Writing Wednesdays

The Price of the Artist’s Journey

By Steven Pressfield |

The First Rule of Artist’s Journey is this: However hard you think it will be, the reality is ten times harder.

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The Mind-Set of the Artist’s Journey

By Steven Pressfield |

When we embark on the artist’s journey, we take control of our lives.

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Coming Out

By Steven Pressfield |

Why are so many gay people artists? Because their sexual orientation (within the context of the fears and prejudices of contemporary mainstream society) has forced them to come to grips with an identity that clashes head-on with the norm.

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The Amnesiac’s Story

By Steven Pressfield |

The individual on the threshold of the artist’s journey is like the protagonist in an amnesiac story. I love these. Total Recall, The Bourne Identity and its sequels, and my fave of a couple of years ago, The Hangover.

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Be Brave or Be Stupid

By Steven Pressfield |

Here’s Philip Roth on the subject of beginning a novel:

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Authenticity and Power

By Steven Pressfield |

Power comes from authenticity. When we hear an artist or a politician, a warrior or an advocate speak from her true center, we feel her power. Even Lady Gaga, whose public persona is as artificially contrived as it is possible to be, is authentic in her artificiality.  

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A Writing Retreat With Me

By Steven Pressfield |

Finally, the details have been settled. The one-day Writing Retreat will take place on September 7, a Saturday, at the Zuma Orchid Ranch in Malibu, California.

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How the Artist Finds Herself

By Steven Pressfield |

The artist and entrepreneur find their authentic selves not by whom they love or hate, or what they believe, or what feats they perform.

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Learning and Unlearning

By Steven Pressfield |

The process of finding our own voice is not one of learning, but of unlearning. Not of acquiring baggage but of jettisoning it.

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Story and Understory

By Steven Pressfield |

One of my favorite scenes in movies of the past few years is the Frozen Park Bench scene in the first of the Jason Bourne movies—The Bourne Identity.

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Start with this War of Art [27-minute] mini-course. It's free. The course's five audio lessons will ground you in the principles and characteristics of the artist's inner battle.

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