Steven Pressfield

The Hero in “A Man at Arms”

By Steven Pressfield |

In our previous two posts, we examined several embryonic elements as they came together at the inception of an idea for a novel. 

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The McGuffin in “A Man at Arms”

By Steven Pressfield |

We’ve talked in earlier posts about “the McGuffin,” i.e. the item or person that the villain wants. Let’s examine this today in terms of the genesis of A Man at Arms.

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The Genesis of “A Man at Arms”

By Steven Pressfield |

My niece Meredith was getting married. She asked me to be the officiant.

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Lawrence of Arabia’s Private Moment

By Steven Pressfield |

Can you stand one more post about Private Moments?

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Show ’em where the bullets strike

By Steven Pressfield |

I never realized till I worked on movie sets that it’s not the director who shoots most of the action stuff. It’s the Second Unit Director. (Not always, but most of the time.)

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CBS This Morning

By Steven Pressfield |

The tale of Telamon in A Man at Arms is one I’ll never tire of.

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Pike decides to die

By Steven Pressfield |

William Holden plays Pike Bishop, the leader of the “Wild Bunch,” in the 1969 movie of the same name. He has one of the all-time great Private Moments toward the end of the final reel.

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Are You Too Scared to Sell Yourself?

By Steven Pressfield |

I am. The illustration below is by the renowned and redoubtable Victor Juhasz. It expresses exactly the way I feel when a book is done and it’s time to get out and sell it.

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The Power of a Private Moment

By Steven Pressfield |

Why is a Private Moment so powerful in a book or movie?

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Thank You, Tom Guinzburg

By Steven Pressfield |

My original manuscript for Gates of Fire, back in 1996, was 802 pages long.

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