Report From the Trenches #13

All prior reports in this series have been about battles with internal Resistance. This one’s about the real world.
First, thanks to everyone who has written in with kind wishes and good vibes. I never realized how many people were in my corner and looking out for me and Diana. Thanks to everyone!

Here’s what’s been happening and where we stand:
After most of a month in hotels and friends’ guest houses, Diana and I have found an Airbnb in Venice. We’re safe and dry. There’s a place to write and it’s close to the gym—my two big mandatories.
We’re here for three months, meanwhile looking for something to rent longer-term—a year or two. Our plan is definitely to rebuild. May be crazy, as these fires are becoming a way-too-regular thing, but we love the place and we’re gonna go for it.
The hell of it is the bureaucracy and red tape. Despite govt promises to streamline the process, the grim reality is everybody does have to rebuild safely, on cleaned-up sites, according to code, etc. and that takes time. One of the most frustrating parts (and I’m sure this was true for Katrina or Lahaina or any other natural disaster) is the roads are closed. It makes sense of course because the infrastructure rebuild is so massive—power poles, drainage, clearance. The topography of New Orleans or Hawaii or here is that there are only a few roads in and out.
We’ve been up to see our house a couple of times. Everything is ashes down to the ground. The good news is the trees survived. We have two sycamores, a great old oak, and a massive eucalyptus that mean the world to us. They are scorched but they’ll be back.
Diana and I feel the same. I must thank as well not just the firefighters and first responders, who believe it or not are still here working, but the insurance people (at least the ones we’ve dealt with, at the CA FAIR Plan) and the hotel folks and so many others. At one point we checked in to the Huntley Hotel in Santa Monica. The reception dude who helped us (Daniel from Honduras) was so kind that Diana just started sobbing. Almost without exception, friends and strangers have been generous and supportive.
And don’t let me forget the Goddess. The Muse is there for all of us and nothing in the material world can touch her or her gifts. Keep digging, brothers and sisters. That underground river keeps flowing for all of us.
Dear Steven, I really feel the loss of your home, which goes beyond just a physical place to live, I imagine. Losing all your personal belongings that must be a surreal experience. I’m sending you all the best from here and hope you can start rebuilding really soon…and yes, the Muse is always there, also in times of devastation and despair..wishing you courage, confidence and all other qualitiies you might need to cope with this situation.
all the best
Much love, Steve, for you and yours. So sorry you have been to hell and back. Welcome back, if little by little.
God bless you, Steve and Diana. You are a great Master, and you are truly a Warrior!

None of us want to excel at starting over. Might call it an unsought skill. But you’re doing it. So great to know your trees survived! Amazing, really. Your trees and you guys. You are all still here. From the windows of your new house you’ll appreciate each other again. REALLY appreciate. Love and strength to you both.
F—ing A
Material things can be replaced. The human spirit is what carries us through. You got this. Just keep digging deep. The best is yet to come. The release of possessions is difficult but freeing. Stay the course.
Thank you so much dear Steve.
Magical words you use, because truth is magical when we connect to it deeper.
Many thoughts passed before my superconscious mind while reading yout story, I’ll write only some.
The importance of the beautiful place you live and was ruined is one. Last weeks when I walk, I listen to the best metal albums ever, my old music, from a list I discovered. I had lost touch with music for years, but now it’s back again, this time not permanently but consciously: it won’t happen alone, but also it is full of hidden magic and exploration. I learned that one of the greatest metal albums from Iron Maiden, Piece of Mind, their second hit album and for many on the top of the kind, they decided to record it in the Bahamas. Imagine the trees, the sea, the beers, the companies. Who would have thought of that, writing a so dark album in a so elegant place. Still, supporting my neutral, loaded and nothing-to-brag-about room, in which I will soon be drawn in a great book’s sea that keeps rising it’s surface, they actually wrote the songs in their place (England) and then just got there to record. And I remember King writing that once he bought a very elegant large table to write (obviously when he was succesful), he discovered that it couldn’t replace his old one’s… virtues. So, beauty and originality. Beauty because it makes fermentations inside of us and thus brings out new unexpected sides of our psychic -I saw that with the songs these weeks- and originality because it’s the stuff of real life and if well perceived it can be the stuff of our creation also. Notice that both can’t stand alone. Mobility is also needed, a life, an always changing current that brings new and unknown fermentations in our soul. I think so.
Second, from the fact that people supported you as a natural law, I remembered that damn old movie. I send the scene. I’m gone see it again very soon, now with wider perception, after the “War and Peace” 7-hours-long film I just started -didn’t know it’s existence until a couple of weeks ago! Our pious desires becoming reality. What a dream. But on the other hand I have this certainty that it doesn’t happen very often. I have my part of humiliation, injustice against the physical law of causality, etc. which are permanent. So, we remember. We are those grains of sand in the wind. When the wind blows, the warmth of our tiny nest will cease to exist no matter how good we were. No illusions and no regurgitations.
Also I learned about the 1-10 miracle scale that psychologists that are focused on solutions use. So we consider something a miracle when it happens, but it’s not. And those psychologists use this scale to lead their clients to their destination (which is a miracle when you see it from far) by following 10 steps or so, the first one completely in sight etc.. But the detail is that on the first and every other step they try to applaud and congratulate the client, while he or she is usually very anxious abecause he or she worked only on that step a bit. And that connects to the elephant-mover I mentioned last time: by gaining self confidence in small pieces, one can regain momentum of the elephant. And that will bring the book forth again, the new enterprise, the new discipline.
Three thoughts, and a scene that I challenge someone with a big heart and consciousness to not cry a tear or two with.
Keep strong, keep healthy, choose more safety than risk these months. Daniel Kahneman said in his risk graphs, that when things are risky, people put added risk unconsciously that actually is not the best, not the objective solution and thus not the most effective. Keep ballance.
Let’s move.
Indomitable warriors keep to the task. Sending good vibes to you and Diana. If I were a muse, I’d live in a tree. Thanks for your inspiration each week. Two short stories and two more chapters owed to the example you set. Thanks. If we can do more out here, please let us know how.
So much love in this world. Glad you and your girl are feeling it while digging out of so much.
The trees! Hard to believe they survived but what a gift!
Keep moving forward – towards that light!
You are amazing. Such a strong spirit. Your determination is an inspiration!
I feel like the world as we knew it, is falling apart. Perhaps the pendulum has swung to the other extreme and will soon start swinging in the other direction.
I am sending you blessings all the way from Finland where we are told to prepare us for the possible Sovie…um Russian invasion…I never believed I would live in these times but here we are.
Kati, sending love from America. Keep faith and hang tough.
Kati, stay strong. You Finns are the salt of the earth. The Russians won’t dare. All the best to you.
The fact that your house was burned to the ground validates your good judgment to get the heck out of there. It may be that there is another spiritual Goddess, in addition to the Muse, who hurls us out the door when it is time to run for it.
Wishing you both all the best and speedy recovery (mental & material). Keep digging and never lose faith!
With warm love.
Humbled and inspired to see your’s and Diana’s resiliance and optimism about the future! God speed Steven – we are rooting for you and the rest of the folks suffering in LA!
Perhaps if Resistance is the definition of self-sabotage then Resilience is the definition of self. You are so loved and so wise to find a new spot. Home is where the heart is — wherever you are. Sending so much strength and love. XO
Stay strong, Brother.
Sobbing in response to kindness says so much. Hopefully it is the beginning of the healing process of such a traumatic experience. I admire your ability to look to the future as you put this behind you and sincere thanks for helping me think new thoughts as I read your posts.
Sincere thanks and best wishes,
A Canadian brother.
Thank you for your brave words and I pray for you both and all involved in these fires. Be safe, strong and confident.
Of course you beauties have found the joy in your sottowful trial!! That’s what warriors do. Spring is here and hurricane season doesn’t start again for several months so we will keep the light on for you in hopes that you might want a change of scenery with old buddies for a time. Keep kicking resistance in the butt and know how we love you.
Steve, it must be tiring to think about posting here when there’s so much for you and Diana to deal with. We appreciate it.
You got this. You can push through and get back to a settled life. I know that you above anyone can see this through. I feel humbled and embarrassed that I should be spending more time with the Muse than I do, given your adversity at the moment.
Massive best wishes, and I’m sure we’ll all keep an eye on the GoFundme and chip in with more when needed to hit that target. We have your back.
And the trees survived!! That is awesome beyond words and an example of enormous resilience.
Hi everyone, this is Diana. I want to add my thanks and gratitude to Steve’s. The pouring out of kindness and generosity has been overwhelming and simply saying thank you doesn’t seem like enough.
I go up to the “house” more often. It’s still my favorite place to be. Rubble and ash will never change that.
I take water and birdseed up. Yesterday we saw a coyote that had come for water. We saw a deer. There are two ravens that I’ve fed for years and they fly by when I’m out there. The warblers are still warbling in burned out bushes.
As Steve said the big trees are still there. I call the large old sycamore the goddess. I once made Steve read a poem to her so she knows how much we appreciate he. The big beautiful oak and the two young oaks are singed but standing tall. And the grand master euc on the hill with its wild branches still guards the hillside. These are things we could never replace. These are also the things that make it home.
As Steve said the muse is always showing up amongst all of us if we’ll keep our eyes and hearts and souls open to her. Even in the midst of burned out cars and collapsed walls.
Anyway, thank you all. Thank you for being such a great support for Steve, for showing up every Wednesday, and for sticking around in the hard times.
Much love from this Airbnb.
<3 <3 <3
Diana, Your Post was lovely, say hello to the Ravens and the Coyote for me, they are my totems and companions. They will work the Magic to bring your true life back.
Diana, a kindred spirit! I go to my backyard to be with my giant pinetree and to feed the birds and squirrels. The pine has given medicine to help heal a recent cold. Though bought, eucalyptus eo has also played a part in recovery. Happy your trees survived. I’ve no doubt you and Steve will come out of this stronger. So grateful earth has people like the both of you to make our experience here a joy!
Hi Diana and Steve –
So happy to hear your big trees survived – which seems a miracle – and that the local critters are checking up on you and the land you share.
My heart is with you – water and seed and grit and life force – may your shelter and rebuild be blessed with beauty, peacefulness, and grace,
I’m so happy to hear from you, Diana, and so happy you and Steve have each other!
The ravens, the coyote, the mysterious living trees, the water and the birdseeds, and all the souls – a poem without the need of verses dear Diana. The poem of Life. And like Peter said, we will chip in a bit more help for their protectors.
I can picture you as the elf lady and Steve as the elf prince. One with the living beings. In my book, that is the core of it’s ending. That is what struggles to get born, the not so clear reality of reality. Resistance hit the red button but I am cunning also, and not only accountable to what Pierre expresses to Prince Andrei for example: “I want to discover why I know what’s right and still do what’s wrong”
So use the lifeless but yet very important Airbnb to bring life into life again.
your message this morning saved my writing career – at least for today and maybe for a much longer time. i am truly grateful.
I’ve been praying for you two, that there are kind, good people to help you. You are not alone. I admire you both so much—all the love from Arizona.
Stephen and Diana,
No one can possibly imagine all ways that daily life gets smashed to pieces when a disaster hits.
I get it. I just survived Hurricane Helene on the side of a mountain in Western North Carolina . . . three hundred miles inland from the sea. If that can happen, anything can.
Similar to where you live, we live on hillsides and in ravines. Down one-lane gorgeous paths into the forests and woods. On twisting, winding roads in valleys and on top of picturesque hilltop mountains with breathtaking views.
We lost our infrastructure, too. Entire power plants and grids wiped out. Roads and even national interstates like I-40 . . . gone. Water sources obliterated. Internet towers destroyed.
Just the simple act of navigating your way across town or making a phone call becomes a logistical nightmare. And, to some extent, nearly 5 months later, it still is.
So my heart goes out to you both. And I understand wanting to rebuild your beloved home in a place that is so special and sacred to you. The oaks, and the sycamores, and the eucalyptus. They are home. The birds, the ravens, the deer, and the coyote are watching over your place until you can return again. Bless you for taking them food and water as they watch over your place like sentries.
Wondrously, your hearts have been so open to sharing your journey and tragedy with the world as you have navigated all this. Thank you for that. You have created a space where humans can come together to support and to connect. Even in sorrow, heartache, and loss. Thank you for being vulnerable and open about your pain and loss.
The Muse is always there, though, isn’t she? I see The Muse around me, too. Months later, with piles of rubble all around and watching the people around me still wandering through it in dissociated shell shock, The Muse is there.
You might have to get really quiet and grounded to hear her, but she persists.
She tells me to love a little more tenderly, linger a little longer with the birdsong, and find the precious lessons and wisdom in “this one wild and precious life” that Mary Oliver talks about.
Continue on, lovely souls. One day. One step. Several sobs. Lots of heartache. And much tenderness. Just keep moving forward together.
You are loved by many.
Annie, hang tough, warrior woman. Sending prayers your way.
I love your expression of love and compassion for Steve and Diane. This speaks from my heart as well.
This is such a tragic story and I pray to live long enough to see the beautiful outcome. Blessings.
Glad you’re managing.
I wonder why the trees survived, but the house did not. There might be an article in there on resiliency and how to build better in the pyrocene.
Kindness, above all. What a beautiful thing it is – to give and to receive. Agape! Sending love
I read your post, Steven, and felt like I finally understood what Grace looks like. And then I scrolled through the comments and read your comment, Diana, and it reflects the same feeling. What a good team you are. And what a gift to read through these comments and be reminded that there are kind communities in our world—many, and all over the place.
People are at their best when we have to face the worst.
Steven, it’s so nice to see that you and Diana are in a good place. Thank you for “the underground river” reference. Always good to remember that it flows for all of us. Thank you, and good luck.
As a former Camarillo, CA resident I cried reading this. My husband was a firefighter in Santa Monica for 31 years. Friends lost homes in 2017, our good friends lost theirs (on Harvester) in 2018 (they rebuilt immediately and are so glad they did). This year in Camarillo more friends.
You two will get through this. Thank you again for all you share with us. Keep going & big hugs from Washington.
A Spanish Tile Roof !
Steve and Diana,
Patti and I are sending our best wishes and good vibes from North Carolina. We have friends here whose son was burned out in Paradise CA, and we have a daughter who lives in LA, so we are acutely aware of the dangers. May the challenges you face inspire you to new heights of accomplishment: materially, creatively and spiritually.
Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat.
All the best during this time. Keep writing and inspiring- hard times gives us the time to inspire others and ourselves.
My best to you, Diana, and the trees. This will make you all stronger.
Your inner Spartan warrior will endure and triumph. No doubt of that. Much love to you and Diana.
Sounds like such a special place. So touched by what you reveal about yourselves during this horribly gruelling experience.
Much love.
Dear Steve and Diana,
Thank you! Your message gives me hope and courage. Here you both are dealing with such a great loss and you are offering inspiration and hope to others. May you both find precious moments of joy.
Warmly, Rhaea
Wishing you both all good things. You’ve long been one of my favorite writing gurus and I’m so sorry for your loss.
Dear Steven & Diana, Sorry to learn about your inmense disaster. And Wauw great spirits despite the horror that happened to you and so many others in your part of the world. I am happy to read you, yourselves are fine and the trees on your property
and you are strong willed to rebuilt! I really bow for the great attitude and spirit you maintain and keep showing us with through writing your empowering blogs! Fantastic! Thank you so much, Take good care, lots of strength and big hugs, from far; Antwerp, Belgium
Steven, my best to you and your wife in strikingly hard times. Your resolve is inspiring, and yet, so much further to go. But you have that resident inner compass and have shared it with so many of us. Carry on, and may your grief and pain lessen as you move forward.
“ We’ve been up to see our house a couple of times. Everything is ashes down to the ground. The good news is the trees survived. We have two sycamores, a great old oak, and a massive eucalyptus that mean the world to us. They are scorched but they’ll be back.”
THE TREES! That tells us everything about the resilience of life.
It has been a bit over 2 years since wildfires tore through our town, Louisville, Colorado. It was the end of December 2021. Our home was spared, by 3 blocks
The smells and smoke that hung in the air only added to the devastation our eyes beheld daily. I had friends who volunteered to sift through the debris to find and bury beloved pets and other animals.
Our town is nothing like Los Angeles in its scope and devastation. The feelings that came while gazing at something that was supposed to be inviolate and lasting cut deep in my soul and heart.
I am sorry this has been visited upon you and your partner and I am grateful for your resilience that reminds me I have a purpose that is greater than this moment—to listen to the muse and respond to her call.
I wish you both continued support and resources to help you over the next couple of years as you get to rebuilding. Dang, if this isn’t a time for warrior persistence! Thank you for all you do for us Steven.
Amen! God bless you and Diana and your trees and your-home-to-be and everyone who has suffered from this disaster. In 2005, so many people counted my city down and out. I had moved back home to New Orleans in 1998 and had been planning to return to California, but I couldn’t bear to leave her, crushed and hurting, discounted by so many, and I stayed to give my precious home all the love and energy I could muster. And she’s back! Ask the crowd at Super Bowl LIV. Can’t wait to see what you will create in your new home and in your next books. ♥
Una verdadera inspiración. Un abrazo desde España, junto al Mediterráneo.
In the face of everything you and Diana have been through, you’re still posting for us, giving us encouragement. You are amazing. Thank you. I’m so glad that you and Diana have each other to navigate through all this, and that you’ve managed to find kindness through all this. Sending prayers. And the fact that you’re still working in spite of everything shows how tough you are against Resistance. I feel so lazy!
Kate Stanton
If you’re out there, I must share this with you. I kept seeing the number 1122. Thought it might mean something. I found the meaning of 1122 on willowsoul. com. I immediately thought of you as I scrolled down. If you read this and visit the site, you’ll know which part pertains to you. Have a good week.
I just read this, Jackie! Thank you so much
Community here is wonderful.
Many prayers & support for Steve & Diana.
Dear Steve and Diana,
Back in ’21 you were gracious enough to send me signed pages from the MS of Gates of Fire, and those words inspire every day. But I can’t help thinking the first page of the MS you sent me was in fact intended for you:
“Why do we remain in this place? A man would have to
be cracked not to ask that question. Is it for glory? If
it were for that alone, believe me, brothers, I’d be the
first to wheel my ass to the foe and trot like hell over
that hill.”
Laughter greeted this from the king. He let the swell
subside, raising his arm for silence. The crease of
levity drained from his face. He spoke softly, solemnly.
“If we had withdrawn from these Gates today, brothers,
no matter what prodigies of valor we had performed up till
now, this battle would have been a defeat. A defeat which
would have confirmed for all Greece that which the enemy
most wishes her to believe: the futility of resistance to
the Persian and his millions. If we had saved our skins
today, one by one the separate cities would have caved in
behind us, until the whole of Hellas had fallen.”
Stay strong!
Amen! Steven! Praying for you! I couldn’t donate much; but I donated!
Hi Steven – Thank you for sharing this update. So glad to hear you and Diana have regained some semblance of normalcy. I am a Santa Monica resident myself, and I hope we are welcoming everyone displaced with good cheer. If you do any local event to benefit yourself, please reach out to this community you have created! I’ll gladly attend.
My heart is full as I read everyone’s words. These are unforgettable, epic moments that alter us, but beauty never ceases to amaze. Peace and power to you and Diana, and everyone who has shared a post. I can’t thank you all enough for being my teachers!
we have a big gum tree in our backyard in western australia and she has served to protect and cover us in times of grief and devastation. when you return to your land she will have been patiently for you and diana, regenerating freshly scented eucalyptus leaves and offering shade under her wings.
Thank you Steve, for sharing your will with us. You are a constant source, rare and full of love and passion. This too shall pass to even greater glory.
Thank you for the update, Steven. My heart goes out to you and your family. If you’re open to it, I’d appreciate you updating everyone with your experience in dealing with the CA Fair Plan. I live in Yorba Linda in a fire zone, and that is where we landed last August because of our carrier pulling out of CA. I’ve recently read a story in the SF Chronicle on how terrible the customer service has been thus far for Fair Plan customers. Thank you.
From me in South Africa where we fight different battles . . . . . I send you angels . . . .
I read your post religiously every week, and as a writer it means the world to me.
Take care . . .
You’ve offered some great tips here, I’ll be using them.
It’s important to acknowledge the blessings in the ashes. Thank you for sharing. Praying continued mercy and grace for you and those many many others.
I’ll be curious to see what your perfect house is, built from the ground up. I’d imagine that will be fun to plan and build.
Dear Steve and Diana, I’m ready to start sobbing myself … As I am really moved by this piece. And as the underground currents of creativity continue to work in my favor … Overcoming fear resistance reluctance. Good luck and God bless to you both … Peace, Carl
The trees is a nice glimmer with metaphor in tact. You will grow back and they will too! See ya at the gym! Ha!
You are such an inspiration Kia Kaha!!
The resilience/determination shown by you and Diana is inspiring.
I can’t help thinking “Ming The Merciless” is watching you both and thinking “I thought I was tough/resilient. These two may have me beat!”
So sorry to hear this terrible news… it must be devastating for you both. Having just experienced the floods in Valencia I can appreciate the devastation. Keep strong and keep going… sending love and thoughts.
Thanks for your well written article
thank you lol bean io
Your expertise really shows in this well-crafted article!
Your writing style makes learning so enjoyable!
Pressfield’s acknowledgement of the presence of the Muse and the need to continue to create, even in difficult circumstances, is inspiring.
Hello Everyone!
As you know, my dear friend, Steven Pressfield and his partner, Diana Wilburn, have lost everything in the recent Los Angeles fires—including his home of 32 years and the writing space where he crafted “The War of Art” and many other life-changing works.
Steven and Diana have spent their lives giving—to family, friends, readers, artists, and their community. Now, in their time of need, it’s our turn to give back.
Despite their deep humility, they’ve agreed to let me set up a GoFundMe campaign on their behalf. Every dollar raised will go directly to them for temporary housing, essentials, and the long road to rebuilding their home.
The path ahead is uncertain, but they don’t have to walk it alone. With our support, we can help them rebuild not just their home, but their lives. Let’s show them the same generosity, kindness, and love they’ve shared with so many.
More about their journey can be found here:
Thanks for your consideration and support!
