Writing Wednesdays

Elizabeth Gilbert’s TED Talk

By Steven Pressfield |

I was in the middle of writing Eat, Pray, Love, and I fell into one of those sort of pits of despair … [and] I started to think I should just dump this project. But then I remembered Tom [Waits] talking to the open air [when inspiration for a song hit him while he was driving on the freeway and had no way to record it] and I tried it. So I just lifted my face up from the manuscript and I directed my comments to an empty corner of the room. And I said aloud, “Listen you, thing, you and I both know that if this book isn’t…

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The Unlived Life

By Steven Pressfield |

I started The War of Art with this thought:

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First Drafts are Killers

By Steven Pressfield |

You could join the Foreign Legion. You could cross Antarctica on foot.

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Killer Instinct, Part Two

By Steven Pressfield |

I have a friend who runs a literary agency in Hollywood. She represents screenwriters. I was having lunch with her a few weeks ago and I asked her, “Is there any one mistake you find your writers making over and over?”

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Killer Instinct, Part One

By Steven Pressfield |

I’ve been doing a video series on social media called “The Warrior Archetype.” One of the points I’m trying to make is that exterior virtues that we often associate with soldiers and physical combatants can also be called upon by you and me as we fight the interior “war of art.”

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Historical Fiction, #1

By Steven Pressfield |

I was watching Shakespeare’s Henry V the other night (the Kenneth Branagh film version from 1989) and it got me thinking about historical fiction and why I write it. At least one of the reasons.

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Get to True Identity

By Steven Pressfield |

We’ve talked in recent weeks about the story-defining concept of

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A COVID-spawned enterprise

By Steven Pressfield |

When the coronavirus first hit, I thought to myself, “How can I help? People are facing tremendous new psychological and emotional challenges. What can I share? How can I contribute?”

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Mystery = Heart of Darkness

By Steven Pressfield |

Remember the principle we were examining a few months ago?

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Get to “I Love You” with One Character

By Steven Pressfield |

Far from Heaven (2002) is not an all-time great movie, but I confess I love it. Almost entirely for the ending, which to me is devastating.

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Start with this War of Art [27-minute] mini-course. It's free. The course's five audio lessons will ground you in the principles and characteristics of the artist's inner battle.

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