Keep Working

The great thing about working as a writer (as opposed to being, say, an actor) is you only need a pencil and a piece of paper to work.
Nobody can stop you from writing a novel.

It doesn’t matter where you’re working. You’re a writer.
No one can stop you from banging out a screenplay.
Maybe you’re not being paid, maybe nobody knows who you are, maybe no one will ever read, let alone publish or produce your book or movie.
But you can KEEP WORKING entirely on your own.
I have a closet in my office. In it are thirty-seven screenplays. Seven of them actually brought in money, at least in the form of an option if not an actual sale. That means thirty (six months of work apiece) were technically for naught.
But those scripts let me KEEP WORKING.
With each one, I learned something. On some, I learned a lot.
If you have to take a gig driving for Uber or waiting tables at Hooters, it’s okay.
Keep writing.
Nobody can stop you from getting up at five in the morning and putting in three hours pounding the keys.
Or two hours.
Or one.
When someone asks you what you do for a living, answer, “I’m a writer.”
You are.
Keep writing.
This was exactly the dose of medicine I needed this morning after putting in a discouraging hour on the keyboard, Doctor Steve! As always, thanks.
Mary Doyle, who should I beat up for a discouraging hour on the keyboard. You are a dream!
A much needed reminder for me this morning! It also reminds me that one thing we writers truly own is our own writing, and we can work at it, always.
Yes! And if you’re a writer for hire like I am, double plus on getting up a little early to write what you damned well please even if the thing never delivers a dime of “revenue.” Making sure I’m working on my own projects (three at the moment) allows me to haul off and enjoy the craft of co-writing with others instead of being resentful that their books are getting out the door and my own are not.
One word:
The guy at the end of the steel girder up there: “My battery is at 2%. Any you mutts have a charging cable?”
I had to read that about 4 times before I got it. That’s funny.
It was either that or, “Excuse me, excuse me. Too much coffee this morning. Don’t pause the meeting on my account.”
It’s so helpful to hear someone at Steven’s level of understanding and experience say . . . “Keep Working.”
Dear Steve,
It has taken me a very long time to understand the, “right to your labor, not the fruits of your labor” counsel Krishna gave Arjuna and Vance gave to Junuh. I think this pandemic helped set the conditions in such stark relief that I could not help to see it.
Mid Feb-early March we had this great plan for our race in August. We added an interesting twist that should have appealed to a number of CrossFit boxes and therefore increased participation. This year was the tipping point year!!!
I was busily reaching out to all of these gyms and sponsors with optimistic enthusiasm. Even before the official lockdown in Washington, we realized our efforts were both inconsiderate and fruitless.
The next 4-5 days, I had nothing to do–but web surf news aggregators and catastrophize. I’m actually quite gifted in both. I was snipping with my wife. Angry. Scared. Miserable. If I didn’t find something proactive and purposeful to occupy my crazy mind, I would lose it.
I got really busy with a few ideas–and began to work them. I thought of other possibilities for my business in light of the changing environment. I saw another problem in an organization in which I realized I could help. I think the point is that I began to regain a sense of efficacy and control in my life–even as the world around me went crazy.
I don’t know the outcome of this effort. It may be the biggest thing of my life, or it may be for naught (monetarily). What I FINALLY understood, is that I am here to create. It is what makes me happy. Maybe we need to run the hedonic treadmill until it breaks to realize there is no true reward in the fruits of our labors.
I also think that maybe I’m just a bit dimmer than most. I need to have lived it out, practiced it, did the mileage before I know intrinsically what I thought I understood intellectually years previously. Keep Writing. For me I may twist it just a bit to ‘keep creating’. Keep living. Keep producing. Keep Trying. The effort is its own reward.
Steven posts like these are always a shot in the arm, thank you. I’m 2 out of 20 from my screenwriting days as far as actual money paid so that ratio rings true. And yes, they all teach you something, painful though the lessons may be sometimes.
Couldn´t agree more!!! I enjoy reading you, cheers from Argentina
Hi Steve,
Thanks for this. Simple and powerful, the essence of what we’re doing. It reminded me of a passage in Brenda Ueland’s book If You Want to Write:
“When discouraged, remember what Van Gogh said: ‘If you hear a voice within you saying: You are no painter, then paint by all means, lad, and that voice will be silenced, but only by working.”
Very true!
I LOVE this.
Reminds me of when I was waiting tables with a crew of Bulgarians like 7 years ago – as I worked with them for months, stripping table cloths/plating food/mopping kitchens, I was struck with THE WAY that they worked – work to them was like a holy, sacred thing. The quality of everything they did was insanely, uncompromisingly important – they had a reverence for THE WORK itself outside of the paycheck.
Love it – thank you, Steve!
I had a similar experience with a barber just outside of Ft Lewis. He’s Vietnamese and his English is shaky. He didn’t need language to express his love of his craft–and these are simply military style haircuts–probably the easiest haircut for a barber. It was humbling to sit there and be the recipient of such a high degree of attention, focus, and–love. He cut my hair for 20 years until a Starbucks tore the building down for a new drive thru…
so awesome – the exact thing that struck me. that’s amazing thanks for sharing!
I hope he found a new place to cut hair ~
You can tell when someone respects what they do, when they really, really care. No matter what you do, if you respect what you’re doing, respect your employer, your customer ~ it shows. ^__^**
My God, I am a writer!
So true Steve – the learning by writing. I’m working through writing my first novel right now and have (almost) embraced the fact that I need to do this simply so that I can learn how to write a book. I’ll probably need to read Turning Pro again 😉 Cheers for this post
Just what I needed right now. Keep working. Thank you Steve!
Say “I am a writer”, give a 5-second pitch of what you’re working on and give them a link to your site to avoid unnecessary questions like “where can I actually get your books?”
Even in an imaginary awkward situation I have to repeat the same word without a synonym…
Short and powerful, thank you!
This may be the greatest piece of advice I’ve ever received. Thank you.
Dude, I love this. I was listening to the War of Art this morning on a six mile run after writing. Thanks for helping us stay focused!!
S/F, Steve
Thank you for every piece of inspiration you provide!
I’m a writer that doesn’t write. Just me sitting with a blank piece of paper in front of me. No words. No sentences. No paragraphs. No book. No story to tell.
Yes! Thank you!!!
When I’m writing and in my head all alone up there where no one can help you and then it’s time to put the pencil down not even knowing if you’ve done anything meaningful so you can go clock into work, I will remember this, I swear.
Today was hard and lonely. I don’t feel so alone now. Thank you.
…I, too, feel I am a writer who doesn’t write, even when the desire and call to write is strong. And yet there are times when the words write themselves through me. Another reminder to get out of my way and show up, willing, open, and let “it” flow.
I am a writer (like literally as in at a digital ad agency) ~ but it bugs me how I pause for a bit and say that when someone asks me what I do for a living instead of “I’m an artist” (as in a painter, because literally I am).
We may need a little more than paper and pencil to do what we do but seriously even if we didn’t have anything we could trace our fingers in the dirt or draw on walls with our blood if we had to. Or create things in our heads.
I love today’s post. Thank you so much. I am an artist. And all the stuff I paint and draw that nobody will ever buy or make it to a show, enables me to keep working. Thank you so, so much for telling me this today <3
Keep going, Jill!
Super super thank you so much YL (>^-^)> I really needed that <3 Thank you ^_^*
Can’t agree more!
Everything is built around the work. Without the work there is nothing. Get your hour in every day. Keep working! You’re the man Steve!
Nice one, Steve. I love it 🙂
This minute I told someone headhunting me for a job, I’m a writer.
I am.
Sometimes It takes hitting rock-bottom before were able to give up Henry Miller’s ghost(ego) and become our authentic selves and do the work that we were put on this earth to do.
Sir, I love you for this. It’s simple; it’s sincere. It’s how I write. One day my story will be public. Mr Pressfield, thank you for believing in the underdog.
I know your post is well intentioned, I just gotta point out that, as a woman, hearing a man say “if you have to take a gig waiting tables at Hooters, it’s okay” makes me cringe. To me, it comes across a little bit like “well, if you’ve gotta let yourself be objectified to survive, that’s acceptable”. I feel you could have used a more neutral choice of establishment.
Only through working are our voices of doubt cleared. In some of Steven’s books he alludes to the fact that we have to finish simply to show and prove ourselves wrong, let alone anyone else.
Beautiful post
For most of what I write, I am my first reader. And often the only reader.
Sure, I’d like an audience. With or without an audience, I write.
Thank you, Steve, and I am glad I am here.
keep working and happy
I am not a writer. Always wanted to be an artist; but chose to give to a family instead. I find Steve’s blogs amazing. And am so renewed by everyone’s positive, uplifting comments. All your struggles remind me that this is life. We are all swimming up river like the salmon. Life is a struggle; but that resistance thing is a heavy weight. Wishing everyone well. Keep swimming up river. We all need each other. Thank you for so much honesty and vulnerability.
Thank you for this, Steve…as usual, perfect timing! I have only recently begun feeling comfortable calling myself a writer “publicly” (along with daring to call myself an “artist”). A dear writer friend told me many years ago that if you write, you are a writer (indicating that it didn’t matter if you were published or recognized — basically, if you did the work, that alone made you a writer). I always kept that sentiment in my heart, especially during difficult times when I felt like giving up because I didn’t feel I was making any worthwhile progress. Thanks again for sharing your wisdom and advice with us.
Just found your book The war of art in my bookcase! So timely. Facing up to my demons and going for it first day tomorrow. Resistance is there but I feel supported and comforted with my newly found muses. Thanks Steven x
I say to myself, I’m not writing my novel or screenplay. Maybe I’m not really a writer. Then I just spent the last hour writing, revising, and editing lengthy Facebook replies. Then revising again and editing again. Then reading over for a third or fourth time so I don’t come off sounding like an idiot. Then reviewing the words even after I posted it and changing that one word which shifts the meaning. Yeah, I’m not a writer.
Andy Krause, of course you’re a writer. I’m not saying it, your writing resistance says it.
I feel my bad English, my language is that of Miguel de Cervantes 🙂
Thank you all so much!
Thank you for the call to action.
I made a simple visual here:
Keep working!
Thank you so much for posting this. I’ve written many stories, but only a few that I feel might be worth developing into something, and I thought that made me a failure. I always learn something from each story, both about writing and about myself, so I’ve always been grateful for each story, but I thought only having a few of many that might be worthwhile made me the failure. This gives me a positive way to look at things. Thank you.
Love this. I heard somewhere once: there is safety in the work. I love that idea. The work is its own reward. Of course, for me, it doesn’t always feel that way… until after I’ve put in the work.
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What a refreshing take on the writer’s life! It’s true, all you need is a pencil and paper—no drama or auditions required. Speaking of creativity, if you’re in the mood for some fun, don’t miss out on Pokerogue, the thrilling online game that puts your strategic skills to the test. Check out the Pokerogue wiki to dive deeper into its fascinating world! Grateful for articles like this that celebrate the simple joys of writing.
This article provides a wonderfully refreshing take on the writer’s life, highlighting how all you truly need is a pencil and paper – no drama or auditions required. That’s such a liberating and inspiring perspective. And speaking of creativity and fun, if you’re in the mood to put your strategic skills to the test, I’d highly recommend checking out Pokerouge, the thrilling online game that blends classic poker mechanics with engaging roguelike elements. Be sure to explore the Pokerouge wiki to dive deeper into the game’s fascinating world. I’m grateful for thought-provoking articles like this one that celebrate the simple joys and fulfillment that can be found in the writing process.
Being a writer is empowering; you only need a pencil and paper to create. Whether you’re producing novels or screenplays, the work is yours, regardless of recognition or payment. Keep crafting your art, much like playing the Slope Game where every move teaches you patience and strategy. The journey matters, so keep writing and learning. Remember, no one can stop you from being a writer.
You’re doing an incredible job! It’s rare to find someone with such a unique perspective on these topics. Thank you for creating this space—it’s exactly what I needed, filled with fresh ideas and constantly evolving