Chuck D. Tells It Like It Is

Here is Charles Dickens, rejecting an invitation from a friend.

“‘It is only half an hour’–’It is only an afternoon’–’It is only an evening,’ people say to me over and over again; but they don’t know that it is impossible to command one’s self sometimes to any stipulated and set disposal of five minutes–or that the mere consciousness of an engagement will sometime worry a whole day…
Who ever is devoted to an art must be content to deliver himself wholly up to it, and to find his recompense in it. I am grieved if you suspect me of not wanting to see you, but I can’t help it; I must go in my way whether or no.”
Amen, brother.
I couldn’t have said it better myself.
Posted in Writing Wednesdays
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I’m happy you’re both safe and sound! I’m sorry about your house!
“Reflect upon your present blessings — of which every man has many — not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.”
Charles Dickens
Saying prayers for you
Dear Mr Pressfield-
It’s not just a house, is it?
Grateful you and your wife are safe. Since you posted Chuck D’s
comment I’m sitting here wondering if you ever read these comments. Okay, back to my own work…
Oh Steven! I am so, so sorry for your devastating losses! Dare I remind you of your days in the rented motorhome and suggest one of those for a while? I hope that’s funny to a person who just lost their home. Your motorhome adventures were some of my favorite posts. May you and Diana and your friends and neighbors also experiencing great loss find hope, courage and strength to start over.
I’m so very sorry to hear about your home and having to have to been evacuated, but glad you and Diana are safe. I just read your email to subscribers about continuing these Writing Wednesday posts (Can a wildfire be a form of Resistance? If so, you’re kicking the crap out of it). You are amazing! I feel so lazy and like a total slacker not doing my work when you’re keeping your schedule in spite of your situation. Your resilience and hard work is always an inspiration, and you are always giving so much to all of us. Thank you. I was happy to read that some of your work has been saved. Sending you and Diana love and prayers.
I love it, many thanks, Steven.
Very sorry about the loss, what a horrid time we are going through.
Much love and gratitude to you and your lady.
Steven- sorry about the house, but you’re a tough guy. Rebuild and stay focused on your project.
I take from the comments that you suffered losses from the fires. My hear felt sorrow for you and all who suffer. From one who is directly affected, the best suggestion on where the rest of us can offer our help? Any one organization that stands out?
Jackie, one organization (of many) that is doing great work on the ground here is the World Central Kitchen.*184nncj*_gcl_au*MTkxODk1MzIyMy4xNzM2OTQ3MjI4*_ga*MTYyNTIyMjc5NC4xNzM2OTQ3MjI4*_ga_5WKVY8503C*MTczNjk0NzIyOC4xLjEuMTczNjk0NzI4OS42MC4wLjA.#!/donation/checkout?c_src=site-slider-cafiresjan25
Thanks, Sam. Noted. In the past, our area has dealt with floods. Paying it forward. We’re in this life together. Take care.
My deepest sympathies to you and all in so cal. Thank you for continuing to reach out to others even during this difficult time for you. Totally inspirational. Puts everything in perspective. May you contain to thrive despite this tragedy. Thank you for finding the strength to continue to reach out to we who need your words! Impressive. Truly.
Heart felt.
Mr. P,
So sorry to hear.
Steve, So sorry about your house.
Dear Steven & Diana,
Please know complete strangers are lifting you and your community up in prayer during this very moment and the future. Community will mean more than anything these days. May you all lean on one another. Rebuilding will inspire those watching that have experienced tragedy or will experience a tragedy.
Spread hope & light.
Thank you, Steve. It’s a relief to know you and Diana are safe and I’m sorry for the loss of your house. Here’s to your new home and the courage it took to keep posting your Writing Wednesday. A shining example.
So very sorry for your losses and for the many who are suffering from these fires. Blessings to ALL of you!
My heart breaks for you and your loss. My heart soars… because you are safe… and in time … will soar on wings like eagles! Prayers sending your way…!
We’re so grateful that you both survived! Your High School Class was on high alert until Joe got through to you. Although your home was spectacular, and we enjoyed our time there, we know you were very organized and had your “go bag” packed. I’m confident that ,at this moment, you are writing a montage of stories of others’ experiences. Remember to stop at 2:00! All the best, Ginger, Roger & “the boys”
Love your positive attitude! I grew up in SoCal and my heart is with all of you!
I’m just hearing now about the loss of your home.. lifting you and your family in my prayers….
I came here to comment on the Writing Wednesday message of the week and saw the news
of your own heartbreak… I’m so very sorry…
prayers from a New Hampshire friend.
Very sorry. I truly am.

Hi Steven,
So sorry for the loss and devastation you and Diana are dealing with along with so many others.
It’s an incredible inspiration that despite the setbacks you are out there posting about lessons from ‘Chuck D.’
Thinking of you from NYC!
2 Sundays ago we got the alert in L.A. there would be “life threatening winds.” The next Wednesday we woke up to a pitch black sky filled with smoke and the rising sun a red, angry ball.
Then the terrible news trickled in. Friends, co-workers and acquaintances lost everything.
Then I see Steve’s instagram post and before I hit “play” I’m already wincing to hear the inevitable.
People who live in Los Angeles are, to quote Steve’s book title, “putting their ass where their heart wants to be.” We stick here because we can’t imagine being anywhere else.
I’m sorry as hell you lost your “room of one’s own,” Coach. We are with you, we are rooting for you, and we’re relieved you live to fight Resistance another day.
So sorry about your house and more glad you’re safe.
I’m so very sorry to hear of the loss of your house, and everything that was in it. I’m glad you are both safe, but I cannot imagine what the loss of your personal haven and your community will mean for you in coming years. You are in my thoughts. Thank you for being a guide and inspiration to creators!
You are an incredible inspiration to me in so many ways, and we may never meet but you have uplifted my soul many times by being who you are, I send you every blessing my heart can.
Fight the resistance! You’ve got this!
Aside from our prayers~ how can we support you, Steve & Diana?
My husband and I have a friend who has had to move twice when the fire shifted. Had to take his musical instruments to his sister’s house, where she is out of range. I watched Leland Sklar’s YouTube diary-type posts, seeing the emergency vehicles parked at the Rosebowl parking lot; the engines and mobile rest trailers for the workers. So glad you are safe
Oh, Steve! So, so sorry of the loss of your house but glad that you both are well. All the best for all that lies ahead.
I am so sorry to hear about your house! That is terrible. But I am glad you are in good spirits, somehow! I’m sure you will keep us updated.
That is exactly it. I need to print this out and keep it near me at all times.
Naturally it is sad to lose a house and all, but for a man of God, there is the knowledge that nothing is certain in this universe and all is in the hand of something greater. Those who are with knowledge of God already know this and those without will have an option to learn faith.
I immediately thought of you when these fires started and was so saddened to see it unfolding – for you, and so many. You are a Warrior and this battle has only begun. Telamon came to mind and his transformation. You will prevail Steven. -Barry J Wilson
My sympathies on losing your home and so much else. You are an inspiration: sending out your message despite what you are going through. Stay strong!
I’m so sorry to hear that you lost your house in the fire. I can’t imagine how difficult this must be for you. As someone who truly finds inspiration in your words, please know that my thoughts are with you during this challenging time.
Thinking positive thoughts for you and your family and friends. If you can recommend an organization I can donate to sure would appreciate that
Steve, losing a house—so jarring, with so many feelings of dislocation and heartsickness. Your “face-it” attitude is no doubt a big help in crisis times, but still… My best to you and your wife and to better days ahead.
Steve! You are a true professional and you both will be in my prayers and I have no doubt you’ll be back at it in no time. Thank you for all you have done for me and millions of others. Turning Pro and War of Art gave me a summer like you talk about when you didn’t know Nixon was out of office and I am forever grateful to you. God bless and may the muse shine on your next endeavor even more.
George Carpenter
So sorry Steve! I grew up in that area.
So many heartfelt thoughts and prayers are coming your way right now.
And well deserved! Your calmness, strength and generosity are inspiring, as always.
Wishing you only good things ahead, Steve, and endless blessings,
Franceen Brodkin
I love scrolling through here and seeing all these words of support and encouragement and affinity. A few of us have met in person, but we’re primarily a virtual community. Still, here we are, offering sentiments that lift up.
Looking for the thread here between “guarding one’s five-minutes, half-hour, afternoon, evening” and all your words that follow. Doesn’t it comes down to “time,” that dimension that binds a human life to a beginning and an end? It’s a dimension, but also it’s a measure of process, a concept that’s a surrogate for “life” — time and life being finite, exhaustible resources. In guarding and being in control of our time (saying “yes” and “no” selectively), we maintain agency over our life experiences. Put your oxygen mask on before going to help your seat mate.
For every person who’s been broken by divorce, bankruptcy, downsizing, or a natural disaster that took everything in a tornado, flood, earthquake, or fire — aren’t there an equal number of people (or hopefully more) who count this as just a plot twist in a stage play? Who can look back and recognize that “this or that great thing” would NEVER have happened in my life if I were still in that old relationship, working that old job, living in that same house.
It’s the *TIME* that’s important — as a measure of our enduring life force that’s fortunate to frolic for a short 50-100 years in this corner of the universe. I’ve never lost all my worldly stuff, so what do I know about how I’d respond? I’m not saying there’s no grief there. How could there not be? But I see the principal ethos here as one of perspective and gratitude and a Stoic outlook (capital “S” intentional). There was stuff. Now some of that stuff is gone. We’re moving forward. Thank you.
Friends, I loved watching Steve and Diana’s IG post (and love that he’s speaking to us, but also to Diana whom we know is behind the camera). I respected and appreciated that his chin was up and a smile on his face. No bemoanings like “f*ck my life/FML.” Nobody draped in robes of tragedy.
I can’t help but think that when “shit happens” to me, I’ve got at least this one example to go by.
My god, Brother… Talk about alchemizing a negative circumstance into Hope & inspiration for all—Life is truly precious and you & Diana are truly blessed to have survived and that you have one another. We’ve never met, but you have been (& now, with your resilience & intrepid optimism, continue to be) a de facto mentor & example of not only the resilience of the human spirit, but the necessity of Art & artists to carry-on regardless of the adversity placed in our paths… Adonai… Namaste… Blessed be that you & your beloved are safe

So happy you’re both safe! Charles Dickens hit the nail on the head!
Terrible and so preventable.
Do you need temporary housing?
For the next two months I have an empty house
in the mountains.
Contact me.
I owe you, my friend.
Thank you so much dear Steve.
Oh Gods (that quote is from the Conan magazine I read as teenager, nothing to do with Polytheism), I wanted for so long to read that “The Art of Slow Writing”. I made another attempt a couple of days ago.
Here is my moto from that book from yesterday’s reading. It may seem to contrast Charles’ but in my heart it is as warm as his must have been for him:
“I prefer writing in real time -a day when I prepare a class, read student work, do laundry, straighten up, run an errand, organize a closet, see my family, make meals, watch a movie. Knowing there are other tasks I must accomplish helps my work.”
Damn, I wish i was Charles. But I’m not. Not now, I was for some years, remember? It was hard but I would sit on that chair even for 3 or 4 hours, even if I was getting nowhere. So let’s see what other guerilla fighting tactics are out there. To War!
I admire your will to sit on that chair even when fire destroys the world around you. I feel that even such happenings are mere acts of neutral nature, so they are masks of nothingness (in terms of your artistic creation). The goal, the book, is everything.
To War.
Condolences, Steve!
I am so sorry you lost your house. ♥
Steven, thank you for your immense work, you are a great inspiration to so many.
Sending our hearts to you and your family at this time.
I’ve been in Florida since boyhood and hurricanes have always wrecked my life. I don’t want any sorrow, prayers, or well-wishes. Natural disasters are natural. They are a form of Resistance. We should wave hello and goodbye to natural disasters, and continue dispassionately writing our books or doing our artwork with a vengeance! offers live updates, exciting features, and rewarding opportunities to make your IPL experience unforgettable. Don’t miss this chance—join thousands of cricket fans by Fairplay24 login today and elevate your IPL journey! Prepare for IPL 2025 with Fairplay24—the ultimate destination where cricket meets fun and winning possibilities abound!
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Amen, Brother!
So sorry, Steve. We’re praying for provision, a streamlined path through the red tape ahead and most of all, peace through the process.
And Chuck definitely nailed this one. People outside the arena never seem to grasp this. Thank you for sharing it! God bless.
Steve and Diana,
So sorry.
If you should happen to see this, please contact me.
I can offer temporary housing in the mountains.
No charge. Clean air. A safe place to regroup.
Phyllis Paullette MacDougal
I just told my daughter Megan who knows you both and appreciates you as much as I do if that is even possible.
I would remind you of something you already know, the world is in great need of more warrior spirits and I trust that in this time that you will find yours in big bold bright and beautiful ways and then she will know that the God of Abraham Isaac Jacob and Jesus Will be with you as you press on metal on and be more than conquerors,
Be blessed and may the shalom in your spirit give you something to smile about and raise a glass to even today
Like the many of your other students and admirers, I join the chorus of condolences and support for you and Diane in the wake of the loss of your beloved home.
Obviously you come from strong stock to be the person and artist you are Steven, yet—damn, creative and prolific brother—you have been and are going through so, so, so much INDEED!
Besides our encouraging words, PLEASE let us know how else we might be able to assist you and yours in this challenging time. Do you need any funds or supplies or even food nourishment? PLEASE let us know!
The BEST for Here and Now and On and On and On,
Erick Yates the Green
Filmmaker and Educator
Washington, NC
So sorry to hear this brother
Sending love and prayers and support for your journey forward
Much love
So very, very sorry to hear this. Sending you and Diana hugs and prayers during this huge loss. You do so very much for all of us – every single week. Please, please let us know if there is a fund, or anything we can send or that we can do for the two of you.
Steve, so grateful to know you and Diana are safe and in good spirits. Very sorry about the loss of your home, but I know you are a true trooper in the very best sense, as you and your work are a blessing and inspiration to me, and to so many. I wish you and Diana the highest and best in the rebuilding. Peace to all …
Dear Steve, So sorry about your losses. I can’t image how your and Diana’s life are going to change with this impact and losses. A lot to be learned. You have been helping so many people around the world with your precious books. I sincerely wish you find help, peace and understanding. Lots of love to you and Diana.
Thank you
All the best to you, Steve.
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So sorry for the loss of your house, Steve, and grateful that you and yours are safe. You do so much good in the world, I hope that helps to ease the pain of loss.
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“This reflection beautifully captures the struggle of balancing time and commitment to art. It’s a reminder that true dedication often comes with sacrifices and inner conflicts. Thank you for sharing these thoughts!”