can’t find a story that makes sense. They need help to get there.

  267. Warren on February 15, 2024 at 10:34 am

    Your writing reaches an old man who has journaled to himself for nearly fifty years and wants to write something before he dies that someone else would give a sh** to read.

  268. jww on February 15, 2024 at 10:56 am

    Former professor, who had the pressure of an institution to write/publish frequently, but now sits all by his lonesome at the computer, vomiting out language and never feeling satisfied that it’s good enough for me. When I was professing, I had others like editors and colleagues to give their approval, but now… I discover that without them telling me it’s been accepted (and hence acceptable) it’s never good enough.

    I’m feeling very odd in articulating this, honestly. I hadn’t put it in words. Even with all your books (yes, ever damn one of them) and your YouTube videos and Writing Wednesdays, it never really clicked for me until, well, one paragraph ago.


  269. Captain on February 15, 2024 at 11:28 am

    Yes sir! I would say you are right on target.

  270. Jim King on February 15, 2024 at 11:35 am

    I’ll keep it brief…Sopt on!

  271. Brian Nelson on February 15, 2024 at 1:06 pm

    I was in the military when I found Writing Wednesdays. At the time, I would have called myself an ‘intra-preneur’–trying to make changes inside an organization. Was able to create some programs, make some changes.

    The cost was a reputation as a trouble-maker, and passed over for promotion at end of career.

    After about 8 years of trying on different entrepreneurial hats, I have come to the realization that I need to write. I have things to say. It is only when I get these things out of me that I feel momentarily at peace. That’s not 100% true. Not daily, but often I do lose time writing.

    My writing is non-fiction. Commentary-ish. The stuff I think about when running or ruminating or (need another ‘r’ verb) reliving some past glory or trauma.

    I have a book in me that is slowly working itself out of me. I don’t write the book daily, but I am writing ‘stuff’ 4-5 days a week now. Better than before.

    Writing Wednesdays is like shooting a resection when doing dismounted land navigation. It helps me find out where I am. WW is both directional and reflective of where I am.

  272. KJ on February 15, 2024 at 1:09 pm

    I’m a writer and an artist: poetry, fiction, paintings.

  273. Kristine A Anderson on February 15, 2024 at 1:20 pm

    I believe you are spot on in my case, and “Writing Wednesdays” is a brilliant and very helpful (and rare) gift. I am delinquent in opening my emails, but have been writing a lot. Thank you for waking me up this week.

  274. Belinda Butler on February 15, 2024 at 1:55 pm

    Wildly on, I’d say. Your books/Writing Wednesdays are like walking with that encouraging uncle who loves you, but knows you and doesn’t take any of your crap. I want to write more songs for an album to be recorded this year.

  275. Scott Briggs on February 15, 2024 at 2:32 pm

    I worked as a newspaper reporter for nearly 20 years, covering mostly sports but a considerable amount of general news as well. I left that career and life behind nearly seven years ago and now work as a schoolteacher. While I’m not looking back, I still write professionally as a freelancer. I’m still fascinated and intrigued with the process of writing, whether it’s studying the “Foolscap Method” or listening to one of your interviews online about your many books. While I’ve actually used your advice, wisdom and experience to draft plans for a couple of books, I truly don’t know If I’ll ever actually make the necessary time; this isn’t a lament, just honesty. I’m in my early 50s, and being active and outdoors as much as possible is more important now than ever. However, I still like connecting to the current you put out there. Even if I don’t complete any major projects, your words – whether it’s “Writing Wednesdays” or one of your books – keeps me connected to your current and the countless souls who are flowing through it. That said, I’ll continue to follow you and your work.

  276. Thea O'Brien on February 15, 2024 at 5:53 pm

    Yes, truely spoken, I fit into your category. So much so I changed my life and moved to remote nursing in Outback Western Australia, so in my downtime I have limited distractions. I am teaching myself warer colour painting, doing some embroidery and stitching…. and am slamming up against resistance like someone stumbling around a room in the dark crashing into furniture. I have my full plot line and characters and some chapters first drafts of a youth novel. When I do sit down and write I am immersed and it flows but oh, the resistance to sitting down! I rarely check Facebook but the moment I have a bigger task, somehow a social media message catches my eye and I am distracted.
    This last month since I found your work and books (through Devin of SKUP), resistance has shown me every wile, and stripped my sense of self esteem. Resistance has shown me my weaknesses, and mocks me with the lies I will never be good enough.
    I have 1 published children’s book, and several more ready for publishing. Stepping up to a more complex novel is like driving with the brakes on or I cannot find the keys to the car, so I abondon the plan to write and distract myself with other things .
    I found the two of your books I have read so very clarifying around resistance! Reassuring that this is not just a ‘me’ weaknes but a process. A bit like the mining area I live in. Some find gold or diamonds lying on the surface of the ground, but most have to excavate the depths, find the seam, cast aside the waste, wash and filter and refine for the wealth of storyline, wit and wisdom to reveal itself.
    Your Writing Wednesdays are a gift, inspiration and encouragement to being willing to allow the artist within expression. Thank you.

  277. Meenakshi on February 15, 2024 at 6:10 pm

    I don’t yet have the skill or the fortitude to write a long-form work. At the moment, I don’t think I even dream of writing a long-form work. What I am here for is the long-term work of writing…. knowing that the practice will take me a lifetime, and not only being okay with that but also enjoying the fact that the journey is long and never-ending.

    Your work and your blog have helped me love the day-to-day practice of writing, and to think of it as a lifelong commitment.


  278. Mojca on February 16, 2024 at 4:02 am

    Yes, the description resonates! Especially relevant now that I’m re-embarking on the creative journey, it seems like it’s now or never, being true to myself and my dreams feels inevitable. And yet, daily encouragement still very much applies.

  279. Carol on February 16, 2024 at 4:14 am

    I’m not a writer or have a goal of becoming a writer – i think your words and thoughts resonate with everyone, who is wanting to improve in areas of their life that they struggle with, especially our millennials who have instant gratification at a click, but who struggle with hard work, focus and working through resistance and creating discipline. In looking back at my school education, even in college, no one teaches this – focus, discipline, resistance is a lifelong class in itself, and Your Wednesday email are a constant that I look forward to grab a cup of coffee, read, focus, and think how this applies. Almost always a light bulb goes off and I can apply it to my work life and home life. Thank You for asking our thoughts and I hope you continue to provide this valuable information.

  280. K.C. Hawkes on February 16, 2024 at 6:18 am


  281. David Berish on February 16, 2024 at 6:53 am

    I am similar to Portia above. I have no resistance to writing when I find the time to write. I have 60,000 . My book writes itself and I love it. But I have a very busy, fulfilling life which I cannot let go of. I have been trading securities every day since the 4th of January 1978. Also I have clients who I cannot let down. Yet I know that the day I die, hopefully thirty years from now, I will have only one regret. Not completing the book.

    Thank You for everything. I have been following you since “Gates of Fire”

  282. David Berish on February 16, 2024 at 6:54 am

    Sorry that was 60,000 words, above.

  283. Téj on February 16, 2024 at 10:14 am

    Steve I think you’re bang in your thinking and assumptions for the questions: “Who Reads Writing Wednesday Each Week?” & who “The Daily Pressfield” is for. I wish you the greatest success with the book and all your future ventures. Thank you so much for your wonderfully unique and most relevant insights you share with us via your peerless publications.

  284. Anonymous on February 16, 2024 at 11:46 am

    Yes, that is me, in whole

  285. Kristine A Anderson on February 16, 2024 at 2:21 pm

    You are so on point!

    I write every day. With 47 years behind me, my first article was published when I was in my early 20s in a popular national business magazine, complete with a photo and byline. I didn’t know what a byline meant then! After that, every article I submitted was published — all in the computer industry — me being a specialized ad and PR agency. Some wonderful decades went by, then after a period of retirement, I recently returned to writing.

    I am 71. A big surprise came my way recently: I was asked to write an article about my experiences as a chronic pain patient for one of the oldest and most-read publications on pain.

    Aren’t we all blessed? One is never too old to be a writer!

    I write in amusing places, trying to treat every word as though the President was going to have a copy on his desk. Or, at least I’m trying to do. I am not a good writer, because I see and read things every day about language and writing of which I know nothing. I write comments on blogs and social media, emails, poems, lyrics, letters to those supporting good causes (and often offer to write for them for free). I write letters to those potentially harming people by selling subpar products.

    Sometimes, I enjoy writing about subjects that have always captivated me. This is often an endless task. (I prefer calling it endless, rather than calling it unfinished, even though I do feel a bit guilty.) You see — you know– the ice cream is the research; the chocolate that slowly drizzles and changes course is the writing.

  286. John E. Bishop on February 16, 2024 at 3:11 pm

    Steve, I am one of those “too soon old(81) too late smart” who is in someway just now discovering the wonder of writing. Every bit of this is new to me and so my participation in Writing Wednesdays is all about learning and trying to engage in what it means to put ink on paper.

  287. Laura Burgoine on February 16, 2024 at 5:56 pm

    I think you’ve absolutely nailed it, Steve. Anyone engaged in a long-form project, effectively a self-employed creative, understands the depths of what it means to do it alone. I un-subscribe from SO many newsletters and delete just as many without reading them but I always read your Writing Wednesdays. OftenI don’t have time to read them in real-time so I save them in my inbox and then read three or four in one hit. They always speak to me, provide comfort, insight, encouragement, validation and inspiration. I always feel better for having read them.

    If I were to elaborate on your description I would say your writing is for people who are pursuing an unconventional path, the kind that society doesn’t offer a blueprint for. People who see their work as a calling and a spiritual mission and do it despite all the perfectly good reasons not to! Perhaps I’d describe these people as mystical or spiritual beings. True creatives. Personally I avoid talking to most people about my work because I tire of people asking me “how’s the writing going?” and the weight of the ‘why aren’t you finished yet? Are you making any money? How long until you give up?’ implications, which I’m aware probably reflect my own insecurities more than anything! But we live in a very literal world and a very material one, and I find most people aren’t terribly interested in changing the way things are or accepting that choosing this life will come at a cost, namely creating limitations in other areas. When I read your books and your newsletters, I feel myself in like-minded company, relieved to be in the presence of someone who gets it and who can offer me guidance on how to live this kind of life because you’ve done it and continue to do it. “The war or art” and “Turning Pro” are books I turn to time and time again, and though I’ve read LOTS of books on creativity and writing, yours are hard to top because they’re not just matter-of-fact manuals on craft, they address the resistance and fear, which I’ve come to believe is at the foundation of all our struggles as creatives and as humans.

    I might say your work is for people searching for freedom. Creativity is the method in which we do this, but ultimately we’re all just trying to find our way back to ourselves.

  288. Bill Schillings on February 17, 2024 at 5:14 am

    Steven – You’re answer sums it up well for me. I came across “The War of Art” a few years ago (I’ve also read many of your other books). Your ability to articulate the challenges that confront creative people, and the solutions, has had deep impact on me. I completed and self-published a book in the fall of 2022 in no small part due to your example and influence. As I write this, I’ve completed a second and am working on the details surrounding publication (as usual, resistence around every corner).

    As you mention, we are all essentially “alone” in our own heads. This made me think about David Foster Wallace’s thesis in “This is Water” – sometimes we aren’t aware of how challenging being so “self-referential” can be. However as my brother, a veteran of the wonderful AA program, likes to tell me – “it’s never a good idea to run around in your own head without supervision”. So, whenever I feel lost, alone, or discouraged on the creative path, I refer back to one of your books, listen to a podcast you’ve been on, or read this weekly email. In effect, you have often served as my supervisor.

    I recently met with a writer friend of mine who mentioned that his definition of success had little to do with financial gain, and everything to do with impact on people. By that standard I’d say you are doing pretty well! Thanks for all you have done, and are doing.

  289. Helen on February 17, 2024 at 7:12 am

    It’s me too -100%.. please keep sending your emails they remind me that I’m not alone – and reading many of the comments above reinforces that belief. Thank you

  290. Kevin B. Burgess on February 17, 2024 at 3:57 pm

    I agree with what you have written. While currently not a novelist, or a formally trained writer of non-fiction I have found that working remotely using my home as an office for at least the past decade or more motivation and discipline can sometimes be challenging.

  291. Tara C Heaton on February 18, 2024 at 4:07 am

    For me, Writing Wednesdays are mini-muffins of magical inspiration that I look forward to. So the book is like access to the entire bakery of sweetness that only Steven Pressfield can bake.

  292. Karin on February 18, 2024 at 11:52 am

    In a sense I am “alone” & that is why I come here on Wednesdays. Luckily, I have a job that supports me financially but I’m alone in that no one really cares whether I write or not. No one is after me to publish my next story and no one is asking me what I’m working on. I’m slowly sharing work & getting some readers. Thanks for this blog. It is immensely helpful.

  293. Mike Wilke on February 19, 2024 at 7:54 am

    You nailed it!

  294. Mellie Smith on February 19, 2024 at 10:29 am

    Late to the poll, here, but doesn’t all creativity happen in isolation? It comes from the mind and heart – where the only other possible presence is God (and that rascally resistance). Ideas are normally sparked by outside influences, but the “combustion” happens inside a person. The development of an idea or plot or object can be improved by others, but creation itself is not a team sport.

    I personally find a pep squad (or peanut gallery, at times) is a mixed blessing. I get plenty of encouragement from friends and family to get projects finished – often too much, it mostly encourages my resistance. I’m sure it’s a character flaw, but pressure to perform (even in the form of loving urging) acts like a bad boy to my inner teenager, leading me off to forbidden distraction! Steve, your posts are the voice of a beloved mentor calling me back home. I’m grateful.

    So I would encourage my fellow creators to look at solitude and even isolation in a more positive way. Steve has spoken of the creative space as a sanctuary. That resonates in me like an enormous, sonorous bell. I’m working hard on my vocabulary, using phrases like, “I GET to write (or paint)” instead of, “I must” or “I should.” And I purposefully visualize my desk and easel when I am away from them and tell myself out loud how much I want to be there. And then I agree with myself, also out loud (it DOES make a difference, we believe what we hear ourselves say). My personal Greek Chorus is much more effective than my loving pep squad. My self talk works AGAINST resistance instead of giving it weapons to use against me. 🙂

  295. Purple Dancer, aka L.A.LAW on February 20, 2024 at 8:03 am

    Thank you Steve! Yes, this describes me, however, due to your efforts, I no longer feel alone. I am now part of this group of beautiful people feeling encouraged by you.
    Thanks again,
    Purple Dancer, aka L.A.LAW

  296. Home Storeys on February 20, 2024 at 12:09 pm

    Thank you for sharing this insightful glimpse into the writing community’s collective mindset!

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  297. Oion One32 Noida on February 20, 2024 at 1:05 pm

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  298. Dora on February 21, 2024 at 2:04 am

    Hi Steve,
    Your posts and essays and all the advice and stories you share are valuable for me. The way you speak about resistance and following a routine, a practice, resonates with me at a deepest level. The stories about how you need to keep going even after you’ve published something are my inspiration and my guiding light.

    And a huge thank you. Because of your articles, I completed a movie script, which received a prize in December 2023 for a movie script I wrote (it hasn’t been turned into a film, yet, hopefully it will). It’s such a lonely endeavour, that if it wasn’t for your encouragement, I don’t know that I would have finished it.

    Thank you and I hope you continue for a lot longer,
    Dora from Greece

  299. Dan on February 21, 2024 at 2:07 am

    “facing their own Resistance alone, confronting without external support the same issues that I myself confront every day—self-motivation, self-discipline, self-belief, self-reinforcement, self-validation.”

    This resonated so much Steven. My mentor recommended you and yours is the only weekly email that I read every time. Sorry for the late comment. War of Art made me a fan. And everything you’ve put out since has kept me a fan.

  300. Maria Ryan on February 21, 2024 at 2:12 am

    I’ve wanted to be a writer since I was a child.
    I’ve typed in many sentences after this line and then deleted them because I realise what they all translate into.
    About twelve years ago I wrote a novel, got rejected by one agent and gave up.
    Every now and then I’d write outlines or short stories.
    I discovered you through Marie Forleo and realised what a part resistance has played in my life, never mind
    just in writing!! I reread your books War of Art, Turning Pro every few months and your novels have also been here on my husbands bookshelf.
    I’m currently working on a fiction novel, two thirds the way through. And I’ve outlines and ideas for the next few.
    Thank you for everything that you do, your Wednesday email, is like a lovely little nudge and a reminder that we are not alone.
    Thank you from Ireland, you are the life coach I didn’t know I needed.

  301. Home Storeys on February 21, 2024 at 3:12 am

    We are the best real estate consultant in West Bengal. Contact us for the best property like resale homes and Ready to Move Flats in Rajarhat

  302. Niyazi "OZZY" OKAY on February 21, 2024 at 3:37 am

    Hi Steven,

    First off I agree with the initial comment of Mark. I feel like I’m not alone. I do not read your blog every wednesday I admit but I’m with you every day.

    Everyday when I’m at the supermarket looking at the chocolate bars you’re yellin at me “Fuck the marshmallow!!!!”

    Before I read you War of Art I was convinced my procrastination was not a big deal. “No Bad Parts” was the name of the book and was relling me that my body was trying to protect me from feeling overwhelmed by delaying issues.

    After reading your “shit” I know that’s resistance and it has a name. I know he is trying to kill me and I’m wrestling with him everyday.

    Thank you for making me write everyday. I’m not an artist nor an entrepreneur but I’m struggling to find my ‘authentic swing’ for the past 5 year. Only now I’m hopeful for the first time. I know I’ll pull out of this even if it takes me a couple more years.


  303. Sara Higgins on February 21, 2024 at 3:53 am

    It’s not just your weekly emails that keep my entrepreneurial journey on the tracks, but your body of work that keeps expanding. I cut my teeth on War of Art over 20 years ago and reread (along with Turning Pro, Do the Work, Nobody Wants to Read Your Sh-it, Government Cheese) or rather listen to the audiobook as if you are my coach . In essence, you are. I read a few pages of The Daily Pressfield after my morning meditation to keep Resistance at bay. My sincere thanks and gratitude.

  304. Annie Marcel on February 21, 2024 at 4:45 am

    I saw from Steven’s post this morning that I’d missed this poll. Yikes! As much as I value the Writing Wednesdays emails, I’d been avoiding them as part of my Resistance two-step. I’m a professional writer/editor who is about a third of the way through writing two different novels. They are important to me, but I stumble in the weeds of plot and then procrastinate. “Alone” is hard. Recently, I set aside fiction entirely and began serializing a true story in partnership with a refugee couple, dear friends who endured the events described. I’m no longer alone–the story is theirs, and the effort is for them–and now a sense of urgency drives me. I’m opening those emails again. Thanks for keeping on, Steven.

  305. Faith Watson on February 21, 2024 at 6:23 am

    Hi Steve. I love the old idiom, “when the student is ready, the teacher appears.” For me, that truth isn’t just about dramatic growth stages, sudden breakthroughs, long-sought validation, or even the aha moment when a book falls off the shelf and hits you on the head. Those are all good things, but teachers can also appear as search results, old songs, sick pets, sunsets, and comments on blogs like yours, that reveal our connections.

    You and I have crossed paths on the internet over the years, shared book recommendations, and you have directly helped me with small projects that haven’t (yet) led to great accomplishment or commercial success. Yet still I follow you with a student’s interest, and check in with my hope and curiosity–albeit with classic irregularity. 🙂 i consider you and your readers kindred spirits. Maybe that’s important evidence that you are a valued teacher appearing for the right people at the right time with the right message. Thank you!

  306. Lisa Lane on February 21, 2024 at 7:02 am

    Hi Stephen, this is my writing time so I’ll be brief. Yes, that is I – writing alone, sans an external proffer, somehow having reached 84k words of my thriller novel’s first draft. Woo-hooo! It was a screenplay but I decided to ‘take control’ of the story’s future by turning it into a novel, which I will self-publish.

    I do read your helpful posts from time to time. It was my own ‘hero’s journey’ – really just sheer force of will – that got me from under Resistance’s death grip and into the chair every morning at 9 o’clock to write 1000 words before anything else.

    Thank you for what you do!

  307. Denon Alderson on February 21, 2024 at 7:26 am

    I have always been a writer, a poet, a calligrapher, a word artist. I have a book draft that is 7 years young, and I keep adding complexity to feed Resistance. I work as a customer service agent by day and bring some ease and joy and get cussed at, so I use that as the I’m exhausted excuse. Then, I have a lovely side hustle as a life coach, which fills several additional hours with service, business. You, this community, and surrounding myself with other brave, warrior artists (on social media and in real life) are all helping me to push forward, to be relentlessly honest about my dream of actually birthing the ideas!!!! Let’s keep going!!! All I have to do, what I get to do, is to show up at my desk every morning and give Her time.

  308. Harry Kopy on February 21, 2024 at 8:52 am

    Your long explanation nailed it for me!

  309. Trish on February 21, 2024 at 9:02 am

    Yes that’s me. Thanks.

  310. Elizabeth on February 21, 2024 at 9:13 am

    I haven’t read your posts since late January because I was preparing a manuscript. So I read your long version today and yes, that’s exactly who I am, who you’re writing for.

    I’m in a vacuum. Only one person has read this novel. I’m beyond uptight about how it’s going to land. I thought the last draft was fairly good and I was mistaken. This draft went to a couple of readers last weekend. I keep reminding myself to pull down my shoulders.

    Thanks for all that you do. I find your writing helpful. I give your books to my son who is a budding writer in college.

    Keep it going!

  311. Johnny Spingola on February 21, 2024 at 9:58 am

    Your writing has been a gift that keeps on giving, supplying guidance and signposts on the creative journey that so many want to do but only few actually know. You’ve helped me navigate that crippling feeling of looking at an empty page or screen and all that it entails. You’ve also made me not think of this other thing that can play a huge part of resistance and that is age and thinking one is too old to begin their journey creatively. Ageism is a problem in this society and you put my fears aside with your prolific output and a faith in a work of quality stands on its own. Keep up the good work sir!

  312. Farrbott on February 21, 2024 at 12:42 pm

    I would say you have me pegged. Staring at a big blank screen trying to be funny writing a cartoon strip looking at Calvin & Hobbs thinking I don’t measure up. It’s only this strange physical need to express myself in this fashion that leads me to continue banging my head against the wall that seems to be able to follow me around. Your Wednesday emails do help, and once a week is perfect. Qapla!

  313. Shane on February 21, 2024 at 1:03 pm

    This resonates COMPLETELY. No stone left unturned in your description.

    • Jeffrey J on February 22, 2024 at 7:18 am

      Very good description. Only thing I might add is while you’re alone in the endeavor (whatever that is for you), you may not be alone in your life/house, so every moment spent doing the endeavor is a moment not spent playing board games, reviewing homework, etc. For me, the biggest challenge is time management, and being able to do your endeavor even when you’re exhausted.

  314. Will on February 21, 2024 at 1:55 pm

    Yes this writing The Poll is for me. Husband, Father, Writer & Speaker. Entrepreneur, Tradesman & Musician. Creating my way without help I can survive but the discovery of a community and SP has helped me get to know myself a little more. Finding communities has made life a little sweeter . Feeling blessed and thank you Steven for your life’s work.

  315. Best Commercial Property in Noida on February 23, 2024 at 10:40 am

    Nice post.

  316. Walter S. on February 26, 2024 at 2:07 pm

    I’m a songwriter (very obscure). I make a modest living doing technical work and am not a kid anymore. I love your message, books and posts, if for no other reason than it is a voice of reason, compassion, truth and encouragement. I feel less alone.

    Songs are short form works, but writing, recording, and producing let alone marketing, etc. is a big effort and for today’s songwriters, there is no light at the end of the tunnel. For me at least, there is nothing but the music itself, the pursuit and satisfaction of creating and delivering it that keeps me going.

    My work is free (was free), but I’ve recently taken it offline because today’s music pirates even steal the ownership of the works – even if you’re a nobody! They make money. The artist even loses the credit. I am not whining. I just took it offline until I can fix it, but I have a montage on my webpage if anyone wants to listen.

    Since I don’t have much time, I want to spend as much of it writing, producing and performing – not work for free to add value to platforms that return virtually nothing to the artists. 0.0000001 cents per stream? c’mon.

    My priority is to create music that moves myself and others. Anything else is a fairly long-term project. When I have time for it – and faith in it, I will remember the War of Art, and keep your wise words with me.

  317. Peter Kinch on February 26, 2024 at 11:06 pm

    Hi Steve, I wrote to you last summer from Savannah about a Novel I’m working on and have been for over 2 years now. Every time I run into an obstacle, or life gets in the way and I find myself having gone more than a week without a word written, I turn to a Steven Pressfield audio book. I go for a long walk and listen to ‘War of Art’ or ‘Do the Work’ . I get a kick in the ass from you sir, and then I’m able to refocus and get back on track. You remind me that I may be alone in this room, writing this novel, but I’m not alone in this arena.
    So I feel your description is perfect and I want to once again thank you for doing what you do. You are making a far greater impact than you know.
    Don’t stop!

  318. Peter Kinch on February 26, 2024 at 11:07 pm

    Hi Steve, I wrote to you last summer from Savannah about a Novel I’m working on and have been for over 2 years now. Every time I run into an obstacle, or life gets in the way and I find myself having gone more than a week without a word written, I turn to a Steven Pressfield audio book. I go for a long walk and listen to ‘War of Art’ or ‘Do the Work’ . I get a kick in the ass from you sir, and then I’m able to refocus and get back on track. You remind me that I may be alone in this room, writing this novel, but I’m not alone in this arena.
    So I feel your description is perfect and I want to once again thank you for doing what you do. You are making a far greater impact than you know.
    Thank you – don’t stop!

  319. Slade Ham on February 27, 2024 at 11:29 am

    I can only explain why I read, and you’re pretty close to it. The loneliness of these endeavors means that there is often no place in the room for an outside observer. No one to nod and say, “I see you,” along the way. So when we read your ongoing, successful journeys and battles, it’s like watching someone we respect and trust working on a similar puzzle through a window. It’s comforting to see the problems and fears are not unique to us, and we have the added benefit of cheating off your work. I just finished a big thing and 100% could not have done it without the companionship of your words over the last decade.

  320. Vanessa Taylor on February 28, 2024 at 4:07 am

    I am a photographer and it 100% resonates THANK YOU

  321. Kristin Slater on March 8, 2024 at 12:37 pm

    Yes, that’s about right. Although, unlike some of these commenters, I’m not a “I want to do this someday” person.
    I’m up to “I want to do this now” person, but I haven’t been able to do it yet. I’m the:
    “This one came so CLOSE.” person
    Like “They wrote me a personal letter telling me how close it came close.” person
    “So Close, I want to cry.” person
    So here I am still doing my day job and still wishing I had more time to write and still waiting to “make it” in the sense that it would be nice to be able to write books full time and GET PAID to do it. Looking at my rejections letters and wishing.

  322. Gerovani Blackshear on March 9, 2024 at 12:44 pm

    Steven, you are correct! This book is for me and those of us who come every week seeking community and encouragement! This book is much needed and you are much loved. Anything that helps keep me inspired and feeling less alone is a God send! You, my friend, are exactly that! Thank you❣️

  323. Janet Ngoie on March 11, 2024 at 9:29 pm

    Writing Wednesdays seems like a great idea to help motivate writers and keep them accountable. Having a dedicated day each week to share writing progress and goals with a community can provide much-needed encouragement and inspiration. The poll asking whether people would participate is smart – it allows Steven to gauge interest and tailor the concept based on feedback.

    I really like the specific suggestions he lays out, like sharing start and stop times, word counts, insights gained, etc. Those details help make the sharing more tangible and substantive than just general updates. Celebrating wins together is also motivating, whether it’s finishing a draft or just getting words on the page that day.

    The only suggestion I might make is to have an option for different categories or groups, in case some writers don’t want to directly compare their progress to others at different stages. But overall, I think Writing Wednesdays could be a fantastic way for Steven’s community to prompt each other, develop habits, and push forward on their writing projects in a supportive environment. I’d definitely be inclined to participate if I was part of that writing community.

  324. Jørgen Toldsted on March 15, 2024 at 5:24 am

    Spot on.

  325. Daniel Scherl on March 17, 2024 at 8:43 am

    I’m late to this comment thread, but as a writer currently working on a high fantasy series that spans nine books (that took two years to world build), yes! Spot on, my friend! Thank you and shalom always!

  326. Al Simon on April 15, 2024 at 2:13 pm

    Seems to me like you all need to read ‘the divine ceo’ by geoff thompson

  327. A. Mohamed Alio on June 5, 2024 at 12:59 am

    As a one man company it does resonate deeply.
    I am working on creating sustainable business which just my wits and limited resources.
    It helps pacify th e innate emotions that I feel.

  328. A2Bookmarks Peru on August 9, 2024 at 2:25 am

    Your post, “A Poll,” is a thought-provoking way to engage with your readers and understand your audience better. It’s interesting to see how you’re exploring who subscribes to Writing Wednesdays and what motivates them. Could you please submit this poll to A2Bookmarks Peru? It would be valuable for Peruvian writers and creatives to contribute their perspectives and help refine the understanding of your readership.

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