Writing Wednesdays

Reinforcement and Self-Reinforcement

By Steven Pressfield |

Let me start with an overstatement: For writers and artists, the ability to self-reinforce is more important than talent. What exactly is reinforcement? It’s when your coach or your mentor or your spouse tugs you aside and tells you how well you are doing, and how proud of you they are, and how certain ultimate success is if you just keep doing what you’re doing. That’s reinforcement. What’s self-reinforcement? It’s when you do the exact same thing for yourself. Let me rephrase my original overstatement by quoting my (fictional) literary agent, 96-year-old Marty Fabrikant: “Talent is bullshit. I seen a…

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A Map of the Unknown World

By Steven Pressfield |

I’m reading a wonderful book (thanks, Bill Wickman, for turning me onto it) called Bugles and a Tiger, My Life in the Ghurkas by John Masters. This is the kind of book I absolutely devour—a straight-ahead memoir, no plot, no characters, just an absolutely true account of a fascinating life experience, in this case the tale of a young Brit who served in India in the 30s in a legendary Ghurka battalion. What exactly is a Ghurka? The Ghurkas are Nepalese peasantry. Modest of stature, often illiterate, incredibly hardy and brave, loyal, dedicated and true, they have covered themselves with…

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What Works and What Doesn’t

By Steven Pressfield |

I wrote in last week’s post that I would have to kill myself if I couldn’t write. That wasn’t hyperbole. Here in no particular order are the activities and aspirations that don’t work for me (and I’ve tried them all extensively, as I imagine you have too if you’ve logged onto this blog.)

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Being Ignored

By Steven Pressfield |

If you’re a working writer struggling to get published (or published again) or wrestling with the utility or non-utility of self-publishing, you may log onto this blog and think, Oh, Pressfield’s got it made; he’s had real-world success; he’s a brand. Trust me, it ain’t necessarily so. I don’t expect to be reviewed by the New York Times. Ever. The last time was 1998 for Gates of Fire. The War of Art was never reviewed, The Lion’s Gate never. My other seven novels never. My recent novel, The Knowledge, came out a while ago. It was reviewed nowhere by no…

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It Ain’t Pretty

By Steven Pressfield |

About a year ago I wrote a series of posts titled “Report From the Trenches.” They were about a particularly ugly run of months when I was struggling to make a book-in-progress work. The good news is that in the end (I think) the process succeeded. The bad news is I’m back in that same place on the next book. I never learn. I forget each time how back-breaking it was the time before. One of my favorite movies of the past few years is Margin Call, written and directed by J.C. Chandor. It’s roughly about the market crash of 2008,…

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It All Starts With the Writer

By Steven Pressfield |

The actress reads a book or screenplay and says, “I want to do this.” We applaud her vision. The editor discovers a manuscript and publishes it. We salute his taste. The director, the producer, the financier find a hot property and scoop it up. We give ’em an award. I’m not saying these artists don’t deserve their plaudits. All I’m saying is It all begins with the writer. The fun starts with you and me. Everybody else waits downstream. Everyone else comes late to the party. Others may interpret. They may mount, they may discover, they may finance, underwrite, refine,…

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Small. Simple. Powerful.

By Callie Oettinger |

This week I received a postcard from Chewy.com. It was handwritten and hand-addressed. It was personalized. It led me to place another order.

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“This Will Change Your Life.” Really?

By Steven Pressfield |

  If you’re an aspiring writer (or even an established one), you’ve seen websites and seminars and workshops that promise to “help you write a bestseller.” I’ve read and attended some of these myself. And I’ve learned from them. They haven’t been a complete waste. But let’s dig a little deeper and ask ourselves what’s going on in our minds when we buy into such a promise. “Bestseller” in this lexicon equals “success.” The promise between the lines is   “This will change your life”   Fill in the blanks for what you imagine that means. Money. Fame. A better…

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Ins and Outs in a Love Story

By Steven Pressfield |

Remember The Way We Were, the 1973 blockbuster starring-vehicle for Barbra Streisand and Robert Redford? The theme song, sung by Babs, won an Oscar; the film itself was rated by AFI as #6 on the list of Greatest Love Stories of All Time. But let’s focus, you and I, on the THEME and how it is expressed in the Opening and Closing Images. Remember our third rule of In and Outs Club: The opening and closing images must be on-theme. The In to The Way We Were is the titles sequence. It’s a montage of quick scenes of students at…

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“I Believe in America . . . “

By Steven Pressfield |

“I believe in America. America has made my fortune. And I raised my daughter in the American fashion … “ These are the opening lines of The Godfather. They’re spoken in extreme closeup by the undertaker Bonasera in a heavy Italian accent. Bonasera speaks out of deep shadow. He recounts with painful emotion how his beautiful young daughter, defending her honor, was brutally beaten by two young men, “not Italians,” whom the American courts subsequently let go free. The camera slowly pulls back as Bonasera relates his daughter’s woe, until the frame has widened enough that we begin to see…

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Start with this War of Art [27-minute] mini-course. It's free. The course's five audio lessons will ground you in the principles and characteristics of the artist's inner battle.

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