Writing Wednesdays

The Intersection of Necessity and Free Will

By Steven Pressfield |

“What I have tried to do is follow the dictates of Necessity. This is the solitary god I revere and, in my opinion, the only god that exists. Man’s predicament is that he dwells at the intersection of Necessity and free will. What distinguishes statesmen, as Themistocles and Pericles, is their gift to perceive Necessity’s dictates in advance of others—as Themistocles saw that Athens must become a sea power and Pericles that naval supremacy prefigures empire. That course of individual or nation aligned with Necessity must prove irresistible.”

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“Don’t Look Back and Don’t Look Down”

By Steven Pressfield |

This is a powerful mantra for any of us launching upon a long-form creative or entrepreneurial enterprise, e.g. writing a book, starting a business venture, trying to get our daughter into Harvard.

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Practice = Professional

By Steven Pressfield |

We were talking a few weeks ago about Seth Godin’s new book, The Practice.

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Recommending Rich Roll

By Steven Pressfield |

I want to recommend a podcast to you. This is actually the only podcast I save every time and the only one I never miss. 

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Ryan Holiday’s “Lives of the Stoics”

By Steven Pressfield |

I’m going to recommend another book today. You may think, eyeballing the title, that it could have no place within our “writer’s bookshelf.” But it should sit, believe me, front and center.

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Notes from the Inner War

By Steven Pressfield |

My girlfriend Diana and I were shooting a video for the “Warrior Archetype” series when we came upon this charming country cottage.

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Seth Godin’s “The Practice”

By Steven Pressfield |

There are certain books that we all should have on our Writer’s Bookshelf. Here’s one that I can’t recommend highly enough:

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The Idea for “A Man at Arms”

By Steven Pressfield |

Readers ask me sometimes if there’s any individual character among all those I’ve written with whom I identify most. 

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Alone in a Room, Wearing a Mask

By Steven Pressfield |

The following is from an interview with the writer and director Paul Schrader (“Taxi Driver,” “Raging Bull,” “Light Sleeper,” “First Reformed”) from the L.A. Times, September 13, 2020.

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Alexander the Great and the Two Levels

By Steven Pressfield |

I felt at home in Egypt. I could happily have been a priest. In truth I am a warrior-priest, who marches where God directs him, in the service of Necessity and Fate. Nor is such a notion vain or self-infatuated. Consider: Persia’s time has passed. In the Invisible World, Darius’ empire has already fallen. Who am I, except the agent of that end, which already exists in the Other World and at whose birth I assist in this one?  

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Start with this War of Art [27-minute] mini-course. It's free. The course's five audio lessons will ground you in the principles and characteristics of the artist's inner battle.

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