Steven Pressfield

How Alone Are We?

By Steven Pressfield |

One of the reasons a community of writers and artists is important, even a virtual one like our Writing Wednesdays, is because each of us is, in our work, essentially ALONE.

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My Favorite Prompt

By Steven Pressfield |

Preparing to host a writing retreat got me thinking about writing prompts, i.e. the “assignment” you and I might be given if we attended a writing workshop.

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A Class With Me

By Steven Pressfield |

Except one time—in Nashville in 2019—I’ve never taught a live class.

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Just Write the Damn Thing #3

By Steven Pressfield |

There’s another reason why plunging in can help us more than outlining or doing a treatment or engaging in some other prep action.

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The Writer’s Voice

By Steven Pressfield |

How do you find your writer’s voice? A lot of humbug has been written on this subject. The myth is that in finding that voice, the writer achieves a kind of personal enlightenment. She discovers “who she really is.”

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By Steven Pressfield |

Yesterday I finished a book I’ve been working on for two and a half years—a sequel to A Man at Arms (2021). I sent the manuscript off to my agent and to some friends who have a movie option on the previous book.

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By Steven Pressfield |

Before 1972, women were not allowed to compete in U.S. Polo Assn. games. Sue Sally Hale didn’t go for that.

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Sit Without Hope

By Steven Pressfield |

I had a meditation teacher once who instructed us, her students, to

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A Practice Is Not a Means to an End

By Steven Pressfield |

The idea of a practice is not a particularly Western one.

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Report From the Trenches, #20

By Steven Pressfield |

A further update from the front … I reported a few weeks ago about the experience of massive self-doubt on a new fiction piece I’m just starting. This has been superseded in the past week or two by a period that I’m sure we’re all depressingly familiar with:

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Start with this War of Art [27-minute] mini-course. It's free. The course's five audio lessons will ground you in the principles and characteristics of the artist's inner battle.

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